Annoying subtitles that bothers Me/Myself and I/ to see them here at this site

My question here is… Why are there “community” subbers? This is a pay service! They should HIRE people that know the language to sub. I am watching right now “Goblin”, the story did not made sense and is one of the top KDramas, that made me look for other versions with good subs and OMG… the quality of the subs in this series is TRASH!! They ruin the WHOLE series…

One translation insted of just “Here”, it said “Are you an engineer?”, I mean … really???

First of all like I said it is a PAY service, Viki should pay people to do this and they should review the quality of the subs.

For people doing it for free, well, if you are going to help, dont just throw them at Google Translate and thats it… I mean, to do that it takes you 10 min at most to translate a WHOLE episode. Just run it, paste it, use it. And Viki, at least run a quality test on the people subbing, its dumb to let anyone sub an episode.

It says on the webpage “you dont have to know the language” … come on!!!


Here at RViki it’s saying that? If is here at viki site; no wonder the subs suck big time. I read from (a Spanish viewer’s comment) where they wrote that that they couldn’t understand the Spanish subtitles, and had to change back to English subs. Imagine the poor viewers that only knows Spanish, and don’t have the option to change it to English.

I have always suggested they design here at viki a simple testing for the subbers (in any language they apply for) before adding them in the team. There are people that have no respect, and apply for a Language they are not proficient enough to be doing translations/subtitles. The worse part is that you report them, and they don’t remove them and they continue to add their crappy subtitles in many dramas.

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I’m sorry for hijacking this but it is on the same ideea: I usually switch to english subtitles (im a RO reader). I actually wanted to do some subtitle translation (I have seen a lot of shows until now) but I am a self taught in almost everything (including my English).
Right now, and that’s that I said that I am hijacking the tread: I am watching the K2 show. But episode 6 doesn’t show anything (subtitles) in RO or EN. Where shoud I go right now? I really want to understand what they are saying.
Thank you and I am sorry

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Can you give me a timestamp? I was watching Goblin long time ago and I don’t think I saw any bad subs

It’s true. You don’t need to know languages, because you can become a segmenter. Segmenters just place the timestamps, where the subtitle should be.
If you’d like to know more about the process, you can read about it here:

I’m sure you didn’t comment that with an ill will, you just probably don’t know much about the teams. If you have any questions, you can search them in the FAQ or ask here. I can answer ^^

I think that’s a bug.

  1. Restart the browser/computer
  2. Clear cookies or try a different browser
  3. Write a report to Viki, that there is a bug with subtitles, if nothing improves

It’s best to contact some experience RO moderator. They can tell you, if your skills are sufficient and will guide you with how to apply to projects/how to translate.

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I also apologise for hijacking the topic by responding but:
The show does have 100% English subtitles and RO as well, at least in episode 6. Try reloading the site or opening the app again if you’re on mobile (you can also check for updates just in case). If that doesn’t work, you should probably write to Viki Help Center.


: I am watching the K2 show. But episode 6 doesn’t show anything (subtitles) in RO or EN. Where shoud I go right now? I really want to understand what they are saying.

@denisse_bach(denisse bach)

This is the Romanian Moderator link. Go to her/his page and click on the envelope, and you can write about this issue. Hopefully it will get resolved for you.

I understand that, and that’s I wanted to be excused first. I a bit old, and I lost the habit to search trough the discussions.
It was something like this: a player problem: I was going forward at least 30 minutes in the show, and everybody (ro, en, it) didn’t have translation for the first 10mins or so.
Again, I hope I didn’t make such stir wit this only comment… I just wanted to find if there is something I can do alone (player problems I was thinking).
Thank you everybody and I wish you all the best.
Marian Radulescu (M55) :slight_smile:

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The Third Marriage drama. Characters discussing a merger deal: “in the U.S.” continuously translated as “Walmart”.

