Looking for Japanese-English translators of japanese TV-dramas for an interview regarding translation quality (fansubbing groups vs crowdsourcing through VIKI)


I am a student of translation studies in Sweden and I am doing a thesis within translation quality of english fansubs for japanese TV-dramas where I want to compare translation quality of subtitles made through fansubbing groups and through crowdsourcing translation (VIKI).

I am going to compare two subtitiles of first chapter of three different dramas. One of the subtitles should have been made by a fansubbing group and one translation should have been made through crowdsourcing translation (VIKI).

I am looking for volunteers who could help me out, I want to make some interviews asking questions about the experience of translation of the translator and also questions about the methods and tools used when translating and how you have been working with translation quality assurance. I will try to pick the dramas that the person I am interviewing have translated. So, if you also could help me out and give me the transcription for the subtitles you have translated - it would be great!

I hope to help lots of help from you! Please send me a message on VIKI or email me on rebecka.weidemann@gmail.com

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