About "use old dramas to practice subtitling"

Hi! I’m new to subbing too, and how do I find a mentor or someone that has time for me?

  1. Go into ten recent dramas (from 2020) and find the moderator for your language.
  2. Make a list of the moderators to send a message to (3-5).
  3. Write a message in your native language about:
  • who you are
  • how you want to contribute (not in which dramas, but in what way - as a subtitler, editor, etc. Mention you want a mentor.)
  • what is your previous experience (if any) and
  • what is your motivation for contributing.
    Make sure the message his written using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  1. Wait for an answer from those moderators for at least a week.
  2. If after a week you don’t get any response, which is unlikely, send a message to another 3-5 moderators.

My advice is to always be polite in your communication and not to be picky with your first drama/project. You don’t need to like your first project since your aim right now is just to make some contributions.

Good luck!


Wow, thank you so much for this! I’ll try it out!

thanks, but it’s been years that i’m requesting here and also 2 years on NetFlix. i have the videos with 1080 quality, but no sub and it’s disappointing, besides that The Empress of China also needs subtitle on the 82-Episodes or 96-Episodes version, since the 74-Episodes mainland release is a cutted version and beside cleavages there are lots of Scene that’s been removed.
Also a great drama played by Sun Li “The Lagend of Mi Yue” 2015 drama also has no subtitles and it’s weird, because normally Betty Sun dramas are so popular

Most volunteers on Viki have several projects they are doing because new shows arrive daily. I don’t think you will find volunteers who wish to take on 74, 82 or 96 episodes. One historical show on Viki has only one episode subbed and stayed that way. Our Chinese subtitlers are very, very busy. Look elsewhere. Though our volunteers are unpaid, they are working constantly. NF pays their subbers.

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Do you mean the drama ‘Dae Jo-Young’ from 2006? It has a character named Yeon Gaesomun in it. I’m watching it on another site and when I saw your comment I thought you might be talking about that one. Having this drama on Viki would be nice for the viewers, but I’m not sure if the volunteers would like it because it is a huge drama with 134 one-hour episodes.

I have seen there is indeed a drama called Yeon Gaesomun from 2006-2007 that you were talking about. However, that one has 100 one-hour episodes so I still think

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