Channel Manager Qualifications

So far I have never been a CM, but I am constantly running for office. I’ve been on Viki since 2011 :rofl:


I did. I’m thankful. This was actually a post primarily for everyone else now. I receive countless messages asking how to get one. Like I work for Viki or something. LOL! I’m just tired for everyone. I’m done being nice. They treat us “oldies” and the newcomers like trash.


It’s not. Applying for more channels doesn’t make a difference at all.


I guess I’m not qualified to be a CM anymore. They gave me a drama from library. It is a finished project. Couple of days ago my friend messaged me that I’m not listed as CM anymore. Viki staff took it and didn’t even inform me, why they’ve made this decision. I don’t know what I did wrong.


Have you tried contacting them? I think that they should’ve let you know if you have done something against the rules. Also, has there been appointed another CM? As it may be not really nice to give that channel to someone else without informing you first.


Very off-topic, but I really like the quote you have. I will be stealing it.

“Sometimes people just need an excuse or a target. A target everyone hates. With me, they can have a common enemy, they can be pretentious.”


Indeed true.
I’m or was (idk) even part of your team there and I was very surprised to see that bull***t vikibot on your place, like… even us (team) weren’t previously warned about it… :person_shrugging:
It’s okay, I totally know this drama is a very old one but… there is a team behind it, ones online and ones offline, but still there is!!

Maybe they took it from you because of some issues with the region thing or something like that?

Anyway, regarding this topic… no comments again. The same person having 3-4 channels simultaneously and we need literally to beg to be part of the team, and we still get a reply like… “sorry, I choose x because x has many contributions and please don’t hate for this.” - First, I don’t know why would I hate someone for simply just appoint a person; Second, although we don’t have many contributions, I think everyone deserves a chance to show their will. If the 100.000-1.000.000 contributions can have 7-8 channels at the same time, why can’t we, 20.000-80.000, have 1-2 channels at the same time too? (And we still have free slots for this🤷).
I totally agree with @cgwm808 . She has been here for quite some time and is a very experienced contributor, she helped me a lot! Why hasn’t she been appointed as CM yet? Her last CM was at 2021??? Like… are you kidding me? She has been recovering each old channel making it possible and available with great subs alongside many capable contributors and she still doesn’t get a new one? - With all due respect, is VIKI been praised by doing this? ------- Weird…

Like Cardi B once said: “This is weird… very suspicious!” LOL


I have over 2,000,000, and I just recently got a drama in September last year after creating this topic. But before that, like Cgwm, it had been years. The number of contributions doesn’t matter. It took this post I created to make a stink for Viki to get me a CM position. Now that they have “appeased” me with a channel recently, it’s back to crickets. I’ll probably have to wait several years, or maybe never get a channel again.


I’d write Viki and DEMAND an explanation! It’s not fair to you. Viki needs to be transparent with their decision-making.


Normally, if they appoint a new CM, they don’t remove the old one, not even if this person seems to have disappeared.This is really unusual. They at least owe you an explanation.


I hope that taking away a channel from you was not intentional, however, regretfully, I have seen this happen before. In one instance, I was the first to realize viki staff had taken a K drama subbed completely many years before in about 10-15 languages from an “old timer” who was and is still very active. The old-timer didn’t even know there was a new manager. I wrote to her and viki staff to inform them she was still active. Viki staff did restore her to her rightful position and removed the relatively new QC from the managership. I have no idea what explanation they gave to the replacement channel manager. So it may be helpful for you to write to viki staff.
Criteria for replacement channel manager selection is bizarre at best.
Example A. viki recruited a channel manager for “Birth of A Beauty” (a 2014 K drama) even though at the time of the recruitment, we had completed subbing back in 2014 and 2015 in about 15 languages. “Birth of Beauty” appeared in the project manager as though it had never been subtitled. This was the first and only time I saw a subbed on viki k drama appear in the project manager after we subbed the drama. I wrote to viki staff twice to tell them we finished English and many other languages back when the drama was “on air” and drama had never left viki.
I suggested that if the current manager was then inactive, why did they not recruit a new manager from among the moderators who were still active? No one on the viki staff had the time or decency to respond to either of my messages and the drama continued to be on the list of upcoming media for about two years and probably resulted in 200 applicants. Eventually viki staff appointed someone who joined viki in 2020 in October, 2022. That’s right – a relative newbie who had never worked on the drama which was subbed over 5 year before joining viki was given the manager’s position.
Thankfully, the new manager kept the names of the prior contributors on the cover page and just added a new name as a replacement CM, giving credit to the original manager. The new CM has made no segging or subbing contributions to the channel and for that I am truly grateful nor have “they” added “themselves” to the last episode credits.
Example B. In other instances of decision making, viki staff appointed a QC who had made 3000 contributions in “lolspeak”, even though it is not a language. He removed the name of the original manager from the cover page and the last episode credits.
Example C. Someone who plagiarized and had her contribution count reduced because of the plagiarizing was SUBSEQUENTLY appointed as a replacement channel manager. I guess the channel manager selector and the person who follows up on inappropriate subtilting reports are different people. The new manager removed the name of the original manager on the cover page and in the credits, and put a thanks to herself on the cover page and credits.
When by pure chance, I happened to look at the dramas in B and C, I wrote a protest to viki staff and thankfully, they removed the replacement managers.
This thread is about “channel manager qualifications.” I’ve written repeatedly to viki over the past several years that when they replace an inactive channel manager on an “older” drama, to appoint someone who has contributed to the subbing of the drama when it was originally subtitled, because that person has an “investment” in the subbing. What do the rest of you think about qualifications with regard to replacing inactive channel managers?


