First drama?

For me it was Paradise Ranch :slight_smile: because I fall in love at changmin in 2011 ,so he was the reason that I am ,today Kdrama freak :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i messed up with my first post.
My first Asian Drama that i ever watched was Meteor Garden (Taiwanese)
but i stopped watching asian dramas around 05 to 08 until i started to watch
Hana Yori Dango i told myself that i would never watch any other version since i really loved the Taiwanese adaptation and i was wrong it was a bit old but it was too good that i got hooked on the first episode and that’s where i started to watch a lot of asian dramas again.

What PR? THAT DRAMA WAS HORRIBLE!..i didn’t even understand what was going on…it was that bad. Only watched it for changmin

Yes the Taiwanese version is really old but i really like i. Dao ming si and Shan Cai are so funny :slight_smile:

Full House. I was going through a really rough break up and it let me be happy for a brief while. Prior I loved Korean/Japanese films and for a while really liked to watch the horror movies they were coming out with.

However, in the drama category, Full House was what led me to my love for K-drama. And it still is capable of making me happy even when I’m feeling low. Though television and books have always been my thing–loving fictional characters, wondering what happens next…etc.

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LOL! :smiley: Yeah I am on team HOT and SEXY!! I am sooooo waiting for Heirs now! :smiley: LMH and CJH. lol! I get these DVD’s from EB*y which has really really good english subs. Gosh I am actually waiting a while and then the marathon is ON!!! :smiley:

I only like to get DVDs for something I really really like! :smiley:

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Oh! that has happened to me…Actually viki stopped working because of technical problems and i was so sad! :frowning: I waited the whole night…

My favorite flower boy is “Flower boy Ramen shop”!

I love love that show "D Actually I LOVE Cha Chi So <3

I really like it, I find at times it’s almost melodic… it might be part of the reason I enjoy dramas so much.

How clever to record running water for her! I find it interesting how every child is different (especially from their siblings) and Mothers become detectives in figuring out what each child needs and wants. As you know, what soothes one child send another into a rage.

OH I’ve made it my goal to see everything he’s does or has done. (When I first saw him I didn’t like his look, but by the end of FBRS… sigh.)

It is a sign from the heavens if the internet breaks… it means go to bed.

What all have you seen of his? I have seen Iljimae, My Fair Lady, 49 days FBRS, and METS <3

ROFLLLL…That is so true, it has happened to me a couple of times and I have seen the watch and it’s like 2:00 AM lol! :smiley:

Iljimae is that “Moon River”? I have not seen it. Is it good?

I’m trying to watch Unstoppable high kick, but there are SOO many episodes.

My first drama was High kick through the roof.
I didn’t really like it…it was hard to watch sometimes and it didn’t even have a happy ending, but somehow it made me go on and watch more dramas anyway…
I started watching it because of Lee Kikwang from BEAST ( I was a huge fan back then :wink: not anymore though…I’m out of Kpop)
So…I don’t really know what it is but K-dramas are kinda addicting…even the bad ones…

Curiosity… What was your second drama?

My second drama? :slight_smile:
You’re beautiful starring Jung Yonghwa and Jang geunsuk…

I liked that one. Anytime I have a friend who asks “What Drama should I watch?” . 9 times out of 10 I’ll say “Have you seen You’re Beautfiul ?”