Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

I had to blink several times until it changed, the first time was like a hiccup and when I just stare it keep changing directions… so weird :slight_smile:


The dress is pretty only the black conture around the bustier doesn’t fit at all, it stands out to much and feels overbearing. Dilli’s dress doesn’t look like a copy of Fang Bin.
And the hairdo doesn’t match with the style of the dress it’s not a good flow, perhaps some classic hair bun style with ornaments or Rita Hayward style would look better…


The hairstyle, maybe that’s where the fan’s got the idea. Also, the choice of yellow, :face_with_hand_over_mouth: to say, she looks like an empress. I do not care for the black around the bust either, but the first picture, because it is night, a dark background, then the flash of the cameras, and spotlights, they tone down the yellow, and all the loudness. The fang Bin comparison, that’s a stretch, and so many years apart too. . .
Dilraba does not need a lot to stand out, she does on her own.

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ok its been a while, and seems no one shares cake and coffee, but I do

so y’all ready for cake & coffee or tea??

lets gather round & talk!


wheres the “barastas?”


is this enough cake for the group???
Here is a Barbie cake for the Barbie lovers


Wow, wow, wow! I always enjoy the cake you bring to share. :heart_eyes:


heres one for the “BOOKS”

After many years and experience in the working world, I’ve decided to start something new again.

I will be offering training courses for teenagers starting in December.

Due to increasing demand, each course starts on the principle: first come, first served.

Content: Coaching and practical tasks.

Each module will be run over 6 weeks.

The course is aimed at all young people.

The course starts Dec 2023

Participation via Zoom or Teams is possible - please list your preference when booking.

Module 1:

“Toilet paper”

How does the paper get out of the wrapper to the toilet paper holder? What happens when toilet paper is empty?

Group discussion + practical exercises

Module 2:

“Dirty clothes” - what do we do next?

Difference between the laundry basket and floor.

PowerPoint Presentation + Chart.

Module 3:

“Basics of dishwasher”

How do dishes get off the table into the dishwasher?

In-depth Seminar -

Difficulties and solution strategies for removing dishes and garbage from the bedroom.

Module 4:

“How do you find stuff without asking your parents?”

Open discussion/opening cabinets.

Module 5:

How do the clean dishes get back into the right place in the kitchen cabinet?

Video example + practical exercises.

Module 6:

“Sink function + the roll out”

We do practical exercises; what a clean table means and what is needed to drain a sink.

Practical exercises in groups.


Feel free to copy… don’t share - so others can have a good laugh ![:partying_face:




Richard Upchurch

In guess it was probably close to 30 years ago I represented my church as the lay representative for a large denominations annual conference. The keynote speaker was an American church pastor born and raised in Korea.

As I recall the message was very inspiring though I don’t remember all of the details except his closing statement.

He said something like this…

Just over 100 years ago the Christian faith was planted by American missionaries in Korea in a culture that accepted no outside points of view. Now just over 100 years later there are over 10 million Christians in Korea.

In the Korean church there is a worship service every morning at sunrise; every Wednesday night; every Friday night and a Sunday morning and evening service. A Korean pastor preaches over 500 sermons every year.

Then he said;

Do you know why we do this ?

He paused and looked around the room where there were about 2500 people.

Everyone was waiting for the answer.

He then said;

We do this because you taught us to do this !

I’ve never heard a room so silent in all of my life with 5 people never mind 2500 people !!

The Spirit moved in silence !!!

Richard Upchurch]-R

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I wished such course would have been earlier available. This could have helped my kids tremendously… my yelling didn’t help at all :rofl:

Very funny @frustratedwriter!

I just hope there will be payback time when my kids will experience the same thing with their kids :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Poor Santa!


A lovely tour of a part of London.


whoever is celebrating Than ksgiving, have a great one and safe travels too


Happy Thanksgiving to anyone celebrating!

Happy Thanksgiving Orange GIF - Happy Thanksgiving Orange Cursive - Discover & Share GIFs


Where are they running, LOL!


Hope your gathering and tasting experience is above this one, LOL :joy:


Test this out. :wink:


My favourite one - Too much caffeine
I swear it’s not an animated .gif file!

You can ‘stop’ one of those tentacle things by putting a finger on the picture, but it doesn’t stop the others from moving! :face_with_spiral_eyes:


It’s not even moving for me tho’! Not at all. Do I need to think it’s moving, and it will?

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