Wow. I get dizzy when I have to climb a ladder higher than my own head.
Below are the discussion badges that are unattainable by users.
The disparity between users who are basic, member, regular, and leader is quite telling. How can basic users be encouraged to go on to be users who are members, users who are regular, and selected as users who are leaders?
Perseverance? Having no life?
I didn’t set out specifically with the intention of earning that badge, but once I got far enough into the 365 days by pure chance, I made it a point to come every day. I actually thought I missed out on a day just days before reaching 365, though.
Uhmmm. . .
. . . This seems to be a common factor, quoted by other achievers of the golden eye.
Got it!
Uhmmm . … what were these badges about?
Bummer, I missed out, aww shucks!
It was for the badges to receive in your profile in 2021 for watching 1-2 Episodes of the said dramas.
Well, well, well. Who thought this topic would keep coming back to life like Gong Yoo’s character in Goblin?
Thanks to the ten Viki-ites who helped me earn “Nice Topic” five days ago when I posted “Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming.”
It’s kind of cute, like a little brown stylized soot demon from My Neighbor, Totoro.
If it gives me the ability to order imaginary sushi from Tokyo and have it air-shipped on the back of a white dragon on a bed of snow taken from Mt. Fuji, then it is probably the most valuable badge I have received.
P.S. I just read in an online article from the Guardian newspaper website that Giphy is losing popularity and is terribly Boomer and Gen X and Millennial.
Oh, goodness me. Whatever shall I do?
A digital world without a gif would look kinda dry (there is still tenor) and what’s wrong with those said generations? New doesn’t mean better
I’ve just got the ‘new user of the month’ badge along with @annieisntfamous ! Thanks all! I’m so grateful to have discovered this sweet community of drama lovers
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0 voters
The below quotes solidified my making the above poll, I hope everyone who reads this post will participate. Who knows, this may get us the answers we desire.
I made a poll, feel free to assess from the votes that are casted.
@maria_lavendula_77 , @marykarmelina,
Something went wrong on my last edit, please feel free to re-cast your votes. Thanks!
I think the wording of the poll is confusing. It makes it seem as if we are interested only in changes that happen to Discussions, and not to the whole of Viki. While in reality changes to how the Discussions section works is the least of our concerns and of Viki’s concerns: they rarely make (small) changes to it.
So I don’t think that’s what you meant!
If I am right, you might want to change it to something more or less like this:
“Should Viki include a poll (hosted in Discussions), for users to vote on planned changes to the platform?”
I love this!
I would glady cast my vote on such a poll. I’ll leave it to you, or anyone, more vested, and invested in the volunteer community to post a newly open topic, in a newly created (poll) thread! I am sure there’ll be tweaks, and a little, or lot more flesh added, to cover more issues that needs to be addressed.
Actually yes! The poll I made is only focused on changes that happened in discussions. It’s based on the recent notices, and subsequent focused updates to Discussions.
Oh I see. Then I was wrong.
But recent notices were about the Channel Manage page. Where was there anything about Discussions? Did I miss something?
Hi @irmar,
There were dashboard notices, these of course expired after, the update was in February, changes were made specifically to Discussions. I suspect the update threads will be moved to the community contributer page for March 29th. These are threads created, and managed by the @vikicommunity mods/leaders.
Irmar, you did not miss it, look, you even gave a heart to lutra’s post.
What? No. That thread was about maintenance to Subtitle and Segment editor. And they said they put a new button somewhere to lead to the inbox. That was the big change? LOL.