Done with viki

When you buy a music cd and make a copy of it and give it to your friend, you didn’t make a profit. Does that make it right? What is the purpose of copying your subs? You need the video to play them with, where will that come from? Will it be pirated?

So you would copy subs from Viki and play them with a pirated video, leaving in the Viki credits? No thanks!

Theft is theft.


I second that!! (y)

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I expect a lot of people to have this opinion. I shared it for the most part for some time, but I must have had a change of heart or what not. Because while I realize that very little in life is free, it feels nice to get a freebie now and then.

That’s probably what Clyde and Bonnie Darrow said at one time.

I guess I am no much of a generous person then ;p… well because… people are usually selfish they expect free things without anything in return and well… i hate that
Or maybe i am a profit seeker who does not do anything for free… after all i am a business student

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Maybe, though I hardly think some people on the internet who’d like to share drama subtitles with others is all that comparable to thieves who murdered people.

As to your earlier comment, are there situations where I’d want my friends to be able to enjoy music without needing to buy it? Yes. Have I let people borrow music? Yes. Have I burned CDs or sent mp3s to friends? Yes.
Do I think it’s all that wrong? Maybe you’ll find my morals lacking, but no.

Internet piracy (edit. & digital copyright, etc.) is a widely debated topic. I am neither entirely for or against it, but there’s a lot worse than it.

Okay by that logic, we will just let go the thieves that just beat people but not quite kill them. Then there should be no punishment for those stealing a car … “there’s a lot worse than that”, right?

You are right. I do find your morals questionable. Some day someone will steal something from you and you will get a taste of it. But, by what you said here, wouldn’t you say … “well, they didn’t kill me so why should we do anything to them. They just stole $50 from my purse, maybe they’ll donate it to a good charity.”

And your comparison of “people on the internet who’d like to share drama subtitles with others is all that comparable to thieves who murdered people”, is just ridiculous.


I have read everything that has been said in this topic, well I have to say this,
I have been in viki since almost the beginning. I actually started watching kdramas from viki and it wasn’t a thing of licensed or not. We were allowed to sub and segment and nothing was as easy as it is now with the new subbing and segmenting tools.
But when it comes to making a copy of our work well I can say this, I use to download the series I loved because I wanted to watch them on my tv whenever I wanted or wherever I wanted. Nothing was like now where there are so many sites I can depend on.
Second, If anyone is going to be saying that it’s wrong of us to do things in the internet about copying, how about us page designers when we take the photos from the companies site and we change it up and photoshop other parts and bits and we make a page design. Wouldn’t that also be stealing?
My opinion is that person above the one copying subs made by us the contributors the VOLUNTEERS and putting it into other sites just so he can have his HD viewing is very selfish. All he would have to do is contribute and he wouldn’t need to do all the work of making softsubs and stealing it for other sites.
Were here in viki for the fun of doing things we like to do, either subbing, segmenting, editing, designing, or even watching. All because one person spoke out the truth at least he is telling us what he did and is doing, Many others are doing it behind the back anyways. We just need to let it go and not let it bother us. And for @Wafaahs I know what you mean about being out of the country and not be able to watch the not licensed dramas. It totally sucks but it would be nice if the companies would allow viki to allow all countries to view even without/with a license. @lacruiser People are going to be rude we just need to let it be. I don’t know if you were here in the beginning of viki, but this site was the site i felt like it was a real community. A family. You know the saying about a bad lemon mixed with the good lemons, well we just need to separate that bad lemon before it spoils the rest. I’m glad you reported him to viki maybe he will be stopped before he done any other problem.

Well not share dramas, for me I would just keep it for myself, Personal collection. Wouldn’t this be okay?

-Making a copy of your work to watch later:
First of all, that is not what is going on with Viki as you really can’t download a series to watch on your TV. Copying the subs from Viki, yours or not, will do you no good unless you have a video to link them to (once in the right format). Where does that video come from? There are a lot of places onlne where videos can be downloaded (with some risk of infection) but just because they out there doesn’t mean it is legal. A lot of the sites where videos could be downloaded have been shut down and that will continue.

-taking pictures online:
Some people post photos or artwork online knowing that it is being made available for people to copy. If it is their work then there is no problem with that. People that want to try to protect their copyrights will place overlays on the images to try to discourage theft. The problem comes in where people post photos or artwork that doesn’t belong to them. That is theft. Not much happens about this because it is too difficult to find the culprits and enforce it so it does run rapant on the internet. That doesn’t mean it is right though. Many times things get copied and used for other purposes for which nobody is going to care such as a national flag. The exteme of that would be something like what happened recently with my local high school. Someone came across an image they thought would look good as a school mascot image. It ended up being used for years as the school mascot, that is until someone at the college where that image was designed for their mascot came across it. Everyone thought it rediculous but in the end the high school had to make a payment to the college and stop using it. So I guess everyone gets away with it right up to the point of getting caught.

