Done with viki

They locked the subtitle editor (and segment timer) because other people where causing trouble for the people who where working on it. Like adding fake subs, replacing good subs, adding wrong language subs etc. Same with segging, people where just doing it with their eyes closed and just made random ones. Good segging is the most important here. If the segging is bad the subs will be all over the place and you can’t watch your Kdrama properly.

Yes of course there where people dropping by who did an amazing job too but still there where more troublemakers and they ruined it for everyone at this point. But don’t worry we volunteers don’t bite so feel free to PM someone from the team (check the community wall to see who).


And you’re tototally right. I mean, everyone here has a life outside of viki, but there’s a group that still makes time to bring subs to all this viewers. I think it’s fair too. I mean, two hours subbing and tire just for some people mad that you did it late? :unamused: I’m sorry people who still complain after all of us teams do our work so they can watch it. They should try doing it before they talk. And I’m sorry if I offended anyone. Wasn’t an intention. But you need to try and be considerate.

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And there’s always the option to volunteer as an editor. I’ve found that one being very easy, because you just have to check what has been already sub and it takes less time than subbing. That’s another option :flushed:

Is the idea of the post that anyone forced to watch that show would be done with Viki?

Just thought that anyone here who likes watch K drama could know and help me about name of the show that i forgot, and wish to watch. No offense :open_mouth: And that show is only on viki, didnt fint it anywhere else with eng sub.

I was just kidding with you. A lot of people won’t see it in here through because they have no interest to look in here. I think it would be more likely to find it if you create a new discussion for it. n Call it something like “Need help identifying this show”. Hopefully then you will get more people trying to help you.


What do you think of Crunchyroll?

I like the translations on Viki


My beef with Viki (…and I have VikiPass) is that some of the episodes never get elevated to 100% translated. Currently watching Riders: Catch Tomorrow. Of the current 10 episodes only the 1st episode is at 100%…all others have stalled at 96-99%.

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@dudie this is why I joined as someone with enough fluency errors drove me insane. I’m glad the culture has changed with translation editor and stuff. It’s nice that i get 720p WHICH I USE TO MAKE BETTER SUBS.

like someone said earlier it’s hard to get subtitles in when they’re all done and editing takes a long time.

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I am also feeling like I want to be done with Viki, but due to the customer service (or lack of).

I’ve been double charged for the service (I paid a year-long subscription and still am getting charged the monthly fee on top of that). I submitted a message to the help center and NEVER heard back from Viki.

Oh, and to top it off, when I try to cancel the service, I get a weird error message.


agreed. I think if Viki was a better experience people are more inclined to stay.

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@jviets5_335 Have you tried tweeting them or PMed a viki staff member directly? (You can recognize Vikistaff on their blue staff badge in their profile). Some also made sticky topics here but then you should look for recent topics because some are not staff anymore.

I understand the need for advertisements and I usually watch or skip as my interests change. One ad from Kaplin University ALWAYS freezes so I have to restart. Is there any way to fix this? Am I the only one with a problem like this?

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I personally don’t like how many ads there are in-between a drama… 4 ads that last for 30secs each and are placed about 4 times in every episode. I know we are not paying but come on…

I’m old here in Viki, just as Wafaahs and Dudie, we have being here for years as volunteers, do you sees us complain? No.
This is our wrk , but is a work we do for passion not for money, do I want to be paid to have to sub at certain time and with a schedule? no thanks. We do this freely in our own time and as much or less we want to. We work hard but freedom for me has no price, for prison hour jobs you get paid.
But that’s not the main point. I get to see my favorite dramas, in HD, no region limits, no adds, get some gifts once in a while, get to manage dramas, help others, make friends…true friends, when Viki wants to make changes in the website THEY ASK OUR OPINION first, if we don’t like something they try to change it, they have to make money and get the dramas legally is not easy. Good drama has all dramas, yes, but horrible screen quality, they steal our subs, do you think they don’t make money? (they have add, don’t pay for license, they get all the money and have horrible quality) keep supporting that! I will stay supporting viki, in which I have a vote and a word, friend, were if I have an issue viki staff answers fast and in a nice way. Volunteering is not for everyone and everyone has the right to say something but don’t say something for us, you who don’t volunteer at all.
Thank you but no thanks you. And we will appreciate if you don’t advertise other websites here.


There’s not enough volunteers to subs all at 100%, korean subbers have so much work, is not even funny, all subbers for Asian dramas have their hands full, so is understandable that some might be slower than others.


Which is nice but HORRID in other aspects.
We keep seeing each other every project. Which is nice and fun.
We are stretched thin:

Here’s the math:
I know of 3? active-on-viki roadrunner-esque subbers (if you see a team finish in 4 hours or less at least one of them have provided support) who provide quality subs (0-20 segs edited total) and can sub the whole episode by themselves in less than 4 hours.
How many Kor-Eng subbers are there? perhaps as many as 200 according to one estimate.
How many can do historicals? like 10.
How many subbers with a legal background, have I worked with who can sub policy and legal terms? 2

So what are the chances that your drama will be subbed? Depends on the genre. I am by no ways fluent, though I can sub a whole sageuk if I really wanted to. I do my best to HEAR every word, and yet… there are just too many shows. I’m on like 10 projects. An editor officially on 4 of them. I am BEHIND. So much that I cannot handle being a sole editor on any of these projects. I have begged my CM to find me another translation editor for this purpose.

The hardest project to do would be a technical terminology heavy (e.g. legal, medical, policy, historical) drama that uses difficult (say above a elementary school) level of vocabulary that has OST’s everywhere, multiple languages with no hard captions, no mainstream/established actors and is NOT WELL WRITTEN. If your drama has all those boxes checked. Chances anyone will want to sub IS LOW.

Instead of saying Viki sucks, write to corporate. Tell them what to change offer better suggestions than y’all suck I’m leaving.


Hi jviets5_335,

I’m Carly, of the Community Support team. I’m terribly sorry for our delay to respond to you. We’ve been experiencing very high volumes of incoming help requests due to updates we made to our internal Viki Pass subscription system. So I can find the ticket you submitted to the help center, could you please provide me with your email address? If you’d rather send me a PM with that information (for privacy reasons), my Viki profile is here.

Here are details on how to send a PM. I’ll look forward to helping you :smile:


If I decide to watch something on greek TV, I’ll have to bear with 4-5 fifteen minute intervals for ads.One of them invariably happens 5 minutes before the end. The skippable, 30 second ads on Viki for a 45 minute episode are like an oasis to me.