Wow Belle – Those examples are astonishing!!!. Thank you for keeping records on the number of applicants in a systematic fashion.
Because of my viki history of 15 years, I have been appointed channel manager often, but the majority of my managerships are as replacement channel manager. The original managers became inactive and in nearly all I was the original Chief Editor on the project. In those instances I learned the original channel manager became inactive when someone wanted to sub on the drama and received no reply from the manager and thus wrote to me asking to be added to the channel, or there was some technical problem like subtitles disappearing or out of sync and a viewer wrote to me. I do try to write on the revised cover page for each “replacement” position, who the original manager was.
The channel managers you describe are all relative newbies but they seem to be serially or perhaps simultaneously being appointed to on-air dramas definitely more often then chance out of the 100 or so applicants for each channel. If they have a 1% chance of being appointed as a manager, then the probability of being appointed to n channels is .01 to the nth degree!!!
For one of the people you allude to, the count was 30 channels after being at viki a little more than three years!!! That’s ten per year of “on air” channels. WOW!
If you count only the channels for which I was a manager of an on-air channel, my count is over 30 but less than 40 in 15 years at viki. Contrast my record with one of the people worthyromance describes who has been at viki not even four years!!!


You and me both!


I just had a thought when reviewing the channels I have been appointed as manager for. For perhaps five years or more I have been the channel manager of a channel used only for training of segmenters. We mentors/ sensei review the work of segment students and several times during the year, I delete all segments so we can re-use the videos for training more students.
The subtitles in NO language are complete because the channel was given to NASA for the training of segmenters. Perhaps my performance rating as a channel manager is awful since we will never complete English subtitles or any other language so I am silently being punished for taking responsibility for segmenter training? See, in the information void concerning the real criteria used by viki staff for manager selection, one can only guess.
If in fact this is true, then that is further evidence that viki’s institutional memory is lacking.
And there are several of us sensei at NASA who are managers of other training channels who would equally not be given any on-air dramas to manage.


I totally and absolutely agree with you:

But as to why Viki chose same CMs so many times, it’s not their fault as we all know.

I can completely feel the frustration of those who are responsible and keep applying month after month and year after year, getting nothing in the end.

Hope this process improves for everyone’s sake :sparkling_heart:


Isn’t it? :thinking:
They are actively maintaining this situation with no concern for the rest of the volunteers. If they really cared, they would at least stop applying for a while.


It takes you a minute to research that their last drama was nine months ago before “PS: I hate you”. Is this considered a weird thing? :woman_shrugging: I do think it’s getting ridiculous if we start discussing that people get a drama every few months. Before they started ignoring me about a year ago, I received a drama roughly every 4-6 months. Certainly, there were still people who got ignored for a long time, but it’s not possible to easily consider them all the same since some people only apply for very few dramas or kdramas or no movies etc. Therefore, it’s rather difficult to lump them together without mentioning this first.

I do agree that there is something to discuss as I criticized their distribution politics before and think that they will cause issues and imbalance within the community, BUT this does not excuse jumping for conspiracy theories (referring to the other thread) or blaming people by directing Viki’s issues on fellow community members as they’re “easier to reach”. This is going out of hand.


You know Sheree!

VIKI probably does it because doesn’t wanna “fight” or have a “scandal”. And I’m risking to say they will keep up with this :skull_and_crossbones:. It took to create a topic and make it public after hundreds of thousands complaints about this issue privately to the staff for making it possible for you to help them by using your acknowledge to manager a channel???!!! Does that even make sense? You need to beg, re-show your awesome capability to gain a chance once again to HELP THEM!?
Sorry I can’t stand it. You are a very capable contributor as many others are too but this is being very disappointing towards you all.
I hope you can get a chance again and that this won’t have to be through a complaint! It’s even funny, a very experienced contributor having to be through it because VIKI doesn’t have a solid system and a transparent process to appoint a CM that will be giving he/she all to make it as perfect as possible.

I truly hope this will be solved.


Hello everyone,
I already lost hope too.:roll_eyes:
I don’t apply to be a manager for every single channel in every single month. I only apply 3 times in a year because I am interested in a specific Kdrama project and in the end nothing.

I think viki should establish a kind of rule that a vikier can be a manager ONLY 2 times in a year (not sure if it will be applicable for country categories it’ll be up to them) so in that way the same vikier doesn’t get multiple channels in the same year. And as simple as that EVERYONE gets a chance of becoming a manager.

Let’s hope viki improves the way of selecting managers soon :pray:


I actually thought the same. I’m a CM of two reality shows. Running Man, which I don’t even know why I’m still listed as CM, as this drama was taken over by Viki, English ONLY. And Pops in Seoul, which I was 2nd CM to help the original CM who left Viki and I was left. Wasn’t even originally mine in the first place. This channel is defunct and will never be completed. I sometimes use it to train editors. There are over 4000 episodes… it’s a headache and nightmare.