Done with viki

Gooddrama rips from us and dramafever. Actually, they just rip from the most fastest website that subs it first. So if you want to watch from gooddrama, it’s like you’re watching it from another subbing company but instead, they stole it. I think Viki is the most legit because we sub/seg it from our own hands without getting a single penny from it and we’re still one of the fastest. Just saying.


I’m Agree with Babyspirit

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What I always find so 'funny’ is that on legal sites like Viki people 'promote’ the illegal sites which steals our hard work. Why? Because it won’t surprise me if content owners and/or the legal sites check those comments too and might go like "Hey they steal our work! They are doing things against the law! Let’s sue them!”

The sites mentioned on here won’t be the first which are taken down because the content owners or whatever sued them.


I do not support these sites because they are using works of art (and I mean dramas) without the creators’permission, but I will not condemn them if they use my subtitles.

When I translate, I do not do it for viki or money or to show off. I do it for people who do not speak english. And I do not care who uses the translation.


I am actually paying the monthly ads free thing here on viki and I must say that its so worth it considering how much drama i watch (a LOT). I love how its cheaper than Dramafever. I’ve watched dramas on good drama specially the ones they don’t have on viki but I miss the timed comments :smile:


But stealing the subtitles is against Viki Policy. :frowning: If here you can watch the shows why they have to take it somewhere else?

‘But stealing the subtitles is against Viki Policy.’

Sorry I don’t understand what’s Viki Policy has to do with what I said.

’ If here you can watch the shows why they have to take it somewhere else?’

I do not know why they do it (although I have a few suspicions :smile:). I was talking about me and only me. I believe that artists, translators, writers should be compensated for their work. I also want to be compensated for my work (at my other life). But here I chose to do it for free and this why I do not care if someone else copies them. And again I am talking about me and only me.

PS: the irony is that at this very moment I am trying to watch the videos and ‘error’ keeps popping up. Hahaha.

Have a nice day, or night.


I translate it for free for other viewers, not for Viki.


Plus the subbing and segmenting is so much better on Viki. How many times have I watched a drama on dramafever with the segments and dialog out of sync and minimal dialog when it is obvious a lot more was said. I keep it only because it has different dramas, but watching a drama that both have…Viki win hands down! Plus it is fun to watch what others are thinking watching the video as well.


Hear, Hear! Fantastic response, Wafaahs!

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That’s true i’ve seen it too! bad quality subs

And the quality is better here!

I have no right to complain about viki making money out of ads because of course they need money.
but the thing that I really hate is the fact that sometimes i literally can’t watch the episode because of the ads!!
i can work with 2 ads every 10 mins but 5??? not really.
and a lot of times there is no “skip ad” button
so i’m forced to watch a 1 min ad (at least) 2 times (out of the 5 ads) every 10 mins.
wanna add ads? fine add all the ads you want but please fix them!
still love viki tho and won’t leave it because it’s seriously the best site out there except for this little problem.

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Well Fatma, just another 1300 subtitles and you can get your QC status and not have to watch those ads again. Or learn to segment and get there sooner. If you need assistance with that the send me a message.


GoodDrama and (they seem to be mirror sites) seem to have no problem putting up unlicensed and ripped off shows, but part of that problem is that many of the show producers place so many obstacles in the way for the legal sites, especially the Japanese companies. And some of the licensing is just totally screwy - Crunchyroll has one series up where the entire series is licensed except for episode 4 - you gotta wonder why in the hell would some producer come up with such a stupid restriction.

But until someone actually sues them for copyright infringement, they are not going to stop. While they are blocked on most Google searches by DCMA notices, most people already know about the sites.

Do you know how to New Discussion here. I am new here.

What did dramafever do to everybody? personally I haven’t paid for a subscription I’m still a free user but I think now they have done something where if you continue watching a show a meter will eventually fill up and you can watch the show in HD or something like that without having to pay…as far as Viki I have two browsers one Safari (came with the mac) and Chrome with ad block on both even when I pause my ad block I don’t see ads on Viki on either browser, Good drama is good for all you dramas you can’t find on viki or dramafever also dramacrazy is back so its good too.

I don’t know if you read the posts above but doesn’t seem like it…

Gooddrama isn’t subbing themselves the subs are from sites like viki… While on viki hard working Subbers volunteer, other sites where you can find all the dramas like you said ( which is because viki wants the official license while other sites don’t) steal the subs.

I was never on dramafever but the quality and the subs on viki aren’t something to compare with gooddrama …

Here if you wanna read it again…


yeah… writing down a post about another website won’t really help this situation…


They’re the ones with Crunchyroll right?