Hi guys, I HATE the fact that I even have to write this, but I’m doing it anyway. And I’m writing it here and not at the BL chat (at Discord), because everyone can know it, because I’m always very transparent with my decisions.
I PERSONALLY make the decisions as CM who I bring into the team. That starts with the CS, CE, GE and TE and continues with the language moderators.
I wrote on the channel as well as on Discord in the request that people who don’t get a chance otherwise can apply to me.
As everyone in the BL community should know by now, I do not support these arrangements up front. I am also very transparent with Viki about why I make my decisions the way I do.
I have had personal experience with being offered to be a moderator next time if I choose a certain person as moderator this time. I have also received requests that people XY is responsible for language XY and that I should not choose other people. I have also been reported to Viki by known BL moderators from the German community, because the previously made arrangements probably didn’t work out.
First, I don’t like to be threatened and second, I want to be elected as a moderator because the CMs are convinced of my work as a moderator and not because I prefer someone or offer kidneys and children in return (attention irony). Anyone who doesn’t want to work with me doesn’t have to!
I can also decide as CM how extensive my approval or refusal is to the moderators. I write with each refusal in addition, that you should write to me again if you have questions. I delete the messages because of the clarity, if I have answered. If then on a language server a kind of rushing against me and the moderators is started, then I cannot tolerate that. This strengthens me in my decision to give new people the opportunity next time as well. I also didn’t choose myself as a German moderator because I also want to give new people from the German community the opportunity.
And to make one thing clear. The choice of moderators was made based on the number of BL moderator projects and not whether I like someone or not. I wasn’t interested in how many projects the person currently had, only that it was in the allowed number. I didn’t care if it was an inexperienced moderator or an established team, it was IMPORTANT to me that people get a chance.
So, if you have problems with ME, then talk to me and do not be so COWARDLY and rush behind my back against me!!!