No site that I can find has a U.S. license for these.
Scarlet Heart Ryeo
City Hunter
There are others, but this is all I can think of at the moment.
No site that I can find has a U.S. license for these.
Scarlet Heart Ryeo
City Hunter
There are others, but this is all I can think of at the moment.
♀ Hi! @porkypine90_261
! !
Drama Fever (no longer around), formerly Soompi, is where I’d watched Scarlet Heart Ryeo, and Viki acquired their licensed works.
It is quite shocking that City Hunter is nowhere to be found, except a dvd on Amazon, going for almost $100USD
It is possible a local or (main) library will have the drama for free loan though, libraries here are open for loan, and returning items.
This provided info about the show I was looking for, now to find if it’s available online to sumptuously enjoy re-watching in it’s entirety! (◕ᴗ◕✿) otherwise, I’ll have to resort to loaning from the ever reliable library of books, and all things intellectual!
( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Ahhh no. Not here in Idaho. The library here lacks a lot but then again, the Pocatello main library is fairly small. Boise library may have it but that’s a 4 hour drive each way.
Uhmmm. . . In that case, let’s hope someone see your request, and know where online it can be watched.
I’d recommend youtube, but other than movies, it’s hard to find all episodes of a drama on one channel, on youtube.
Let’s keep hunting for City Hunter (there I go again), and Scarlet Heart Ryeo, and keep putting in those request forms for them, here on Viki!
Like I did below
Yea. I do that every month for all my no license shows!
The channel is still there, so either some region still has a license, or Viki has not given up getting another license. Good luck!
Okay, thank you!
This is to be noted by all who read this thread.
Going forward, we are now empowered and can make well informed choices!!
The Pre-quel just wrapped!! ♀ July 25, 2021!!
I never thought I’d need to post again, about anything related to Fox Volant of Snowy Mountain!!
Thanks to Marcus!! It starts at 3:13 to 4:23 ☜ (❛‿❛*)
Samsaengi One of my pre-Viki watch. I am so stoked to find it on YT, and with English subs! I used to get up at all hours to catch a few episodes. I watched it on my mini TV using an antenna reception. I caught lots of Asian shows, on the local channels such as ICNTV, iNTD, CGTN, or WMBC channels. Watch the trailer, and Samsaengi in this playlist below.
I’m a little late to the party but I did request to see if Viki could bring back City Hunter. This was about a month ago. I haven’t had a reply not that I actually expected one. I have found a couple of wild feeds/streams on the internet but the quality was iffy as was the captioning. I’ll probably never get to see that one as I am not willing to drop tons of $$$ for the CD.
You used the request form? That is what you normally do, that’s why I am a bit surprised about you thinking about a reply, because this form is anonymously given.
Yes, I used the form. No biggie. I wasn’t looking for a reply anyway. Thanks!
They require a large number of requests for a certain region to bring a show back I remember plaguing that website for days, submitting forms almost every day for a drama… others might have done it too, because we got it in a month! I’m Not A Robot, too.
Naw, they may have already been in the process for getting the “I’m Not A Robot, too” license
Is now licensed on Viki✓ Thanks! iria360, teufelchen_netty_266, and jadecloud88!
Fox Volant , August 31, 2022, 40 episodes, Tencent.
Smile Donghae, now titled Smile Again, is back on Viki. This is one of my earliest watched shows, prior to discovering the Viki website, and later App.
Below are shows fans heart, and want them on Viki. Some, we just want them back on Viki. Fill out the form to request.
Viki’s Request A Show form (。◕‿◕。)➜👇🏾
Update: I was able to watch City Hunter as well as Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo on another streamer. Color me happy.