Music you are listening to in any language (Except English 😂)

I am almost awake now 5am now slept 4 hrs wasn’t the best night, got so irritated after suddenly my keyboard started clicking with every move, finally it is silent again. Need to get up - rise and shine.

A song I listened to a lot in the past days

Your hand

Hoffnung ist gerade so schwer zu finden
Hope is currently so hard to find
Ich suche sie
I am looking for it
Ich schau nach links und fühl mich blind
I look to the left and feel blind
Für Perspektiven, die uns weiterbringen
for prospects, that bring us further
Und plötzlich spür ich hinter mir
And suddenly I feel behind me
Was schiebt mich an
what pushes me
gibt mir 'ne Kraft
giving me strength
die zieht mich aus dem Tief
that pulls me up
denn es gibt
because there is
so viel zu verlieren
so much to lose

Deine Hand gibt mir
Your hand gives me
den Halt den ich so dringend brauch
the support I need so badly
um nicht zu brechen halt sie fest
not to break hold it tight
und wir
and we
und wir
and we
könnten uns noch retten
could save ourselves
Deine Hand sie schiebt
Your hand it pushes
in Liebe meine Hand an
my hand onwards in love
gibt und gibt
gives and gives
alles was sie kann
all that it can
sie ist mein Pier
it is my pillar
Deine Hand ist meine Bank
Your hand is my bench

Heute wird das Morgen gemacht
Today will create tomorrow
Deine Tat malt die Zukunft aus
Your action pictures the future
Nutz fremde Rampen um zu starten
Use foreign ramps to start
komm weiter gemeinsam
move forward together

Auf Räuberleitern höher steigen
On we go higher on leg-ups
Wir - im Team- wenn wir
We - as a team - if we
uns Brücken schweißen die uns
weld bridges that bring us
direkt führ‘n ins Wir - ich bin nur mit Dir
directly to the WE - Only with you am I

Deine Hand gibt mir
Your hand gives me
den Halt den ich so dringend brauch
the support I need so badly
um nicht zu brechen halt sie fest
not to break hold it tight
und wir
and we
und wir
and we
könnten uns noch retten
could still save ourselves

Deine Hand sie schiebt
Your hand it pushes
in Liebe meine Hand an
my hand onwards in love
gibt und gibt
gives and gives
alles was sie kann
all it can
sie ist mein Pier
it is my pillar
Deine Hand ist meine Bank
Your hand is my bench

There is a lot of symbolism in the video, so one could guess what the topic is. My translation might be a bit rough, because of the early hour and little sleep. The song’s lyrics are pretty compact, but I am not one hundred percent sure if the German word “bank” really means bench, as a place to rest and re-energize or bank, as to nurture your “investment for the future”.

This song is haunting me for days now, giving the grave situations of some people in the world, hoping for personal freedom and a life in peace and prosperity.


I don’t know, maybe it’s just a nuance, since in German we like to emphasize the first syllable.

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This is a song that I am nearly addicted to…
Its calmness is one thing
But, I love it for its lyrics… They hit really hard
So, here is the link:

Title: Meri Zaat Zarra E Benishan

Loose translation in English (By Me) :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
My existence is but a grain of dust deprived of identity.


I would suggest a few edits…
(Please don’t mind…

Other than you, O God, who else knows the condition of my heart!
Before you, O God, how many tribulations I have been through!
How should I narrate the injustice that has happened here
How should I narrate the injustice that has happened here
Who can listen to my fable,
There is no playmate, nor a confidant
Whatever was lies became truth here
But, I didn’t speak
This loneliness, these sorrows
These are the interpreter of my life
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
Somedays, roaming in the beautiful morning
Somedays, watching the deserted evening
Somedays, awakening with teared eyes
Somedays, thinking about the gone moments
But, I have a moment of hope, that I have the protection from you
Nor I have complained of anything
Nor I have lamented (or mourned)
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
What should I say I should get
I should only get the reward of my patience
I should only get the covering of remembrance
I should get the result of my pains
Some sorrow should find place in my heart
I should get what is mine
May my world remains happy as now
That my imaginations turn into reality
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity
My existence is but a grain of dust without identity


These aren’t desires. They simply reflect what the person in question does often. They often roam the mornings, upto the thinking about the gone moments…

It does and it does not as well. Kabhi can be used for future, present, and past at the same time. It depends on the sentence structure and the context. Further, there are some suffixes and prefixes which change the meaning of Kabhi itself. So, it can’t be said surely in which tense Kabhi can be used.

Thanks a lot.

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About Jay Chou.

Turn on English or French subtitles

Filmed in La Samaritaine in Paris, France. Built in 1869.


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Loved the fantasy - time travel. :blush: :heart:

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I loved it too. Glad you enjoyed it.

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… the last time I was in Paris it has been a long time actually … I always pick some building I want to see, back then the old department store “Samaritaine”, we were walking around the block one time, two times, without any success, and then we found a sign that it was closed for restoration work. It is still on my list to go to, if I ever make it to Paris again. And I just got to know that it actually took 16 years of renovation until 2021, jaw drop.
What a fun video, that he in travelling time is the inspiration of so many artists, Magritte, Dali, Monet, … And Lang Lang is there as well …
Thank you for letting me time travel in my memories.


You’re very welcome. What a wonderful coincidence. So happy that you could finally experience the result of the renovation. Hope you have the opportunity in the future to experience it first-hand.
Thank you for sharing that memory from Paris with us.


This one is pumping in my town.

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Also wanted to share this cute and sweet song :tropical_fish: :black_cat: :house_with_garden: :mount_fuji: :pear: :tulip:Translations can be found here.


:joy::smile: Who else is rocking out to post up in this thread!?! Drop a :heart:


Some Tunisian mezwed music :joy:

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Childhood crushes haha :heart_eyes:




A song dedicated to the island :desert_island:


Which island? :thinking: