Is anyone looking for a segmenter? All I see are subtitler requests

I just passed through the segmenting ninja academy and have been looking for projects that are recruiting segmenters, but they hardly exist. I’ve gone through the project finder and never heard back from anyone, and on the project board people are usually asking for subtitlers. Is there a better way to go about searching for segmenting jobs, since they obviously have to exist? Really just looking for some help and guidance here. :slight_smile:


Try contacting channel managers on dramas that are either On Air or Coming Soon. They will almost definitely need help.
Subtitler requests are more frequent because there are a lot of languages, while segments are the same for everyone. :slight_smile:

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Personally I sometimes ignore project finder messages as it also lists project that don’t always need extra help. So if you wan to use the project finder also make sure to check the channel.

The best way to find segmenter projects is to just check channels of the projects you want to work on and contact the person in charge ofthe recruitment of the seggers (mostly the CM but it can also be someone else). Are they looking for segmenters or not? And as suggested you can check the coming soon and on air sections but keep in mind that the popular projects are mostly already full before airing.

Variety shows are not popular among seggers as they are a nightmare to seg but if you are up for a challenge and want to gain more experience/skill as a segger you could try segging those and in the mean time keep an eye on newly added channels. (check explore for those)

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You have this table on nssa (Idk if it’s updated regularly):

  • look for upcoming dramas / fan channel dramas, because recruiting begins before we know if a channel is licensed. So if you wait for the licence, there might be no available spot anymore.

  • you have more chance to find an available spot on:
    – Chinese and Taiwanese long dramas. Korean dramas attract a lot of segmenters, it’s hard to find a spot as a segmenter if you don’t ask as soon as the CM is appointed.

Though there are more available spots, I don’t recommend Variety shows and Created content to fresh segmenters / not experienced segmenters: (skip below if you want, it’s details)

[spoiler]1) Most of the time, there’s no chief segmenter and no one to review your work whereas the difficulty level is often higher than segmenting dramas. So it asks a lot of autonomy and experience in segmenting not 1 or 5 dramas, but a lot more (in my humble opinion).
For me, you gain in experience and learn faster in segmenting dramas first, than going on variety shows. It’s a more complicated path to gain the basis experience.

Other advice in which channel to pick when you need to gain experience in segmenting (in my humble opinion):

  1. Look for a channel where a chief segmenter can review your work and ask for his feedback.

  2. Ask your past sensei if they don’t know a channel where you can segment to gain exp or if themselves don’t have channels where they’re looking for segmenters.

  3. Look for not on air channel at the beginning because of timing + people for on air dramas will be more keen on accepting you if you have some past experience (not a little, but enough).

  4. Look for long dramas so you can continue segmenting on the same drama regularly. I noticed that I became accustomed to characters, their way of speaking so you’ll gain in quickness while learning the pattern people speak. After assimilating this pattern, it’s about the same pattern in other dramas => go for on air dramas.

=> It’s only after this that I began to be effective for me and the team.

  1. You can ask for specialization or become a sensei in segmentation: I think this way is even faster than above, you’ll have open doors directly.
    But one of the drawbacks is: in compensation, you’ll give your free time to teach. It’s a choice. If you have free time, like to teach, feel that you’re enough ready to teach or want other perks, why not?

  2. But seeing where it goes, if the segmenting bot will be implemented in the long term: I don’t know if segmenters will still be there, if they will be interested in correcting a bot, and if a fewer are interested, why taking a course to teach segmenters if they’ll be a lot less interested in segmenting. Even why taking a long course and exams to correct a bot and not even having the perks of a QC (not having viki pass because not enough created segments)?[/spoiler]


Wow thanks guys this is really helpful. I’ll check out your suggestions!

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@piranna Yes I agree that Variety shows are not ideal and normally I won’t suggest it either due the things you list. But considering the current situation the options offered are limited due the fact more and more content is auto segged/subbed or restricted so you cannot work on it. Even I had trouble finding a project to work on and now I ended up with 3 on the same day and none on other days.