-License: It would be great if all of the shows could be licensed for all countries. Unfortunately, the people who invested the money to make the shows own the rights to them. Deciding on where they wish to market their products is their right.

The biggest problem I had with Mr. Iwakura is that almost everything he said was untrue. Numerous sites exist showing numerous shows where the subtitles have been stolen from Viki (and DF) and the credits have been removed. It is very easy to find. And most of the rest of the garbage he spewed on about was not true either.

I’ve been here since 2009 and those that know me know that I don’t get into much of the discussion stuff and for that matter don’t watch much of anything other than sageuks. But as a hobby I have spent contless hours here, trying to improve the quality of what we volunteers produce and to see someone who contributes nothing make such blatent lies really angers me. I detest liars.

And, the only thing he said that was true was that he was stealing the subtitles.


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there are subbers needed for eng-eng subs too! ^^

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The adds don’t bother me at all because I have add blocks :smiley:


I know this post is very old… but I just laughed so hard at this!! Thank you


Viki sub faster tho and if i downloaded ad block for google chrome
it works great lol

Viki es el único sitio en donde encuentro subtítulos en español de calidad. No me cambio.

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I am a subscriber to Viki,
And I’m starting to agree and I have been spending more time at because they are offering more drama and movies now than Viki And its a whole lot easier to find a good Kdrama or Jdrama to watch. Viki is starting to become like bloat ware on a new computer,

I dont want to watch News feeds (most of us are using our computers and can watch the news when ever we want)
I dont want to see highlights from dramas I have already seen (all that spot is doing is cluttering up the home page which is already to busy)
I dont want to see shows and movies from the U.S. from the 1950’s - to 2013 ( I came over to Viki to watch Kdrama and Jdrama)
I dont want to spend my time trying to find when the Kdrama or Jdrama I’m watching released,subbed and ready to view

VIKI YOUR STARTING TO LOOK AND FEEL LIKE DRAMA FEVER, and most of us left there to come here
if we wanted Drama Fever we would have stayed there.


LOL the best part is gooddrama takes all the subs from Viki, just compare and you will find them the same xD

I will just comment on your points out of boredom though…

News feed: I do not see how news feed in the bottom right of the page, in a tiny place, are annoying… I actually enjoy watching them and find them really cute…

Highlights from dramas I’ve seen; Can you please point that out to me? I can only see “My favorites” or maybe you mean the history of what you watched on the apps (Well that for me is helpful as I’m a fish head) or maybe things like genres you like? Or do you mean the “recommended titles/popular shows” well that in my point of view helps me pick what to watch next. I don’t get your point.

PS: I’m not saying the design of the site is perfect and we all know it’s not and needs some improvements but I don’t see the points you stated as bad… but as viki belongs to the community we all want it to improve thus we always send them our ideas, you should try doing that…

US Shows; did i miss something? Viki is supposed to bring down language barriers so it’s about dramas and movies from all over the world. Not just the countries you stated.

**I don’t wanna spend my time… ** ; Do you even know that the subs here are made by Volunteers? It’s like saying: “Do this work fast, I don’t wanna waste my time waiting for you to finish” to VOLUNTEERS… you know we are not paid to do the work right? You can always just learn a new language (it’s pretty easy :stuck_out_tongue:) and just go watch it live stream why don’t you do that.

Viki is not even close to being like dramafever… to be honest the quality over here is way better. And it’s a community work (BY VOLUNTEERS)…
Seeing you never worked or did anything on any channel on the site I don’t expect you to actually understand what I’m saying… but just know that we do volunteer work here, don’t expect us to work any faster than that (and well actually we are pretty fast) if your not satisfied just try doing the work yourself and see how hard it is ^^


I have to agree with Wafaahs about gooddrama. I was checking on what they had available. They have a very popular drama there that Viki has the license for. When I compared the subtitles, I found they were exactly the same with Viki’s before the subtitles had been edited. They had obviously ripped them off as soon as they were up on Viki and before the editor had a chance to correct errors. So . . . what you are seeing there is not their work, but ours, at least in this case. We actually had it up available quicker, since we had to have it up for them to copy it.


Gooddrama is NOT a legal site, VIKI is a legal site, goodrama takes the videos from other legal websites as this one and dramafever if you haven’t notice, so they don’t work for rights of video or subs, so yes is an easier place because they don’t expend money, but they copy dramas for different sources so of course they have more but pirate, And of all the stuff you don’t wanna see there is people that DOEs wanna see all of that because if they exist is because there is an audience for that, you clearly are not a viki subber volunteer since you are talking about spending time waiting for subs…lol…So there is absolutely no comparison between gooddrama and viki they are completely different we work really hard for making the subs possible they don’t. And don’t compare viki with dramafever either than even if they are legal they don’t have quality subs maked by them.