429 Too Many Requests

For me, the biggest culprit is far and away the Viki contributor inbox. I’ve never experienced it here at Discussions, but I can’t speak for everyone else.


Thanks for elaboring, @teufelchen_netty_266 !

Hi, @my_happy_place ! Thanks for sharing as well. :heart:

It would be immensely helpful if I can give the team as much info as possible.

I know the following is a lot, but may I ask you to answer the following info for me? (to everyone - please feel free to share your responses as well!) ty!!

  • What browser / browser version are you using?
  • Where are you located? (just in case it’s location driven)
  • Can you describe the scenario for each of the features that makes this error come up?
  • For example: What actions are being done in Viki Inbox that will prompt this error?
  • What about the dashboard, project finder, etc?
  • Does this happen all the time with every use or does it happen randomly? e.g. Is there a particular time of day when you notice this is happening?
  • Can you include a screen shot of the exact error for me? [noting what mas4 shared as well!)

Thank you in advance!!!


Hi Brenda,

Thank you so much for helping with this issue!

These are my answers to the questions:

  • Chrome (laptop) + Safari (phone) – happens on both
  • United States (Midwest)
  • Scenarios: Just trying to reload the inbox will cause the error to occur as well as scrolling through the inbox or opening messages
  • It most noticeably impacts the inbox, but I have also found the error to occur while going to my contributions page (ie. clicking on the badges or “see all” for “Projects”). It also happens when I try to go to the project finder. Typically once it happens for one of the pages, it also occurs for the others.
  • I typically come on to Viki at various times throughout the day, but they seem to be pretty consistent and happens at least once per visit.

Pictures with the URL:
Screen Shot 2024-06-25 at 10.08.37 PM
Screen Shot 2024-06-25 at 9.59.11 PM
Screen Shot 2024-06-25 at 9.59.19 PM


Thanks @brendas for helping out, here are my replies:

  • What browser / browser version are you using? Chrome (latest version) and Safari (latest version)
  • Where are you located? Belgium
  • Can you describe the scenario for each of the features that makes this error come up? As Xiaofengcanyue said, if I even just scroll through the inbox for too long (trying to find a message), it occurs. If I open too many messages or try to delete any, it occurs.
  • What about the dashboard, project finder, etc? I also get the error if I refresh my dashboard too often. If the error occurs in the inbox, it will spread to all other sites with contributor so dashboard, project finder, even manage channel pages.
  • Does this happen all the time with every use or does it happen randomly? Randomly
  • Can you include a screen shot of the exact error for me?
    Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 06.30.25
    Project finder
    Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 06.31.13
    Manage channel page of a channel where I’m CM
    Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 06.31.38
    Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 06.30.50
    PerksScreenshot 2024-06-26 at 06.35.32
    Leaderboard (it would be great if we could solve this before the subathon starts…)
    Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 06.32.48

And I think I now got all contribute.viki.com sites. For me it does not affect the subtitle timer only the sites starting with contribute.viki.com

  1. Chrome Version 126.0.6478.116
  2. USA
  3. Usually happens in my inbox. If I have many messages to answer or delete. It can happen with 3-5 messages.
  4. If I have many segmenting messages about one drama, I’ll weed them out so I can read my messages that are buried in these notifications. Once I start to delete, poof… I get an error, I refresh, and 429 appears.
  5. It happens ALL THE TIME. No matter when or what time of day.
  6. I’ve never had it appear in the Discussion forum. For me, the culprit is the Viki inbox.

Sadly, I don’t have a screenshot yet, but once it appears, which it will, I’ll add it to this post.


this is new


In order for this not to happen, we need to create a possibility in the inbox where we can classify our messages, by having a basket where we can send unnecessary messages but which will not be destroyed later. But when the basket is full with one click, we can empty it or delete everything. Also that we can classify other messages, let’s say we can create groups for ourselves: and the possibility to personalize each group: (moderators), (segmenters) (translators)…and so on. That from each of these groups we have the possibility to send an invitation to those we work with by marking them and sending one message to everyone. I’m sure that way we will solve the 429 problem that occurs when a person wants to send multiple messages or cancel multiple messages. This way we will also save the time we spend opening each message to see if it is important.



Here is my info:

Browser: Edge, most current version

Location: USA, west coast

Scenario: Just about any task within the Viki mailbox: scrolling too quickly, opening consecutive messages too quickly, deleting several messages in a row, etc. For example, yesterday, I opened a message in the main inbox, then I noticed I had an announcement message, so I clicked to switch folders and then clicked on the message, but the error came up when I tried to open the message. There seems to be a time factor involved, because the faster I do things, the more likely the error will pop up. If I count a couple long seconds between any action, I seem to avoid encountering the error (but I should not have to do this). And once the error arises, I must wait about 10 minutes before it allows me to do anything further.
What about the dashboard, project finder, etc? I have not had issues here, but I do not interact with these features often.
Timing? It can happen at any time. There is no obvious time of day when it seems most likely.

I will note that my cookies and cache clear automatically each day when I close my browser, so this does not appear to be a contributing factor.

I also do not currently have any screenshots, but I will add some if/when I encounter the error again.

I think we will all appreciate it if this issue can finally be resolved. Thanks for your help.


Browser: Firefox 127.0.1 (64 bits)
Location: France

After reading several messages, I get the following error:

If I click on the blue button (Réessayez = Retry), I see a blank page with error 429:

The following links are then inaccessible:

Hi Brenda,
Thank you for helping out. Here’s my info, hope it can be useful.

  1. Browser: Google Chrome Version 126.0.6478.127
  2. Location: Italy
  3. Scenario: The error occurs after I open or delete 3 to 5 messages from the Viki inbox. The “429 too many requests” page appears and I have to wait 10 minutes before the inbox or the contribute.viki website in general works again.
  4. Actions that cause the error to occur: Opening or deleting messages from the Viki inbox.
  5. What about the dashboard, project finder, etc? After the error occurs they don’t work either because part of the contribute.viki part of the website.
  6. When does it happen: It can happen at any time of the day.
  7. Screenshots:


Here is my info:

Chrome, most current version

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

After reading the fourth message, I received it again 429


Every day something new


On this topic, I can easily answer that this 429 error occures when I had a moderation (I’m an OL moderator). It’s like everyone want to check profil for their teams and a new CM was appointed. So the CM use the email box and check profils > moderator use the email box and check subtitlers applications > subtitlers check those channels to know who is the new moderator for their languages > “too many request” occured there. We all want to check profils, dashboards, contributions in a short time because a new channel was created. Then, those pages crash !! And 429 error shows. I’ve experienced it many times, my only solution is to wait 15min (with a chrono) than I can access again to pages I want. We are really fed up this error because it slows our recruitment for our teams ans slows our launch for episodes.


hello everyone! thank you for answering my call for details. let me consolidate all of this information before passing it to the team. i’ll let you know if more examples are needed. :pray:
just a quick fyi that i am off tomorrow and monday, in case you don’t hear from me!


This is happening to me now.

I can’t even access the reference subtitles or my contributions page! This is the first time this has happened to me.


Thanks for sharing! @brendas, when this occurs it affects all sites starting with contributor, making it difficult to do just that, contribute.


i have this on the dashboard, about me page, my profil, project finder, leaderboard, on the coming soon page, the inbox, etc… you can say the whole page. also most of the times I can´t open more than 3 to 5 pages… error…

even if I want to look who is on the team or when a coming soon drama comes (when it claerly states in so many days)… it doesn´t pop up and shows me how many days. I have to refresh and then error or refresh, refresh, refresh… -.-

I use the newest chrome version or edge. but both browser have this problem.

429 - 2
429 - 3
429 - 4
429 - 5
429 - 7
429 -


I had this yesterday, when I continued watching a drama first error 502 and then when accessing Viki 429… for the first time… either traffic was congested or who knows… I’m on Opera…


and what is this o.o xD
popped up, after I opened my about me page, when I wanted to upgrade it.



I see this all the time in the Team Discussion!!!