Channel Manager Qualifications

From the beginning of 2010 until now, I have been a manager 9 times on 8 dramas and 1 movie + I got 3 dramas where the managers left Viki. :innocent: :wink:


Preach it! I agree whole heartedly. There are so many people who are applying… Kdramas can have over 200 applications, so having the same people over and over in a year makes no sense. The Chinese side, we have a gobsmack of dramas and everyone can get a chance. There is one person alone who has 5 Chinese ACTIVE dramas right now as CM. Explain that @vikicommunity!


hugs I remember in the good old days when the CM was the person who created the channel. We had to dig for episodes on streaming sites, and that was how you became CM.

I really need to count my CM jobs but I don’t think it’s much different… and some of those dramas are no longer on Viki because of licensing.


So do you want to go back to the old days? And probably encourage some people to do something illegal? Because in many countries, those streaming sites are illegal, or at least the upload of content which is not their own is illegal. That’s why people are glad to have Viki, we are glad, to have a legal way to watch Asian dramas and not just the ones coming on the bigger platforms.


Yes, a lot of dramas that we completely did are gone. Those were good times. The 12 that I listed remained with me.


Where in my comment did I say that I want to go back to the past? I was saying that is how we used to do it on Viki (was called ViiKii, then) to become CM. You read waaaaay too much in my comment.

“Good old days”… Yes, they were. There was no such thing as DrmFvr or Viki. At that point in the life of ViiKii, that is all we had then.


I have been editing on Viki for six years and received one channel as CM last year, because no one knew about the channel until Aznative messaged me that day, and the episodes had already loaded! I have been applying for four years to be CM since my TEs ask me for work. I was Co-CM once four years ago, because the CM took a hiatus from Viki when the drama loaded, and I was the CE. Several times I have done the CM’s job because she is missing from illness or career, and OL Mods message me when they can’t reach the CM, but I get no CM credit for that.

I think it is “weird” favoritism that some people are CM of multiple airing dramas, and the same few people are CM so often, while others are ignored. And it’s not like those specific CMs get faster releases. They are happy to get one or two episodes released per week, if that.

I think Viki needs to solve the problem by appointing a Co-CM for new CMs instead of just appointing the same few people. When a person takes for granted that she can be CM of so many channels per year, she gets to be a sloppy CM. Complaints are received but nothing is done.


That’s already happening, but often it’s those CMs you all are talking about. And in that case you just see that the person was appointed again, completely overlooking the new Co-CM.

In all these years, I have 3 of them, if that’s what you meant. If you are interested in something else, I am at your service. Here, I registered mine where I am Co-Cm.


She has no staff badge and is a volunteer like everyone here. :melting_face:


There is this misconception here. “Illegal” is a far stretch. You are making all of us oldtimers sound like we were criminals. That was how Viki was set up then. Viki didn’t bring the videos to us, we had to dig them up and bring them to Viki. Viki, then Viikii, was a legit website in the past. To keep Viikii afloat, we donated money to the web designers so they could continue to keep it up and running. I’m still friends with one of the creators!!! If all of us didn’t do what we did then, there would be no Viki today!!!


Even donated to web designers? So cool! In a way, all of the very oldies here are sort of co-funders of Viki ^^


i know Viki also since it was ViiKii … long long time ago… i can still remember

  • summ a tune *

That’s how I started as a CM for “Far Away Love” (which was deleted later) where I was appointed because the original CMs were inactive. I had to dig up the videos and upload them by myself. Half midway Viki got the license and uploaded all episodes, which was way faster :smile:


I second this. 2 times or maybe 3 times per year to be a CM. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and all others waiting for a project as CM and hope you’ll get appointed soon.


I remember donating to viikii when it was a non profit and also making donations in the name of another oldtimer who gave me my start as a contributor.
We oldtimers used to upload videos. We also downloaded subs and saved them because the viki staff often lost our subs!


I second Marykarmelina’s proposal about making a per year limit of being a channel manager but I would go even further because the pool of potential managers is so great and say the limit should be one mutli episode drama every twelve months. Then the people who are CMs for the 50 episode Korean or Chinese dramas will have a six months’ break before they can get appointed to an on-air channel again. I would not limit manager positions for movies.


@mirjam_465 @cgwm808 @deval_chloe We are now working to rewrite the “Petition” for everyone to speak on behalf of the global community. We will be sharing this again here in the near future, because many of you have indicated that your community is struggling with a similar problem.


I was CM more than 2 year ago, at a movie. Since then, I have applied in vain and got nothing. At first I thought, no problem, I must not be competent enough, I’ll get more chances next time. But, as the months went by, I saw more and more of the same couple of people becoming CMs all the time, even on several on-air projects at once. I doubt that there are few applicants for projects, because there have been movies/series that I have been involved in that have had over 150 applications for CM roles, and yet again the same person, or that person’s team, got the project. And I might add, CMs who have no understanding of the English language. I often hold my head, nooo come on Viki, can’t you see that the “new” CM can barely communicate???
By the way, at that time, the 5-moderator limit was introduced to prevent the accumulation of projects. Since there are more and more complaints about CM selection, why not introduce a limit here? For example, 5 CM projects/year…
It’s not even the end of March yet, but some people are already CM of 3 projects this year plus a co-CM.


What I posted had nothing to do with subtitles. It was all about the videos. Everything then about subtitles, we did ourselves, because there were no subtitles to copy then. Viki before DF was the only website. But we had to find the drama’s videos and upload those unsubtitled videos onto the Viki platform.