^^ Pe viki, despre verzi si uscate ^^

Ah, n-am fost niciodata la un meeting al fanilor. Dar mi-ar placea si mie :smiley:

De-ar fi si jumatate din ce vedem noi in drame…a dream come true. Una din…my guilty pleasures, daca pot sa-i zic asa… e sa citesc bloguri ale unor expats care traiesc in Coreea. Majoritatea sunt americani care merg acolo sa predea engleza - eu fiind (almost) profesoara, subiectul ma intereseaza in mod special - si scriu despre aventurile lor atat in scoli cat si in afara lor…mi se pare genial. living vicariously through them :))

Ce dragut!!! In Oradea este fabrica de Samsung parca… anyway, unnie are o pensiune in Cluj si la un moment dat imi spune “ghici cine a facut rezervari pentru un grup?” Pe scurt, ca un miracol (ca visa si ea sa vada pe viu un corean - vis implinit de nenumarate ori de atunci), 18 coreeni s-au cazat la ea. Familii cu copii, toti de la Oradea, tocmai acolo in Floresti, Cluj. A fost sarbatoare la ea - coreenii i-au gatit in stilul lor si unnie le-a gatit sarmale, vinete si alte bunatati specifice tarii noastre. Pe urma au urmat si altii… ea a avut un noroc extraordinar. Bineinteles, cand am fost in Ro iarna trecuta, am avut o masa specific coreana la ea, bulgogi (am gatit fetele impreuna), kimchi, orez (gatit in rice cooker adus tocmai din Korea), toate pregatite cu ingrediente 100% ko, afara de carne si legume bineinteles. Doamne, a fost misto si aveam si un pian acolo… m-ai trebuia sa o avem pe Kim Suh Ah, as in compus de ost-uri superbe…hahah Dar niciun vizitator korean atunci si nicio sansa sa fiu in Feb in Ro pentru primul concert ko. :frowning:

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Truly one of the symptoms of a k-drama addict. daca exista leac, eu nu vreau sa stiu :))

Imi pare rau ca nu vii… mi-ar fi placut sa te cunosc si sa ne bucuram de o astfel de experienta coreeana.

:))) Nici eu! Ma simt bine asa. Cu toata nebunia coreeana din capul meu. Prietenii mei deja ma asociaza cu orice tine Asta. Daca se intampla sa vedem sau sa auzim ceva de Asia, ei imi spun mereu “astia-s din aia de-ai tai” :))

@eve_kdrama - stiind ca nu vede sotul, si eu am vazut un asiatic super ca decupat dintr-o k-drama… dar e chinez si asta m-a deceptionat. Eu vreau korean… nu la propriu, sa nu va ganditi la prostii.
Eu si sora mea, acum doi ani parca, am invatat multe despre korea de la un korean get beget. Era student in ultimul an (acum are propria companie) si vorbeam pe live mess cu el in engleza. Nu ne ascundeam de sotii nostri, ei ne considerau nebune, dar har Domnului avem soti intelegatori si au ignorat pasiunea noastra, adica ne-au lasat cu ale noastre intrucat si ei aveau propria preocupare individuala - pescuitul (sunt profesionisti). Am facut schimb de experienta culturara si de limba si asta a pornit de la intrebarea “cum e viata in korea fata de ceea ce vedem in filme/drame”. In concluzie, 80% e real, e asa cum vedem si urmarim in productiile lor.
Tipul la un moment dat mi-a scris ceva ciudat… ceva ce a pus capat prieteniei noastre. Am incercat sa ii facem lipeala cu niste romance (vroia sa cunoasca) dar s-a intamplat altceva… nu cred ca pot sa spun aici asa ceva :))) Dar tot ce stiu despre korea stiu de la el si nu pe de pe net. Netul confirma doar… multe aspecte.

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Nici eu nu vreau leac si tind ca cred ca nu mai e o simpla pasiune. Korea is a warm place in my heart, precum o persoana draga mie. Nu privesc asta neaparat o pasiune ci parte din viata mea. Fara asta eu nu cred ca as mai putea trai.
Am atatea luate pe cap aici pe viki, pare sa nu existe capat si nu regret asta… dar regret faptul ca imi ocupa mult timp si am cam abandonat pasiunea mea de cand lumea - scrisul; si cartea mea deja terminata (o poveste coreana ce asteapta sa fie revizuita). Jumatate din carte e scoasa la imprimanta si trimisa la unnie a mea. As vrea sa existe sansa sa o vad tiparita, dar visul meu e ca povestea mea sa devina o pelicula KOREANA. Oare cer prea mult de la viata asta???

so true. si asta-mi aduce aminte de un articol dragut pe care l-am citit nu demult:

10 Symptoms of a Korean Drama Addict:

  1. Lack of Sleep
    Probably one of the biggest and most common signs would be: lack of sleep.

Have you ever spent your nights staying up late watching marathons (or even that “just-one-more!” episode)? Or maybe you’re one of those people who like to watch your drama first and end up staying up late writing that paper you was supposed to write when you got home? (Guilty…><)

Most of us get so caught up in the “Ooh…!” and the “Ahh…” moments that we actually -absentmindedly- make watching the characters on screen find their soul-mates (and sometimes the people who they’re hunting down) our top priority, rather than actually living our own lives.

Well at least I know where my dark circles are from… <///<"

2.Socially Clairvoyant Powers
So you’re standing here, three meters away, and there is a girl and two guys arguing about something, and it’s pretty heated. Then another girl comes in and well… things get pretty messy.

