Channel Manager Qualifications

EXACTLY! I thought the same, about why this wasn’t initiated. They put a clamp on moderating but they can’t do the same for Channel Management? The smell of favoritism just reeks throughout the Viki platform.


This honestly goes for most people especially when it comes to CEs. When a person is appointed I can usually tell who they’ll take as their CE and therefore, which projects I want to avoid as some CEs indeed don’t put out quality work but they still get a lot of channels so I still think implementing a maximum of Editor roles would also be good for the quality and to help more English CEs get channels as most go to the same people…


In principle I would agree. But unlike the position of a CM, the position of a CE requires sturdy qualifications. And I’m not sure we would have enough of qualified people on Viki to safely limit that role too much (like with the CM, 3 times per year).


Demanding an explanation from Viki won’t change anything. I’m giving up. I’ll help my friends with their ongoing projects because I don’t want to let them down. Maybe work on second seasons of some dramas, which I was moderating (if they don’t kick me out). And nothing more. They won’t give me anything new anyway.


Congratulations @kakashiandme :smiling_face: :100:

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Don’t congratulate me too soon! The Viki giveth and the Viki taketh away. The movie is gone. I was notified by a team member that it was gone and sure enough… poof it’s no longer there. So, I don’t know what is going on.


My last cm was The dance of the storm in 31.10.2023 because old cm disappear, they give it to me. My first cm was a movie 0,1% in like 07.11.2022 and net i got, another movie Moby ■■■■ in 07.02.2023, and the cm i mention the dance of the storm, after another cm. Since then nothing… I apply for some Cm’s from china, korea, thailand, etc. and nothing. Maybe I didn’t do good, as CM so I will not got anything else.


Then 90% of us didn’t do good as CM and the serial CMs are brilliant (we all know that that’s not true). The changes in CM distribution came with the staff change 2 years ago. Until then, I got a somewhat reasonable amount of channels. Not as many as some, but enough to be satisfied.
In the past 2 years, I got 1 Chinese movie. Viki kept the next season of a show I had been CM of the year before for themselves by not choosing a CM at all. In the meantime, a handful of people just had to hold up their hands to get channel after channel.


Wow, what is that now? :open_mouth:

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It happens that the staff notices that the license was not obtained or that the film is no longer active (withdrawn). :wink:

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But then the chosen CM should at least be informed.

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They almost never do. Just like Unforgotten Night disappeared just after a few months after it came to Viki, the CM also didn’t know anything. And we never really know where it’s licensed, at least nowadays.


I mostly apply for web dramas as cm, and I guess it’ll be never ending story because I always got massage back… Thank you for … bla bla bla… So i think @vikicommunity maybe you could look at us, humble people who wish to try baing cm again, and not choose always same people.


They definitely didn’t tell me. It was the moderators who I added that noticed it first. At least I got a response from Viki after inquiring. They said it would be reinstated… It’s been 2 days, still not there.


It’ll be a never ending story, like in case came cm’s. My time will probably never come. Still, it’s not a fault of people who apply but who gave it to them. I’ll do my job, but yet I will keep trying. Two small got booked, maybe another one will be mine. Who knows.



I read your post and saw nothing wrong in it, but is hidden for so long. So Unfair people no longer can get to express their opinions. Maybe you can re-write if only you knew what you did wrong, right?


I no longer see the viki staff badge the paid subbers used to have in the profile page. Do you know if there’s a way to know who are the paid subbers here at RViki?

@someofliz she never answered my question.

I dont see anything offensive here to be blocked. XD And i saw new viki rules and stage of being cm, it’s like, they will only close more the circle and don’t give anything to new persons, just this time they will not have to explain. Like I didn’t still got anything, and I apply a lot, while some got like show each month [Not their fault, but the person who choose.] So i don’t know. Maybe it’s time to move on from viki since in next month my chance will be like 0.000000000000001%.


Nor to the experienced ones who have been skipped long enough…


For what I can see they probably will mainly only use Paid Subbers like they do on other stream services, and I feel they will keep a very small group of volunteers.

I read an article where they were analyzing of closing forever the volunteer program here at viki, and the way I read comments in Discussion and how things are going on here; I think things are headed that way. I just can’t understand the logic of that since people are willing to provide their Quality volunteer work in so many Other Language for FREE.

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