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Walmart my favorite place to shop. Maybe that subber is a fan of Walmart like me.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hello Denisse,
Precum vezi, desi nu stiu engleza ma sparg in figuri (am lucrat cam 20+ ani cu vorbitori de limba engleza).
Nu pot sa ma declar serios (being able to get my tasks done in time) pentru ca am lucrat toata viata in IT, intre timp am imbatranit (M55), toti viitori mei sefi ar fi pe undeva la 30 de ani si tot personalu de HR este undeva intre 20 si sub 30. In “traducere” in orice limba as vorbi, nu mai sunt angajabil. In plus … I’ am an old grumpy man … dar nu pentru ca sunt eu morocanos, de fapt niciodata echipele mele nu au livrat dupa termenul limita. Dar asta nu a fost placut de cei din echipe, asa ca morocanus, cauta acul in carul cu fan … samd. asta este un mail ca sa imi cer si tie scuze ca ti-am rapit timpul cu cel dianinte (in engleza) dar in continuare, ti-am mai rapit inca niste minute (degeaba) in limba romana.
Despre ceea ce faceiti, apreciez voluntariatul dar … produsul final lasa mult de dorit (si ma bazez doar pe engleza mea de balta)

Am citit forumul traducatorilor, si pe cel pentru RO, dar nu sunt convins. Daca exista vre-un tool ca sa corectez in real time ce cred eu ca este gresit (bineintles ca acea corectura trebuie revizuita de cei care chiar se pricep) I’m in. Like I said: nu am contracte solicitante, asa ca ma uit foarte mul la K*. Imi plac scenariile lor si e chiar pacat de chestiile “lost in translation”. But I don’t think I can learn KR anytime soon.


re: Missing subtitles in Episode 6 of The K2
Thanks for bringing this up! Apparently the even episodes starting with 6 have summaries of prior episodes at the beginning of the episode. The upload was way after our many languages completed subbing the entire series. I did Episode 6 and let the other languages know. We will need to segment and then sub in English and other languages. So annoying that viki staff never gave us any notice when this was added. For episode 6 it was a full five minutes!
cgwm808 Co-Channel Manager (with Rumble) and Chief Editor.

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Hi @marianradulescu_878 I redirected your message to @denisse_bach via her mail since she might not see it here. Hopefully she will be kind enough to get in contact with you and resolve the issue on Episode 6 of K2. Since she was the moderator in charge of the Romanian Language I feel she needs to look into it and fix whatever needs fixing (if anything needs fixing there) since I don’t know the Language I try to never debate anything in a language I have no knowledge of since is totally impossible to argue of discuss anything in a language I don’t know anything about (I wish I could since I love learning different language, but am too old now for that) lol

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So now we have more incredibly unbelievable subtitles in Chinese movies/short dramas.

The FL tells the ML
Who are you? You admit the wrong person.
It should be: Who are you? You are confusing me with someone else.
or I’m not who you think I am.(more informal).

So FL is giving birth and had the baby but…nurse screams out.
Oh my God, you still have a mommy on your belly.
you still have another baby coming out.

The FL tells her 6 yr old son that looks 11 yrs old.
You are the mother who pays phone bills to give it to you.
Are you the mother (me) that pays your phone bills?

Mother FL tells her son.
Small Fruit (son’s name?) He will definitely find your brother.
Son, I will definitely find your brother.

Son lost the mother’s FL ID
Are you sure your mommy’s ID is with you?
Are you sure you lost mommy’s ID?

A flirty guy tells FL
Is this beautiful Lady just now. Go away. Must come.
That’s a beautiful woman I must take with me tonight.

The ML gets close to FL and ‘‘smells’’ her.
The scent is full of blood.
I think he meant her ‘‘smell’’ seems familiar.

SFL tells FL
The book of leaves are mine. The enemy is mine too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I’m guessing she means: The guy (ML) is mine, and his son too.

She adds to ML
From small to large I follow you.
Since I was young until now I was always after you.

Mother of FL is told her daughter died.
Is impossible that my daughter won’t die.
It’s impossible that my daughter is dead.

SFL (sarcastically) tells FL
Why you look so ugly?
It was really: Why you look so upset?

The assistant tells ML that his daughter is missing and ML responds.
What are you sorry for?
I think he was saying: What are you waiting for? (GO get/find her!)

ML tells FL.
Let’s go to dinner one by one.
OK…Let’s go and eat together.
Bad guy tells evil SFL
Down Syndrome will soon be ours.
I guess the company name is Down Syndrome… :astonished: :face_with_peeking_eye: :scream:

The kidnapper wants to r**e the FL. He tells his accomplice about the FL.
What a waste of natural resources.

ML tells FL as she fell asleep in the sofa.
Don’t sleep here easy to catch a cold sleep here. :woozy_face: :rage: :angry:

The killer tells the bad man.
You want me to recognize everyone?
He meant to say: You want me to ki ll all of them? (4 in tota:l twins/FL/ML)

FL tells her son.
Mom will come as soon as you go.

ML tells SFL.
What’s the medicine?
What you put in the tea? (SFL drugged ML)

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Marathon of hilarious subtitles in Chinese dramas.
(NOT here at viki)

In this 2 hour movie the ML was ‘‘named’’
Tanming Lake/Libra/Jiangping/Qi Tianping/Wishful Elegance (his grandma called ML) also Wishful Balance/BALANCE
/Warm Sleep/ and Depth of Field most of the time ML was called OCTOBER/Swallow/ Balance Quintafu/Day swallow and Fu Swallow and TAO. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ML would call FL
As One Wishes.
I wish the Balance.

ML tells FL
No Divorce. Me you what you or without my permission you never leave me.

FL tells ML
But life is too long See you tomorrow October.
I believe she was saying life is too short.

There is a title in several movies that is as follow:
Girl Got Pregnant after being e j a c ulated with sperm.
The title should have been : Girl got pregnant after been inseminated with (ML) sperm.

Father tells SFL
Don’t you know he knows about homesickness. :rage:

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These cases are 100% machine-generated subs. Sometimes it’s funny, but in most cases it simply makes my eyes sore and my life miserable. I’d prefer no subs at all, at least they won’t distract me from the pictures and sounds.



Well, YT has a feature where you go to settings and when you click the ‘‘icon’’ they have different options and when you choose feedback it opens up and in one of them it says [caption not working ]you click on that and confirm again, and within days you’ll see the subtitles on the movie. They for some reason are better quality subtitles now. But I have seen several movies that the FL says she’s in ‘‘Washington’’ and she’s suppose to be getting married in ‘‘Las Vegas’’ they use the word F**k and Sh*t a lot which is annoying. When she was in ‘‘Las Vegas’’ the signs were in Chinese, and that place was definitely not Las Vegas lol

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I’m going to add the question mark or exclamation point on the sentence although they never add them in the YT subtitles.
I’m also going to TRY to write the correct subtitle of the sentence.

These is from several movies I skim through them and write what ‘‘bugs’’ me in the sentence. ML- Male Lead. FL - female lead. SFL- Second female lead. SML- Second Male lead- Second Male Lead. MIL- Mother in Law.

ML tells SFL
Yeah, four circles your belly hasn’t moved much.
YES the subber wrote yeah and called her Four circle… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
ML was questioning her why her pregnancy wasn’t showing.

SFL tells the ML as an excuse.
The baby may be ‘‘mentally delay’’ (she’s not pregnant).

FL tells her friend.
I ACTUALLY slept with my IMMEDIATE Boss.
What’s so hard of writing: I (can’t believe) I slept with my Boss!

The FL has a tattoo and the ML commented.
I took the pattern of birthmark from April 1st.
All he wanted to say that he could tell it was her due to the birthmark she had in her body.

The ML tells his Assistant about SFL.
If I did that why I don’t have that impression?
The ML was stating; If I had s*x with her why I don’t/can’t remember I did?

FL tells ML
You want the child to change her mind?
Believe it or not: Do you want the baby to grow without his father?

ML ask FL
Miao Miao (FL name?) Did it hurt when the (they) drew blood bas tard?
Everyone that is an orphan is called bas tard in Chinese movies on YT.
What’s so hard of writing: Miao Miao, did it hurt you when they drew so much blood? (he was been sarcastic and a total jerk)… :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

ML tels FL Don’t sleep. If you use it you will beat me into DISRECOGNITION.
According to the scene I saw: I know he (ML) meant to say: don’t die on me for I won’t be able to take it!

News reporter on TV tells viewers.
Two person who lost vital signs were there. Gradually embarking to the road of no return. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: WHATEVER!

FL is kidnapped and ML tells the kidnapper.
But if Miao Miao is missing a core I won’t let me go!
If Miao Miao is missing even a hair I won’t let you go!

Kidnapper (a hater) adds’
Why you didn’t die? Why you weren’t hit by the car… :scream: :scream: :scream:
He was hit by the car but yes Ml didn’t die.

The ML or SML always tells FL
Can I chase you? I know it means: Can I pursue you.
PURSUE meaning: 1. to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her.

ML tells FL.
Want to cry and extricate myself.
FL was at funeral crying hysterical for her aunt that raised her and was poisoned and died). So… :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: (can’t make heads of tail from this sub)

A Grandma of the ML tells the girl (FL)
Can you marry my grandson? As you can see he’s a VEGETABLE>>. :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:
So the ML is in a vegetative state due to an accident but he’s not a vegetable.

SML ask ML
Where’s Miao Miao?
ML answers:
She’s wearing clothes.
(she was changing into another set of clothes since SFL spilled coffee on her).

The SFL tells ML: Isn’t this Mr. Day before yesterday?
So SML has a name that translated from Chinese to English means: DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY> :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

The FL ‘‘dies’’ and SML (a Doctor no less!) : tells ML :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
The applicant is no longer here. Why look for the application?

About those curses in Chinese dramas. This one sounds so familiar to me. :rofl:

F*ck around and you’ll find out emotional damage.

I believe it was meant to be: Mess with me and you’ll get hurt!


Nurse tells FL
Congratulations! You are 6 weeks pregnant!
FL answers back.
I want to REMOVE it.
The nurse screams back.
:angry::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

FL ‘‘dies’’ and ML screams out:
Why would you want to die?!

ML goes to party with SFL The waiter tells them.
You are three out of five people here.
The place is huge and they can’t come in due to ‘’''overcrowding. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

FL hits SFL and says to her: You smelly take out B*tch!

Brother of FL tells SFL.
You shut up! A mistress that can’t get a table!

ML tells FL
Do you want a divorce? Not ever. A daughter in law. There’s mourning in my dictionary of flames.

Evil man tells FL as he strangles her.
No toad is allowed to touch in the sea.
(as usual they are in a warehouse)

Friend TO FL.
PRIME ELEMENT, what are you doing in here?

The ML tells FL
The synagogue is upright and complete.
Whatever that means… :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face:

The YT subs are improving, but not 100% so I’m mentioning some stuff that annoys me, myself and I to the core, now more than ever.

ALAS- Don’t know why the actor/actress don’t even open their mouth and you see this word that I have no idea what it means (if it means something). In some scenes it would have been proper to say: HEY! but instead you see ALAS. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_peeking_eye: :pray:

CORRECT:- VERY OFTEN written when scene is more appropriate to write. ALLRIGHT/ALRIGHT, By the Way/ YES/EVEN FOR YOUR INFORMATION would have made more sense in that scene than Correct. :rage:

STRANGENESS- It sounds just as absurd as CORRECT :angry:
Based on the scene the proper word would be; That’s strange/ That’s weird, and even That’s odd.

Another annoying scene is when the female character gets kidnapped or hurt a little bit and the ML ask the FL
Are you ok? The FL or SFL nods her heard from side to side like saying NO. In reality she’s saying Yes, I’m ok. but her body movement is clearly saying NO, I’m all right (I’m not hurt) So I found out that most Asian culture uses YES and NO differently, and NO is their YES and YES is their NO.

I’m glad I can understand now why they nod NO, but really mean: YES, I’m alright. TO me, myself and I, makes no sense at all to mean: No, I’m all right… :scream:
:woozy_face: :face_with_peeking_eye: whatever… :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

FL tells tells her family.
I had nothing to do with all of you. (incorrect)
I want nothing to do with any of you.

So ML wants to divorce FL and tells her: I can save your SUBARU, give you stocks, money, and 3 villas. FL has no car she has a Driver who takes her to work/home in a BMW LIMO ( I don’t know about a subaru).

FL tells ML
Take care of IT. They very disrespectfully refer to people/children as IT. Instead of take care of HIM/HER.

The word up to used in the wrong context. FL is dying and the Dr. tells her how long she has to live. You have up to 10 months. (Makes the Dr. sound SO unsensitive).