QC Gifts - Thank you Viki!

I believe it should include “standard shipping” meaning the shipping cost should be covered as well (free)…

I also wanted to say thank you to viki! I think this gift idea is beneficial to all three parties, viki, yesasia and QCs. Once I was on the yesasia page, I certainly couldn’t stop shopping and ended up buying more than the gift coupon’s worth. The package came in a timely matter and now I have some super cute blouses to wear :slight_smile: Thank you Viki!


I just realized that I needed to verify my email for this back in Feburary… Do you know if it’s too late to get the QC gift? Thanks!

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I just saw the email yesterday, but my coupon code has expired T-T

@thaty Nonsense! The coupon should be expired in December as far as I know. They gave you right away and expired so it does not make sense!

I wanted to thank Viki for introducing me to Yesstyle.com. I’m planning to buy from it again. The shipment arrived just as I ordered and it took less time than the site said it would, so I’m really pleased. Thank you Viki again for fixing the coupon problem.



Could you please tell me if you had to use a card for the order? And, also you had to pay for the shipment?

Thank you!


Shipping was covered by the coupon and you don’t have to use a card. If it won’t let you continue without adding credit card info, just click the PayPal button and when the PayPal popup comes up, close it without doing anything. (That’s how I avoided putting my bank info).

Best of luck~



It worked, thank you very much!