Looking for moderators and subber in any idiom

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Hi there!
I’m looking for moderator in any idiom except for spanish.
Also looking for subber in any idioms.
All for one chinese/taiwanese drama [Xioju’s Spring][1].

if you are interested please send me a Pm. i’m channel manager. or just reply here.
Thank you :slight_smile:
[1]: http://www.viki.com/tv/22792c-xiaojus-spring

I could help by subbing from EnglishFench to Romanian.

Te puedo ayudar con los subs en español :smile:

Hi doramaholic1, i am interested to be your subber for you channel Xioju’s Spring from English to Tagalog. Please consider me. Thank you.

Hi, yes, you can join to the team :slight_smile: just tell me. are you still available?

I am a good English editor if you need one.

Hi! Is it too late? I hope it is not :smiley:
Can I still translete it to Indonesian?
Thank’s :smile:

If you want, I can be Portuguese Moderator or Italian Moderator