It's raining badges!

“Golden tarts” Hahah well said. I don’t find them as endearing as the other badges.

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Ha ha ha!
Of all the golden tarts, the most puzzling one is the “Example badge”, which has not been given to anyone yet. I wonder what kind of example they are looking for…
I was also very amused to see how many were for posts in either The perverts’ club or Done with Viki, I guess it’s human nature lol lol lol

Curiosity got the best of me. . . as it often does. I clicked on the “badges” link in my profile and there are numbers to the right of each badge. . . what do the numbers mean?

I don’t see any numbers in mine…

I think you are referring to the numbers which show how many of those badges they’ve given.

OH! Doh! You’re right!

Thanks! I’ll try it out :smiley:

Hi! I’m sorry if this sounds stupid, but does anyone know how to get the cover page translation badge?? I’m more curious than anything else what it’s about… Thanks!

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Since Viki added so many Bollywood movies, there’s a lack of a Badge for the contributors on that proyects!


I hope that means there is a badge to come!


I’m sorry I don’t know how. I haven’t even seen it anywhere!

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It would be great to have a Bollywood badge! Love the idea!

oh! I didn’t even know there was one!!

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I’m not exactly sure about the details but it was a one-time thing, where for a period of time if you helped translate certain channel descriptions, you could get it.

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Thanks so much!! Any guess is greatly appreciated and way better than my cluelessness. ^^

Lol… right?? I hope they revive it!!

Lol. Thanks anyway…

I was thinking there is no “page design” badge. is there?

No, I don´t think there´s one, but I wouldn´t be surprised if they consider it one day, because the pages are consistently getting better and that takes a lot of work.

Hehee, that would be cool :3
Maybe a page designer has a good idea for a badge design and can send in a preliminary design…?