Done with viki

LMAO same with Turkish tv :joy:

It’s not very enjoyable, is it? That’s why we love viki :slight_smile:

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US shows I think have 4 commercial breaks per hour every 15 min like clockwork. Each commercial time frame is 5 min long. We have a variety of them.

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I used to love Viki but now you have to pay to watch episodes which really annoys me. People might not have the money to pay for a Viki pass. All of my favorite movies are now either only for members or you have too pay to watch it.

I think you didn’t understand Viki Pass.
You can still see your show free. But without Viki Pass, you have to wait 2 weeks. It’s as if the drama start 2 weeks later. And when you’ll have access to your episodes, they’ll be already translated (you don’t even have to wait!). I don’t think it’s a big deal to wait 2 weeks for some drama. And, the quality is here. It’s up to you to take Viki pass or not.
Viki paid licences and are enought kind to give us shows FREE and in “worst” case, you’ll have to wait 2 weeks (or 3).


As Kawaiie said, @delaney_progen_414 you DON’T have to pay, but you do HAVE to wait, be short of money is one thing but lack of patience it other thing completely different.

And honestly, it costs 2.99/3.99? That’s really cheap for the hundreds of hours of entertainment you’re getting. Not to mention, Viki sometimes uploads and subs faster than other sites. And it’s legitimate. That’s so little considering the costs of having to pay for licenses, staff salaries, etc.


My adblocker is doing its job, fortunately
 so no complaints there. I joined viki recently, because I wanted to become part of the lively community. I enjoy writing comments and reviews. And now I even started subbing. These features make viki unique. Plus: You can get a free viki pass when You contribute as a subber or segmenter. I just checked - some titles are not yet available on those other platforms, mentioned by users here, or they are not available in my country, or they only have english subtitles
 and sometimes they upload the dramas with english subs made here on viki. This here is the best place when it comes to asian drama. Period.


I agree! I didn’t know the efforts that seggers, subbers, and editors put in until I got involved. You cannot beat viki for the quality. When multiple languages come up, subbers of the languages get involved so it is more accurate than the hard subs of the native language. This analogy also extends to specialized bodies of knowledge that pertain to physicists, medical students and doctors/dentists, and lawyers!

In historicals people always compare notes and keep editing even WAY after release time. I say you always get the best subtitles here.


This is kind of off-topic, but one reason I love Viki is the in-video comments. Lol. When I’m watching shows on other sites, I greatly miss it. Some comments make the scenes funnier. I love those. Even though we’re all watching at different times, somehow it feels like everyone’s there watching it with you.

And right-on about the subtitles. I was really shocked to see poor subtitles on sites with hired translators. And because a lot of them don’t give room for translator notes, I feel like I get the full cultural learning experience on Viki.


You said it TC timed comments and translator’s notes or explanations of words/name/ idioms are priceless. Ever wondered how much a Starbucks coffee costs, or some energy drink? I think the monthly cost for a VikiPass is not much more expensive. - The learning curve plus making new friends is also priceless :smile:


Some how I feel some people forget the concept of translating and what it involves.
Whether it’s drama, manga, anime, movies it’s usually pirate content that people choose to upload and gets taken down at some point - even if it’s not subbed.
Buying the copy rights for it and hosting it on a server cost money. Higher quality - the files are bigger and so take more space on the server so it’s rational that it’ll cost more money.
At the start of viki the videos were from youtube or dailymotion and were periodically deleted by those sites.
Also design and encoding the site cost money. Hosting the site itself cost money, even the site address usually cost money.
So they make some money from the ads, or off users who don’t want to see the ads, but on the other hand the videos on the official channels aren’t taken down until the license is over and there are a lot of official channels.
Don’t forget that most sites out there today make money off ads - take facebook for example, other sites that upload hardsubbed drama have popup ads or somewhere in the page too. The same youtube has ads on average every 2 or 1.5 videos.
Even the channels on tv that airs let’s say show 2 kdramas (with 2 ep for week) I think would cost me more than if I payed for viki pass. (and it shows telenovela the rest of the time so really if I buy that it’s only for kdrama)
So if people want to go to DF they are welcome, but it has only eng sub and I don’t think there are any dramas except Korean ones.


I don’t understand why people feel the need to broadcast their departure.

Especially when their posts make it obvious that they’ve never read the TOS, the product description and the general rules of the service.

This thread is a case study for “silence is golden”.


There was no reply button on wafaahs comments, so I needed to hit the one on yours. Bravo to all the subbers and segmenters who “get it”. Sick and tired of seeing complainer comments about ads in every drama. What would it cost them to go to the theatre and watch 10-20 dramas a month? They have no comprehension that ViKi is a BUSINESS. Wafaahs
“people from the US are too spoiled”??? What makes you think they are all from the US? Have you checked the nationality of each viewer? Do you see the whiners in every drama in Spanish??? Since Viki problems/User whining are international, comments like that just promote hate. This is a site to enjoy movies and learn about other cultures, which brings understanding. Comments like that do not help.

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Since most of the complains are comparing viki to DF they are from US (DF doesn’t work for any other country), and really besides that site this is the best one for the speed of subbing.


It’s like people have never heard of laws. What’s wrong with you?

I agree 100% that Viki is the best at subbing. Sorry
but the only complaints I have seen in comments sections of dramas are about ads, not Dramafever. I am a movie fanatic, so I am willing to pay for VikiPass to keep the great dramas coming. I can’t imagine what it would cost me to go to a theatre or pay for all the websites I would need to watch the amount that I do. I do watch other sites and have to deal with ads, but it’s worth it because it is usually a drama that I cannot find anywhere else.

I still think that blaming a specific culture promotes hate. There are thousands of us in the U.S. that watch with ads without complaining or subscribe to VikiPass
so don’t paint a whole culture with one brush. If the subs aren’t there, I just wait. I don’t whine. In my experience the most complaints are from Spanish speaking community about subbing. While I can certainly understand their frustration once the English subs are finished, there has to be a better place on the site for complaints instead of in the Reviews, the comments AND the timed comments. I like to see discussions about the episodes not pages of the same complaints over and over.

Compared to other sites, including YouTube, I still think Viki is the best thing since sliced bread!


I was really impressed how
 ocd all the other conributors here were like me. We started with blogs and wikipedia as our reference material but I personally have progressed to encyclopedias, government databases, and stuff. We put in A LOT of effort. I study things to sub historicals.

@evilyuli is simply mentioning that site that shall not be named can only be accessed in US thus the people who say that site is better must be Americans. That’s all. I’m downvoting a lot of the subtitle request comments because it’s discouraging and later when the shows are all subbed 100% every episode, cringeworthy.


I got blocked for no reason and I can’t even find someone to contact! :frowning: really disappointed.

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What do you mean? Blocked by who?