Looking for Viki Segmenters

Now you need to wait until they contact you. You can’t participate as a segmenter until you went through the entire program (Sandbox (the introduction course, not the playground you have been practising on) + 5 levels) and are told by the NSSA that you have graduated. Just watching tutorials and practising in the playground is not enough. Segmenters really need to know what they are doing. Please take it seriously.


Hi I’m looking to contribute as a segmenter. I really like watching subbed dramas and movies and appreciate how well segmented and subbed the shows on Viki are and I’d like to be a part of that. here’s a link to my profile page

  • I completed the NSSA training and am looking for my first projects I’m generally available to segment on weekends.
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That was such a great ideia! Thank you for the effort of creating the list!

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je suis toujours disponible pour la segmentation. NSSA - Ninja Academy - OK Préférence pour le coréen.

Hi, I’m looking for projects to help in segmenting.

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Just Graduated from NSSA : ). I’m ready, willing, anxious and excited to get involved with a project. Not picky about the project. I enjoy segmenting and love to be helpful. I am available on average for a minimum of an hour and 5 days a week. I can make time for more at certain times of the year depending on my business. thank you for your consideration

Watch Korean Dramas, Chinese Dramas and Movies Online | Rakuten Viki


Hi everyone,

I’ve just graduated from NSSA and I am willing to participate in segmenting projects. I’m available couple of hours everyday ^^. I can wait to participate to my first project.

Here is my profil : Viki Contributor Community

Have a nice day!

I have just graduated from the Sandbox NSSA Academy. I am willing to spend around a couple of hours everyday.Other than Sundays and i am very exited to get started.
Here is my profile : Watch K-Dramas, Korean Shows & Chinese Dramas | Rakuten Viki

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!

Hi there :wave:

I have just graduated from the NSSA course and now would loooove to join a project (Preferably a Mandarin drama). I am available an hour a day, either in the morning or in the evening.




I’m back on Viki after a looong break. I’am looking for a projet as a segmenter (as a translator as well). I gratuatef from NSSA.
Feel free to contact me :smiling_face:
Link to my profile : Watch K-Dramas, Korean Shows & Chinese Dramas | Rakuten Viki

Hello there! My name is Sara and I’m looking for new projects to help segmenting. I’ve graduated from Ninja Segging Academy, but never had the chance to get in any protects. I have experience as a portuguese translator and I think it is a plus. I’m available 2hrs per week.

My profile: saragoncalves415_96| Viki

Hello everyone!

I have recently graduated from Ninja Segging Academy and I’m looking for a segmenting project.

Here’s a link to my profile: Watch K-Dramas, Korean Shows & Chinese Dramas | Rakuten Viki

Thank you!

Hi, I’m looking to segment Kdramas. I recently graduated from NSSA. I should be available 1-2 hours/week. I love Kdramas and have been watching since forever. I would like to contribute and share more Kdrama content to more viewers :slight_smile:
Here is the link to my profile: Watch K-Dramas, Korean Shows & Chinese Dramas | Rakuten Viki

Thank you!

Hello @matchabuddy,
You graduated from the sandbox, there are still 5 levels to go before the final exam and being really graduated from Segging Academy.
Please be patient. :slight_smile:


Oh! Sorry, I guess I misunderstood my graduation message. Thank ya for letting me know. @deval_chloe

I have graduated from the Ninja Sandbox Academy and am now a Qualified Contributor.

Are there additional steps before I can volunteer for projects?

If not, I should be able to contribute two (2) hours a week.

I want to volunteer because I love Viki and I’m looking forward to getting more content on the platforn.

Congratulations for completing Sandbox, now the fun time of waiting for NSSA and the ninja academy begins. You are one step closer to being a segger but you are not there yet.


Hello! I just graduated from the NSSA Segging Academy and would like to join a project. I’m available a minimum of 1 hour a weekday and at least 2 hours a day on the weekend.
Please contact me at @zaziminer




Thank you!