Somehow, probably without noticing it, you’ve been casually eavesdropping and in your head you’ve conjured up this whole relationship web along with events that may or may not have happened.

Don’t worry, if you’ve developed this habit (like me) this is still… healthy. Just remember not to stare (too much) and umm… don’t go barging into their conversations screaming anything along the lines of: “He belongs to her!!!”

3.You Talk Too Much (About K-Drama)
Whether it’s around people with the same interest as you or even your normal everyday friends, you’ve pretty much made it clear to the people around you that you are a drama ajumma! ^^

When you take off, there seems to be no stopping you! Even if your audience has no idea what you’re talking about, you still want to share with the world the reason why you’ve been in angst all week waiting for the next episode! And when you’re off, you end up telling them the whole plot and sub plots and the relationships and how hot the main lead is, etc.

Fan-girl (apparently a verb now lol) to infinity and beyond! xD

4.You’re Learning Korean
Are you self-studying Korean? Or maybe you’ve picked up on little Korean phrases such as “Aishh” or “Omo” with or without knowing it? Either way, you are learning Korean! ^^

You may not be 100% at native level yet, but through K-Drama, you’ve had the urge to start learning the language your favourite characters speak in!

Have you tried writing in Hangul? ^^

5.You’re Picking up on Korean Culture
Are you finding yourself developing the habit of bowing more often when you greet or thank people?

Or maybe you’ve starting to or think you should say “jal meokkesseumnida” before your meal?

Or maybe Seaweed Soup seems more appealing on your birthday?

You have probably started to pick up on Korean Culture! ^^

Not surprising if you’re watching it 24 hours a day!

6.You want to Go to Korea / a Seoul-Mate!
Seoul? Or maybe Jeju-do?

You’re so obsessed with K-Dramas that you’re probably planning a trip there some time soon. Whether it’s for a short holiday or you’re actually moving to live there, you wanna set your feet on Korean soil and see what it’s like for yourself! ^^

Or maybe you’re the less adventurous type?

If you’re a hopeless romantic, maybe you’ve set your mind on finding the Korean guy of your dreams. But mind you, drama isn’t always reality! :stuck_out_tongue:

7.That one Actor/Actress…
When you’ve watched quite a few dramas, you’ll begin to recognise some of the actors and actresses in their other productions.

But isn’t it irritating when you come across a character (and the actor/ actress who plays them) that you recognise, but you can’t quite put your thumb on where you saw them?

This kind of stuff would bug me all day! ><

8.You’re tempted to Read/Write Fan-Fiction
When you ship your OTPs so hard, what’s stopping you from reading and writing fan-fiction? ^^

Stopping at Asianfanfics.com after a long day is a great stress-reliever! Imagining and reading about your favourite couple in all sorts of situations only feeds and satisfies your endless fandom!

Maybe you have some secret scenarios and plots of fanfiction stashed somewhere at the back of your mind? Dig it out! Share it with your fellow shippers and the world! x3

9.You want a ‘Korean’ Phone
Maybe it’s the Samsung Galaxy S4 and its awesome cases with windows?

Or maybe it’s the ubber cute flip-up Samsung Nori? x3

From watching K-Drama, you’ve gotten to know a few of the recurring phone models trending in Korea right now, and you feel a pang of jealousy whenever you see your favourite model come up, and the character’s sending cute messages to her ‘oppa’.

10.You’ve gotten used to Subtitles
After watching loads of Korean Drama and switching to normal TV, it’s gonna start feeling pretty uncomfortable without subtitles even if you understand every word they are saying!
It’s like we’ve gotten so used to speed-reading whatever is at the bottom of the screen, so much that we look for it unconsciously even when we’re watching other shows!

~~ in afara de 8 si 9, le-am trait si le traiesc pe toate :))


Me too, dar eu nu scriu fan-fiction. BTW, am citit cateva, sunt super tari…Fain articolul, si eu am cateva pe ici colo, dar trebuie sa cotrobai dupa ele prin arhive si acum am de tradus… Si am LG (si-un HTC), nu Samsung. Mereu am optat pe LG-uri, nu stiu de ce.

Asa imi zice si mie fiul meu. :))))
Si pentru seri coreene, puteti urmari si activitatile Facultatii de limbi si literaturi straine din Bucuresti. Ei organizeaza periodic astfel de evenimente. Sunt gratuite si, uneori, au si invitati din tarile respective.

s-a intamplat ceva cu forumul sau am luat-o eu razna? mie imi apare in niste culori dubioase…

Eu nu am nicio culoare.:slight_smile:

Profesoara! Ce dragut! Ce predai?

mult spus “culori” …mai mult un alb spalacit…oricum, e diferit de cum se vedea ieri si pana acum…nu-mi place

engrish, of course ^^


ESL Teacher!
La clasele mici e chiar distractiv.

@aruba77 - Ieri a fost un an de la premiera serialului I MISS YOU - so, ne stim cam de un an deja??

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Da. Si ma bucur.

Fetelor, dar cine urmareste REPLY 1994? Cine a vazut Reply 1997?
Wow, eu ma prapad de ras la serialul acesta. Mai am 7 si 8 sa vad pana cand apar urmatoarele. Si aici e la fel cu “ghici cu cine se va marita” si ma poate calca enorm pe nervi, dar e asa funny si parca si mai fain decat 97.