Badges: Who thought they were a good idea, and where do you go to earn some of them?

Wow. Disky being a gender bender to some extent, I now thing it/he/she/they/whoever may simply have multiple resentful personalities.

“Body unclear”? Viki drama little brother (or delivery guy not getting any) making remarks to the FL about ready to smack somebody with her book-laden haversack.

Not wise.



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Edit: Now it’s allowing me to post that! What on earth is going on??!!

I finally got it. I posted the word in uppercase “CONGRATULATIONS!!”. Discobrat had a problem with that.


Maybe even discobrat has days when it’s in a bad mood and acts petty. :woman_shrugging::joy:

How interesting. It doesn’t like it when you YELL! :sweat_smile:


Discobrat really is the typical elementary school teacher…
“Play with the others on the playground, too!!”
“Don’t give me one-word answers!”
“Someone already posted that link. You don’t need to post one too.”
“You’ve used way too many likes today. Enough, or you get detention!”




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When I was nine, recess at school was always very structured, no “free play.” That was what kids did after school.

We either played kick ball (a kind of easy-peasy soccer played with a lot of baseball rules thrown in) or we climbed on “monkey bars” (and fell off onto asphalt surfaces constantly).

I hated kick ball. I had really bad eyesight, was terribly uncoordinated, and hated noisy outdoor environments because they interfered with my ability to hear precise instructions from teachers.

So, one recess, my team lost the game of kickball. As my class lined up to go back inside to learn spelling, some little son of Discobrat turned to me and said with disgust, “You’re a sissy!”

I was mortally offended. A boy dared to insult ME?

I immediately hauled off (as the saying goes in the Southern U.S.) and punched him in the arm with all the righteous indignation I could muster.

The student teacher assigned to my class immediately cut me out of line and marched me, breathing tiny spurts of flame, into the girls’ bathroom.

There, in front of the stalls, she knelt down, looked mildly yet firmly in my face, and asked gently, “Now, you didn’t mean to do that, did you?”

My very seriously religious parents taught me that lying was not a good thing to do, though at that age I did not understand why.

So, while I was thinking, “Oh, yes, I did mean it!” I knew that I couldn’t admit it, and I also could NOT submit to social pressure and tell the teacher what she wanted to hear.

In frustration at not knowing what to do, I burst into tears.

The teacher took it as both confession and repentance, and was satisfied. I snorted and snarled inside and was very happy to get home and go next door to play with the Waters kids.

Great family name, very open, loving group. My two sisters and I took turns declaring we would marry the youngest son, Donny, while we all played together under a small acacia tree and poked in the dirt with sticks.

It was hard for me to learn that teachers gravitate away from lively, demanding children and toward smug little idiots. And it was hard to learn that not all boys were as brotherly and accepting as Donny Waters.

I think I’ll award myself the “I survived third grade” badge. Anybody else want one?



I didn’t think it that way hahaha


The thing is, is there a grade after third :rofl: or, is that it?:rofl: I guess there’s only top :mortar_board: of the class, 'er as far as achievements go, :rofl: and graduating :mortar_board:with :medal_sports::medal_military::trophy:honors :partying_face: :laughing: :partying_face:

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Well then I’d need an “I survived middle school” badge and another “I survived pandemic high school” badge next year. This stuff is HARD.



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You had me at . . . Jello.


You Complete ME…aw I love it!!! You had me at HELLO! :purple_heart:

Creating A Portal


。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 (✷‿✷)
Nice Reply Badge :name_badge: ! Finally!! :rofl::joy::sob::rofl:
This is so emotional ಥ‿ಥ Thank you to The Ten fans featured, I could not have done it without each one of you! I could not have done it without the wonderful, and entertaining K-Drama (*❛‿❛)→ Kill Me Heal Me! :bowing_woman:t5: 각각 감사합니다! 진심으로 감사하고, 눈물이 가득한 눈! ಥ‿ಥ :bowing_woman:t5: ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Discobot, Discobrat, or :grey_question:! :thinking: backdated my badge award
Backdating our Discussion Badges Award date (ب_ب) eliminates the synergy. Now we know why we haven’t noticed any new badges awarded. I asked it before, about comments in This topic


I recently earned that badge too. I got it for one of my terrible pickup lines, of all things. LOL
I did notice that when I first received it, it said it was awarded 17 days ago (which was 16 days before I even wrote the post), but when I just checked it, it said it was awarded 1 day ago.


So. . . maybe it’s related to the glitches affecting the site.

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Worth a try! I’m slow on the logistics side of things, so somebody’s gotta hold my hand while we progress toward the future . . .



Should I brag for once, LOL.
I got this one 2 years ago

I am not the only one who has it, but it is rare, and you can’t achieve on your own, it is pure luck.

I just realized had I put each link in one comment, then I would have gotten this badge 6 times, that is kind of cheating of Viki and Discors or whatever the name is. LOL