So what is better in that situation: continue segging variety shows, although not ideal, or wait for a suitable project and get demotivated or just give up segging?

And how do you blur some content?

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You’re right! I’m still thinking in the past, silly me!
It’s been a long time I didn’t look or ask to seg on dramas, so I didn’t take into account the current situation with Kocowa, more restricted access and bot that limit our choice.
You’re totally right. It changed a lot compared to beginning of last year (I can only compare to this period).

For the remaining dramas that are available to seg:

  • timing when you ask (ask way before, some CM build their segmenting teams a couple of months before it’s licensed = it also depends on the CM and Chief segmenter, that’s why in doubt, ask as soon as there’s a CM or Chief seg)
  • follow dramas and fan channels to receive recruiting msg from other dramas. We normally receive some each week.
  • see on this forum.

It’s a generality so exceptions exist:

  • to be able to participate, it’s not only a matter of when you ask but also, if you have some past experience and how you segment (how you cut, timing for on air, etc. from what I’ve heard, and sometimes who you know):
    That’s why it’s important that you build your own experience in segmenting dramas first before thinking of segmenting on air / popular dramas (maybe it will be less interesting dramas for you in the beginning to build up this exp but it will serves you and make you boost your timing while keeping an acceptable segmenting => you can only learn that by segmenting and segmenting, there’s no magic).
    Again, ppl who might never have worked with you would still have faith in your skills and know beforehand they probably won’t have to review your segments a lot.

  • the kind of past experience you have accumulated: if after the segging academy, someone mostly segmented on variety shows and created contents as past experience, knowing that segmenting them can be very different from segmenting a drama + no supervision = it’s not the same exp:

  1. for them
  2. for people who recruit segmenters

From one show to another, you can find a lot of differences:
Some are in English (so no Korean), some are just text (dramas have few texts), some have hard subs + voice, some are in Korean and they talk very fast = real dialogue not like a script, some are news, some are concerts, some are awards, some contain only songs.
It can be really different from segmenting a classic drama and from videos we worked on during our training.
But the basis are the same and the exp you gain in segmenting might take longer in variety shows.

=> if for the moment you don’t find a drama to seg and you want to seg Korean dramas in a future: look for something where they talk Korean (not English or text only), prefer created content over long variety shows or pick short variety shows => it’s less demotivating when you begin.

=>I’m not sure everyone will look into your segments in created content or variety show to see how you segment or if they’d only take someone with exp in segmenting dramas. Idk but well, at least you’re aware.

If your first goal with the segmenting training in your pocket was to segment on dramas => go directly there. You will find one.
For me, it’s the fast way to gain the kind of past experience that dramas recruiters are looking for in segmenters.
Also, ppl might answer 1 or more weeks later.

Or become specialized in segmenting or become a sensei: it’s like more training + an assurance for others and you build up your network.

It’s also a question of network + competence: you’ll often find the same segmenters on most dramas because they’re fast to segment and the segments don’t need a lot of reviewing. The team takes no risk like that and convenient because they already worked together.

Good luck to you!! :wink:

Ps: @dudie it’s the button “blur” on the right, there are like 3 buttons with hide contents, blur and etc.
Just select the text you want to blur, click on blur :slight_smile:

I’m curious, which variety show is it?
Last time I checked on a few variety shows, they were segmented by bot or Viki. Even the new ones I think?

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@piranna Aha thanks… let’s try. Lalalalala Yes it works… never checked that thing :joy:
And variety show wise, no idea! I only know they are not popular at all and I hardly watch them because the ones I want to watch are… yes… restricted.

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My experience with variety shows: I segmented a one-hour episode once. And I swore I’d never do it again. I’m serious, I will keep my promise!

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Hi, I’m in search of a segmenter for a Korean variety show, if you are interested please contact me.
Here it is
Thanks Sara.