What is the meaning of your username and why did you pick it?

I reduced my gifs, does this make it better? Did I misunderstood your post?

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Oh gosh, Daktari yes I watched this too and it was quite popular with the animalsā€¦ @lutra did you watched this as well? So thatā€™s means Bozoli must be also belong to the baby boomers club, or not?? :wink:


I watched Daktari, but not as much I was a really sensitive kid, I did not like to watch the series Flipper, Lassie, ā€¦ It was hard for me to handle, when someone was kicking an animal or worse. I just couldnā€™t handle it. But I loved the movie ā€œTreueā€, I forgot the original title, about a horse and the long way home.


lol nope youā€™ve made it better !!!

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An early millennial here :upside_down_face: But our (back then) Yugoslavian TV had all sorts of classic gems, such as M.A.S.H and Monty Python :blush: I feel really lucky that I grew up back when TV had true substance and there was a team of people who chose carefully what to buy and show on TV. As opposed to today where selection is based less on quality and more on the content amount, price and foreseen popularity.



Classified information found in a kimchi jar buried in the back yard of a charcuterie board maker indicates that Discobot has created Discobrat, a clone of itself that apparently has gone rogue and thinks it is a hard-hitting newspaper editor from the 1950s.

Sorry to learn Discobrat has deemed your quote ineligible for a Pulitzer Prize. Professional jealousy is such an ugly thing.


(from Paste Magazine)


Loved Daktari as a kid. It was one reason my sisters and I got homework done and got a bath and got ready for bed in a hurry. If we did all those things quickly, then we got to watch the program uninterrupted.


When the system attacks :joy: incognito! :man_detective:
Does it have a thing against cats perhaps??
When I see discobot so colorfully displayed among the fans :rofl::sob: I donā€™t know what to think :joy::sob::sob::rofl:
Screenshots_2021-06-25-00-36-50 Screenshot_20210624-155116_(2) Screenshot_20210624-155116_(1)


It may be time for group counseling or an intervention or something . . .




So adorbs, the first twin waited so patiently, over 5 minutes!!! And still shared her gifts :blush::blush::blush: The second twin :joy: she was a riot :rofl: she made sure she demolished her banana :banana:
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: The baby boy, and the banana :banana: was priceless. I just knew he was gonna stay under the table :rofl:



My Viki username is one of my nicknames in real life, so it was rather a simple choice when I opened my account 9+ years ago.

Re: your choice, Piranna isnā€™t bad at all! Personally, I have always had a liking for funny usernames. They pick your interest, and you tend to remember them.

Below are some of my suggestions:
- PixieDust
- PigBenis (with a rapid play on words, it sounds like something else)
- PumpkinPi
- PippiShortstocking (Remember Pippi Longstocking?)
- PyjamasDramaMama
- OctoPi

Brain-fogged at the moment. If I think of anything else, Iā€™ll add it.

Take care!



Have you seen this fun thread? So, what is the meaning of your username, and why did you choose it? :blush:


I am a ā€œfrustrated writerā€, I also come from ā€œAtlantisā€ so my thoughts arenā€™t a good thing, lose the train of thought and so on, so a frustrated writer I am


Hello everyone :hugs:

I have lots of online usernames because of online games (World of Warcraft) and I literally didnā€™t know which one I should pick, so it reminded me a little of Wei Wuxian and his sword ā€œsuibianā€ from ā€œThe Untamedā€, which was my first asian drama and thanks to it, I found my way into this amazing world of C-Drama/K-Drama.

It was translated to ā€œwhateverā€ and yeah thatā€™s the story how I choose my nickname and the ā€œ92ā€ is the year of my birth :smiley:


Well, my usenname is soooo typical for a mom, like me. Iā€™ am a mom of twins and my username is a combination of my childrenā€™s names in Greek (stef + art). In Greece the tradition calls for children being named after grandparents. Boys usually take the name of the fatherā€™s father and girlā€™s the name of the maternal grandmother. This is a tradition that is still widely respected in Greece. But, my husband and I decided to ā€œrebelā€ :rofl: against our families, when we found out we were expecting twins (a boy and a girl). So the boy was named after the first Christian martyr, honoring the religious Greek tradition (and my husbandā€™s and my favourite socker player :grin:) and the girl was named after the ancient goddess of hunting and chastity to honor the Greek mythology and ancient tradition.
Well, the number 798 was just randomnly picked!


Traditionally this custom exists in the Netherlands too, although itā€™s becoming less and less common. The second daughter would be named after the fatherā€™s mother, the second son would be named after the motherā€™s father and if there were any more children they would be named after uncles and aunts.


It seems @leerla73 invited me here to share my story about my username :grin:

In school one of my friends always called me Lis and another friend somehow always used the English pronunciation of my actual name, so I decided to go on and spell it as Liz (also I thought everybody would know how to pronounce it as of Liz Taylor, but I have been proofen wrong).
As I was setting up my Instagram (I think it was that) I thought about old usernames I used or things that I liked, but those things are always changing, and I thought I would share a part of me on it if I upload pictures and so on. So I choose just to ad someof to my already existing nickname, because it is something of me. Thatā€™s how I created someofliz and I use it on almost all platforms Iā€™m new on. Most of the time itā€™s still available, except for TikTok there I had to switch the o for a 0 :sweat_smile:


Fun fact, I used to be a big BTS fanā€¦I made this account around that time and Taehyung was my bias so I named my account ā€œeVANTEā€ for his artist name. but coincidentally, my grandmotherā€™s favorite name for a girl (if she ever had one lol) would be to name her Evadne. I think itā€™s a greek name with the meaning of well or good. I also love the name Evadne, and after I began to like another kpop group Seventeen, and didnā€™t care for BTS as much, I figured I would keep my username just because. But now I think of my username as Evadne after my grandmother :slight_smile:


I just love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Each personā€™s story is so unique, regardless of the reason. :blush::+1:t5:Thanks for accepting the invite :grin: