QC Gift Winter 2023

Thanks for sharing :smiley:

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Hi @wulfien_8 - Thanks for the heads up! We found your ticket and will be reaching out to Tokyo Treats for help in producing the documentation you need for your country’s customs dept. Tokyo Treats is has been incredibly responsive and may send you these documents directly. In the future, definitely make sure to submit any tickets through our dedicated Contributor Help Center. Ticket submitted through here go directly to our Community Team (vs. the team that takes are of Viki viewers). :wink: Thanks so much! :heart:


I got my snacks today!
I’m so happy with the gift!
Writing from India!


I got my snack box today!
The screenshot was perfect. Thank you, @brendas!

@unefleurdete After submitting all I was asked, it took 3-4 weekdays to get the package out of customs.


I also got my gift today! Everything looks so delicious :heart_eyes:
Thank you so much, Viki :heart:


Hello Brenda,
my team-mates from germany r all discussing their shipment issues and progresses, but I did not even get a notice that mine is on the way. Could u please check on this?
Thank u so much for your work.


Thank you so much! I was contacted by Tokyo Treat directly, they sent me the invoice and the package has arrived today! I’m really enjoying all the things inside. :blush:


Hello! I’m from Honduras and my box arrived a couple of weeks ago in my country, but DHL wants me to pay an insane amount of money for customs clearance L. 3,896.12 ($157.12), and as for the information they want me to provide them, one of the things they ask me for is a payment voucher of the goods provided by the one who sent me the box. What should I do?

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Hello @brendas I’m from India. I received my box a few days back after paying the custom fees, so I followed all the steps and opened the ticket for reimbursement. But today I noticed the ticket has disappeared without any reply or getting solved. It was as if it didn’t exist. It was there the day before yesterday. What should I do? Should I open another one for reimbursement? I haven’t received any e-mails either.


Thanks @brendas I wrote you a private message!

Hi Brenda. I got the gift today but they I have to pay for the tax. I didn’t know about that. Can you do send me the dijital gift card? Or it’s better if I can change with dijital gift card. Didn’t know about the custom fee


Aldım ben ama vergi var 80 tl. Hediye kartı vereceklermiş telafi için.

Hi @frankhil - Thanks for reaching out! I’m so sorry – we double checked and our records show that even though we attempted to reach out via PM, email and Push message, that we never received the EOY gift form from you. :cry:

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Hi @samanthav07 - Holy smokes, that is an insane amount! Our vendor has been reaching out to individuals who need information for customs. Look for an email from " weloveyou@tokyotreat.com" If they have not already reached out to you, please go ahead and contact them directly at " weloveyou@tokyotreat.com". Thanks!


Hi @lori95 - thank you for letting me know that you sent me a message! :palms_up_together: I will find it and write back, if needed. Thank you!!

Hi @ladslove - depending on the country you reside in, you may be charged a customs tax on your gift. I’m afraid we cannot change any snack boxes to a physical gift at this time. That said, we can reimburse you with a digital gift card for the amount of your custom tax. You will need to save all of your invoices and receipt as proof of payment. Once you have those, you can follow the steps I’ve outlined above (am including image as well) to start your ticket. Thank you!!

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.10.32 PM


@porkypine @mara_rod @sweethope and others who received the box,
would you like to share your favorite item(s) from the box? :grinning:


I’ve opened the Kitkat Strawberry and the Premium Ghana only, and I’m saving the other items for a bit, because it’s fun to know that I have them at home. :partying_face:
Both the Kitkat Strawberry and the Premium Ghana are very tasty. :yum:


Hi @brendas ,

that are terrible news. U might have had some issues with the records of your EOY gift form. I checked my browser history and found out, that i filled out the form on January the 4th at 11:15 CET.
Please check again or maybe, with your help, we can find another solution.
If u need some proof, i prepared a screenshot of my browser history from that day.
I really would love to get this snack box.
It is such a nice idea.

Thank You for your help

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