QC Gift Winter 2023

and many German know, that Frank did indeed so. We talked about this so often on our Kakao talk @brendas

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I just got my snackbox. It’s so cute and everything looks so yummy :yum:

Thank you so much viki


Yo siempre he elegido la tarjeta digital, pero me enviaron una box en marzo, de que llené el formulario con mis datos a que me enviaron el correo de que la box estaba en camino pasó poco más de un mes, y de ese aviso a que llegó fueron alrededor de 5 días.
Si ya llenaste el formulario, ahora si que solo toca esperar Aylin, así que no desesperes jaja


I really liked the snackbox and for the tax reimbursement I have ordered pasta from Italy (found it on ■■■■■■)…:wink: That said I hope next year’s gift is sent with in EU for us living here, just like you did the year before with the comfy t-shirts. A special thanks to Adriana for being super fast.


Dear @brendas ,
now two weeks are gone.
Did u find any solution?

Best wishes

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Hi Brenda,
i want to thank u so much, that u made it possible to send me a gift box too.
Finally it arrived today.
Maybe i am a little late(fs the last one :), but i am one of the happiest to receive this snack box for sure.
Thank u so much.