What happened to "Calender"?

Please please bring back “Calender” page. It was the easiest place to check what’s on everyday.

Thank you very much.


I believe you’re referring to “TV Guide” (screenshot) as shown below…

I agree. It’d be good to have it back. :raised_hand: :pray:
Wonder why Viki removed it…:thinking: We used to be able to check what’s on schedule for 2 weeks at a time… :disappointed:


Viki discontinued TV Guide and so far it will not come back, this missing TV Guide was frequently discussed here in March. There is now only “Latest release” option on the main viki website, you can choose to click on Watchlist to find your preferred dramas and clicking on the bell next to it, will send you notification when a new episode is available.
Good luck.


Thank you. Exactly… It made it so easy & simple to navigate through the site.


At least, on ■■■■■■■ front page, it shows all the dramas with the episodes you are on currently & you just have to click the link. please please add something like that here as well. Thank you very much.

We already have that. :woman_shrugging:t3: