Any news about our annual QC gift already?

I received it on two ways; an e-mail on my normal inbox, and if you have the Viki app when you open the app it’s show an announce and below the message is a button says “Go to the form.”

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I’ll wait for the mail. Got the pop-up on the app but I’ve not clicked and my screen locked. When I unlocked it, there wasn’t the pop-up. Sad of me.

Hello! Can somebody help me, please?! I did received a notification about the gifts for QC s, from viki a few days ago, but I didn t opened then and now I can t find it anywhere (I checked my e-mail too). do you know where can I find the form?

I got a notification from the app too but when I clicked on it nothing came up

@smile7_5, @simi11,
You’ll find more on it in this thread. . .

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See link below:
Pinch me, I'm dreaming

I got their email, but it would have been a good idea to be more into detail what physical gift and what kind of giftcard, depending on that I could select the country!
Why couldn’t they just specify… :neutral_face: :thinking:

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It’s a t-shirt and I agree it would have been easy if they just wrote that but who cares. I’m getting something that’s more than I expected in the first place. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is that from a confirmed source?

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It’s what I have chosen as a QC gift (in a gold QC but it’s my first gift), there wasn’t any other choices…@simi11


Yeah, in the questionnaire, if you looked through the “physical” options, they made you choose shirt colors and sizes.


Ah, I thought it was final without saying what it is, so I didn’t finish it, thank you!


Aaah! Yea.

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Hi. I have the same issue. I got the notif and before i was able to submit the form the page closed and i couldn’t get back to it anymore. I can’t find that newsletter. :roll_eyes:

Try on you email account to search for “no-reply@marketing.viki” it might still be there.

i still haven’t received the form :frowning:

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Oh no! It looks like you might have missed the first message regarding your QC Gift. But don’t worry, you’ll have more chances to complete the gift survey! Keep an eye out for additional reminder messages on Viki and via email.


I got the mail about QC gift, but I also got that:

Does anyone know, what is this and did anyone else also get that?

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No i didn´t get that but Im happy for you.

Still waiting for the gift

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