For me personally the timed comments make the site half the enjoyment watching the shows are them. So I’ll stick with it granted if I can’t find the shows here I will go elsewhere but I always come since I’ve met sooooooooooo many wonderful friends that take the time to volunteer and I want to support their work by watching the shows they bring for us granted some of the shows scared the crap out of me coughs God’s Gift and Gap Dong…I want a heads up next time NOT to watch at night LOL
what’s situation, actually…
i think we have to know what going on out there and what everyone thinking about it… to know what to do…
Exactly i am so thankful for the friends i made here. As well i improved my English skills a lot since i am on viki (got better by exactly one degree at school ^^) because of the discussions the subbing chance and the communication going on here on viki. The comments are the best and i don’t think anybody can deny that.
we contribute because we love to and yes we are very aware of everything that’s going on viki , we are not dumb. most of the contributors built viki, we’ve been here since day one, way before the whole pay and licensing thing. when we use to make threads like this instead of timed comments. yes back when it was still viikii. viki have always been a community of hardcore kdrama fans, loving and fun people . despite viki being monetized and all, this is still our viki, we love it, it has become a part of us that we can’t simply get rid of. an adage says “you cant offer your child to the lion just because he behave badly” also, viki is big now and there’s a whole big staff working to keep the site up and running and getting the dramas licensed, so it can be watched legally and hassle free. these people have to be paid! if you cant pay to remove ads shut up and watch it with the ads. if not, scram! we don’t need your kind of drama here unless it’s kdrama.
Lmao haha killed me with your comment
I think that, too!!! Many people love Viki, despite the problems!
I understand Gooddrama doesn’t have a staff of volunteers to help sub but, that doesn’t mean the videos or subs for that matter aren’t stolen. If they were you would pretty well see most likely a viki or dramafever logo on the screen. Sure its not in HD but at least you get to see it, its not some bootleg copy were you see people’s hands, someone laughing in the background, or somebody telling another person it time for dinner; right? Also they do state that other people upload the content on sites such as Veoh, youtube, etc. So if a video did happen to appear from Viki or Dramafever don’t you think action would be taken?
They don’t have people to sub. Yet they have subs. So where do the subs come from? Other people have said before, if you compare their subs to other streaming websites, you’ll notice the subs are the exact same.
It’s not hard to get a copy of the subs, remove the sub credits, hardcode the subs to a video and upload it. And it is a bootleg copy, even if the quality is decent. Because what they’re distributing is an unofficial copy of the show.
I’m sure there has been or is legal action being taken. But people find ways around it. I’m not a lawyer or even that internet-savvy, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you how. But I’m sure there are ways.
For one, the fact that their videos are hosted offsite on other servers already takes some of the blame off them.
All the dramas they have are taken from other sites I use it when viki is down or if it’s a drama not hosted on here or in my country and there are a ton of other sites out there. Honestly I don’t know if legally they can take legal action against any of the sites they don’t own the rights to the shows KBS and the other stations do but honestly I don’t know what the Licence to sub the show entails. Personally I don’t see the problem with other sites posting viki’s work it’s not like they are making a profit off it and viki will always have it here first with the timed comments and better quality. In my opinion other sites are just making everyone’s hard work reach more of the masses that can’t watch it here for whatever reason. And really isn’t that why the volunteers do what they do anyway?? To help out us nooblets that are addicted to the wonderful show know what the people are saying!!! LOL It all boils down to one K-Drama fan helping out another get their fix for the day and I for one adore each and everyone of you!!
No comment really. Thank god scircus already explained. Hope you get our point now
If Viki or DF took legal action, it wouldn’t be because of the shows themselves, but because of the subtitles - which do belong to the respective sites. I believe.
I’m torn about it.
But I guess, I came to love dramas because of sites like dramacrazy and mysoju. And I don’t want to take that opportunity away from others. I think it’s a lot easier nowadays to watch dramas legally, but I understand that it’s not always an option for everyone depending on where you reside.
The major thing that always irks me is that they remove sub credits, though I guess I sort of understand that mindset… But still.
As for making a profit. Those sites usually have ads, don’t they? (I don’t mean on the videos though.) I wonder if maybe that’s just to offset web hosting and possible video hosting costs? But I don’t know.
@melliebean_2 Those sites make profit otherwise they cannot exist. Hosting a site like that costs thousands of dollars a month that’s why they are full with banners, pop ups and ask for donations. Even a simple blog can cost more then thousand dollars a month depending on how many visitors you have a day.
No they don’t do it for free…
Oh please, is the WORST, to be honest.
A lot of ads and the video lags most of the time, and i couldn’t find any better sites so here i am on viki
I totally agree with you.
I looked at all the existing pages, what I can, and I’m not here by accident!
Because here was one or two problems should not freak out. These types of problems can sometimes occur. But it was resolved, wasn’t?
It was really weird when I was over in India majority of ALL my faves weren’t available on viki there yet I can watch them here over in Canada so the alternative sites gave me the opportunity to be able to watch them… even got the hubby to watch My Love From the Star and Master’s Sun and thus we have successfully converted another into the wonderful world of K-Dramas!! and the site we used had the sub credits which they should in my opinion be giving the credit for everyone’s hard work. As for ads I’m really not 100% sure I’ve never really noticed them before but they must have something that pays for it doubt they are paying out of their own pockets
Yeah they must make a profit somehow but honestly I’ve never really noticed the banners or pop ups, donations yes think just about every site has that set up so maybe they pull in money that way I’ve never paid a cent though so idk?? But I agree there is no way they are doing it for free I always watch here when I can those timed comments just KILL ME !!!
Makes half the drama in my opinion
Yep yep
I like you good person!
Very annoying and excessive ads, worse than Hulu and Dramafever. I gave up using this site.
I’m grateful that ViKi qualified contributors enjoy AD-FREE viewing.
My only complaint as of late towards ViKi is more of a contributor-sided point of view. The added difficulty in the ability to contribute (drop-by-subtitling is no longer permitted, at all, no matter if the subtitles are correct) and how the new editor system isn’t as “clean”… This is just my two cents. Improvements are always welcome; I think I liked the traditional look more or something haha…
Honestly, ViKi is a great site. Only other alternative I can think of for k-drama is RAW videos which only those that can understand Korean fluently will enjoy.