Why can't segmenters secure their QC status?

It was already a known fact that segmenters are highly underpaid and that it is hard to renew QC status with segmenting alone. But what makes it even harder is that while you are working to renew your status, others can keep undoing your work. Now it turns out that even when you have already reached your quotum, you still go back to “your status expires in X days” mode as soon as some of your hard-earned segments get deleted by someone.
This is completely unfair. Even if those segments for whatever reason get deleted, we still worked for them. The way things are now, segmenters can keep on renewing their status for eternity while they already earn less contributions in the first place. Once QC status is renewed, it should stay that way, no matter what is done to our segments.


I often think about those who does Adjust only… They work as hard as any other here on Viki and they get nothing… Seggers sadly doesn’t have the same status as othere’s even though a subtitel can’t exist without a segment. :green_heart: Viki should change the system…


Indeed. If the work of a subber gets corrected, they don’t lose anything. Their subs will be out of sight, but they still exist and count to their contributions.
I’m an English editor too, but at the moment, I’m only having segmenting jobs. I was relieved to have renewed my QC status this morning, only to find out later in the day that it was undone again, just because I lost a few contributions. It also happened while I was still working on renewing, but I thought that at least when renewing was completed, my status would be safe…


I’m Swedish moderator that’s how I get free Viki but the thing I love doing the most is working on segments (nowadays A&C E+P because segmenting from scratch is like seeing a unicorn). If I wasn’t an active mod this would be the year I started paying for Viki again… The system really needs to be changed when it comes to counting points for seggers.


That’s for sure. @vikicommunity @brendas

And imagine that they just ask us to not lose their precious paid (yet not good) or automatized presubs… often we have more trouble solving their messed up presubs than doing everything by ourselves, and yet we can’t even secure our QC status since we just get a few contribution points :dotted_line_face:


I have seen segmenters needlessly splitting a segment only to gain one contribution. And then of course the person in charge goes and joins the segment again because it shouldn’t have been split in the first place.
Not saying that everybody does that, by all means. But I’ve seen it a lot.

I get it that they do it out of despair, because their hard job doesn’t get recognized by Viki, which is totally unfair and I agree with that wholeheartedly. But resorting to such subterfuges is not correct either!


Most segger doesn’t abuse the system, if you do I don’t think CS invites you to the team again.

I have seen some horrible subs and segments as a segger (before the seggers and the editors has done magic) and I have sometimes wondered how and what the person that made them where thinking…
Everyone on Viki is needed and should get the same credit for what they do, if I sit for an hour or two because of really bad segment and get 5 or 8 contribution, is that really fair? I like segments but it shouldn’t sound good to anyone.


and i still wonder why i did go through this 5 levels, when I can´t segment something, like i learned and want…


One reason can be that you can do A&C and save the person watching from a bad experience, bad segments and gaps can destroy a movie/series for me.


Nowadays seggers mostly merge segments anyway. Most contributions come from merging subs in several languages, not so much from segments themselves.


Now try getting badges from segmenting. I have 44k segments but I don’t see myself earning the 50k badge anymore, let alone the new segmenters :melting_face:


Abusers should be dealt with separately. Why let all segmenters suffer just for the chance that a few people might do unethical things? The system itself should be fair and not punish us by default.


But those subs also get lost when the segments they are in get deleted. So whether our contributions are subs or segments, as a segmenter, we always risk losing them and with that our QC status.


It would be better if Viki divided dramas and movies between paid translators and volunteers. So that what the paid translators did, the volunteers don’t touch. But so that the volunteers get dramas on which they can segment and translate as before. :wink:


Note, I’m not very experienced in all the situations one can find themselves segmenting.

Since segmenters never delete translations, I’m assuming the only two situations where this can happen are following:

  1. segmenter did A&P, while their CS did A&C after them.
  2. while doing A&C, segmenter left segments too short for CS’s taste.

Both seem to be solvable by communicating with the CS.

On top of deleted segments issue, the contribution counter is not counting perfectly. It usually cuts down on the number of our contributions.

As for the difference between contribution counting between subbers and seggers, we have discussed this issue long and wide plenty of times before. Seems to me Viki doesn’t want to invest in reprogramming the contribution counter to account every change to segments as a contribution. After all, if a subber gets one contribution more because of adding or deleting a letter in one subtitle, then a segmenter should get one contribution more for adjusting a segment by 0,1 millisecond.


If the segmenter created credit segments and the CS decides to replace them, the segmenter loses both the segments and the subs inside them.
And the CS is not the only one whose 'taste" we are dealing with. The CE can also request for segments to be deleted, combined or split.

That part, yes, but not the fact that segmenters can actually have the renewal of their QC status reversed when some of their contributions get deleted. That information is new to me and I think that that is the main topic of this thread.


The Viki seems to be trying to get rid of volunteers because they changed a lot and it was all about losing volunteers, whether it was a segmenter or a translator.


Would the volunteers then have some nice drama? Some films already arrive with a subscription and we can’t do them in America, which was not the case before.


[quote=“bozoli, post:15, topic:53090”]
Since segmenters never delete translations,[/quote]

I’m a bit of a segmenter, I work with several CS and each works differently, but well, it doesn’t bother me, except when I get one or two segments from one finished episode, and that’s if I’m lucky enough to grab the first or fourth part. :melting_face:


I wanted to sign up to learn and become a segmenter, but for one or two segments per episode, it’s not interesting at all.