Because you said I recently modified the document and added that rule, out of fear (honestly, I don’t know who told you this) and to demonstrate that I have nothing to hide, I leave below a printscreen of an older project document from my early days as a moderator. After the printscreen, I will leave that fragment in Romanian, so that whoever sees this topic can translate it into their language. This way, I make sure that I don’t leave the impression that I am altering the translation in any way.
Aveti mare grija cu Google Translate. Daca traducerea voastra se bazeaza doar pe acesta, va rog frumos sa va opriti din tradus. Nu sunt impotriva folosirii lui, dar sub nicio forma nu accept copy-paste. Trebuie sa adaptati la modul de vorbire in romana, precum si la scena din serial (genul personajelor, adresare formala/informala, timpul vorbirii etc.). Se vede cu ochiul liber, cand se face copy-paste si pentru asta imi rezev dreptul sa nu mai colaboram. La editare nu vreau sa refac traduceri. Nu acesta este obiectivul principal al editarii.
It is true that for some time I removed this rule from the document, since those who participated in the translation were not subject to it and I did not feel the need to specify it. Now, being a moderator/editor for many more projects, the number of those who are part of the team has increased considerably, as has the way of translating. Therefore, I found it necessary to reintroduce this mention.
Just because you are unhappy with the fact that you can’t take a top spot, doesn’t mean you have the right to attack me publicly, without even demonstrating the quality I offer. I have not and will not be interested in the process by which someone translates, as long as what is in the editor meets my requirements.
If you really understand the concept of community, you should also understand that the main thing we have to do is to understand each other, to help each other, to give each other a chance, to learn from each other. That’s why I won’t turn anyone down as long as what they leave behind is common sense. I’m here to grow the community, not divide, diminish or destroy it.