Most Famous food around the world

California can be a “food heaven” because of all the different cultures and communities there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I used to live in CA and I sure miss the diversity of restaurants.They don’t even have a Korean BBQ here :tired_face: but there are quite a few good Indian restaurants though and Vietnamese restaurants…have yet to find a good Japanese Ramen place.

You mentioned unusual ice cream flavors - I had garlic ice cream in Gilroy - it wasn’t so bad and cheese ice cream.

@gouri23 - those look delicious. A lot of “tropical” cultures use the banana leaf a lot as a plate but I also think it adds a nice flavor to dishes. Somosa is very good but labor intensive - I wonder if pre made somosa dough sheets are sold anywhere.

I wanted to share my favorite food-travel blogger , his name is Mark Wiens and his videos are incredible. He made a pretty awesome one about Kerala


I made Kimchi fried rice yesterday (with left over chicken and added an over medium egg) but I didn’t have the green onions or sesame seeds though. This lady is my favorite Korean recipe youtuber channel and I followed this recipe.


That looks great :drooling_face:


Yes! These are delicious :smile:


The Vegetarians!


:yum::yum: Hmmmmmmm That looks so delicious, Where I am so hungry right now And tonight we have bread rolls…
I don’t know if the rolls are that tasty :neutral_face::unamused::sweat_smile:

I can almost smell your food :upside_down_face::blush:


I agree. One of the best things about Cali is the food.
Well, that and the weather. I feel like I might leave California someday. It sad to think I might not be able to eat certain food types if I do move.
sighs Cool video!


You are making me hungry…


Where I live, everyone eats the borsch.



For the 2 pics: Bingoooo!

I thought long and hard since most famous dishes might be hard to find for you in your area. Like German bread, sausages, …

So I was looking for a recipe that you could make at home all you need is raw potatoes, onion, salt, pepper, apples, …

The cook here made two versions traditional though is the one with the apple purée. This is a dish we often eat at home or on feasts even on Christmas markets.

In my region there are a lot of potato dishes, there is another one called Himmel und Erd’ but it has some sausage, that you might not get, so I didn’t post, in English the name would be Heaven and Earth were apples refer to heaven and potatoes to the Earth.


Not for vegetarians, but a famous dish in my federal state in Germany - Saumagen - stuffed pig’s stomach

Saumagen went international since one of our former Bundeskanzler - Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl liked to offer it on banquets with presidents and other representatives of foreign countries.

You might find this dish slightly different in Pennsylvania where descendants of immigrated “Dutch” people live.


We have that too, though here it’s called Hete bliksem (hot lightning). :cloud_with_lightning:

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So, but then I want Add one more…
A blood soup from a pig


We have that too, in our region we call it Wurstsuppe in our dialect Werschtsupp

On another note, the international comparison of Haggis and Saumagen

Sounds like a dish out of a horror movie to me. :wink:

Okay, we have blood sausage, Finland has blood pancakes, Norway has blood pudding … but for a vegetarian they all sound bloody. :joy:


Is it like a gazpacho?

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Not at all. It’s red beet soup. :slight_smile:


Philippines also has Pig’s Blood stew and it’s paired with sweet rice cakes.

Those German dishes look delicious. I’m intrigued by the dish that takes days to cook (if I’m understanding it correctly).

The Rhineland Fritter kind of reminds me of latke…

Anyone can share famous dishes from the African continent? Went to a local Ethiopian restaurant a while back, remember having Injera with several delicious sauces.

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