There was the very best teacher on Youtube, with wonderful, professional videos, clearly lit, slow, light coloured yarn on dark background, she had perfect technique etc.
Unfortunately the lady became a bit “weird”. Now some of her tutorials for hats, gloves or some novelty stitches are still there, but not the beginning stitches. Only the left hand method. Most of her videos are made private, and she rambles on about military matters and other things. It’s so sad.
Generally on Youtube, AVOID crochet tutorials by American and English people. Go for French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian ones (there are some wonderful Mexican Youtuber ladies). I will explain this to you in private because I don’t want to open a can of worms.
A quick search gave me this good video. Careful, don’t watch the others from Bergère de France, they have very poor technique and you will get bad habits which will cramp your hands and make your work uneven.
You can also look at this lady. She has good hand placement and will teach you the basic stitches clearly.
P.S. Why on earth would you start by making a complicated shape instead of a square or rectangle? There is a reason all of us started with dishcloths and potholders.
P.S. The magic ring was something that revolutionised crochet in the round, because thanks to it there is no hole in the middle as there usually was.
Here is the usual way of starting crochet in the round.
I don’t use it the magic ring that much, because you need to fix it really well to avoid it getting undone and the whole work falling apart. But it is essential in stuffed toys because they shouldn’t have any holes.
Here is Mamie’s explanation of the magic circle
After studying those, we can meet up and I will show you. It’s easier that way, because we can stop whenever you’re stuck, instead of you having to stop the video and going back several times. You can tell me whenever something is not visible and I’ll come closer, and I can also comment on what you’re doing. Much less frustrating.
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 10 o’clock *your 8), so I don’t think it will work for you - I don’t know what time you come back from work, and you’ll also have to eat etc. Otherwise, any other evening is fine - just don’t do it too late, otherwise my hook will be droopy and my eyelids too.