The highlight of your day

Here the noise never stopped in the first place. Even though a lot of people have been more homebound the last few months, the local government just went on with building new houses in our street (still going on) and as soon as the weather got more bright, people got active in their gardens with loud electric equipment, kids are bouncing balls against the walls each day for hours in a row, neighbours are bumping up and down the stairs, slamming doors, or doing some handywork now and then, and we sometimes have some planes and helicopters as well.


Okra! My favorite to eat right off the stalk.


one of my new languages I asm learning, and I don’t have either one

“Ich hab en Gaul un Dachweggeli” = I have a horse and buggy.



I feel so sorry for your place that will be probably get a flood of tourists this year because they’re all travelling to these coast areas now (I read an article few days ago about it).


The music & handworkmen never stopped, same with helicopters (couple of nights had some) but compared to the daily airplance noise it is silent when the neighbours are silent - for once :rofl:

Sadly since a week they suddenly think hardcore techno is the best music instead of the music they listened to before (but when it is warm and sunny they go to a park or so and make noise there so it is sometimes silent again).


I wish you sunny days, then … :sun_with_face:


It started snowing today😍Then it went over to rain and suddenly it was 19 ° Celsius outside a few hours after it stopped snowing.


Really? :open_mouth: Here it’s been far too hot these days! Well, we had some rain too, but it didn’t help much.


snow snd hot tmps, wow here in NC USA is starting to get hot. he temps here we can get all seasons in a week, earlier in the year that is. oh and where is it snowing?


You are so lucky I wish we also got all the seasons in a week earlier in the year. It was snowing in Dombås, a place in the mountains 6 hours away from Oslo. It all melted quite fast and it got warmer a few hours after it stopped.


My highlight for this day… end of working day… It’s time for the couch :grin:
The highlight :smirk:




In retrospective of the week - the one highlight was probably, when I accidentally pushed my glass of milk and it splashed all over my laptop. My reaction.
While grabbing my laptop and lifting it upside down pushing the off button.
Then took out the battery looking for some paper towel, first dried the battery, then the area of the battery on the laptop, then the drained the screen with the paper towel, wiped it with some watered towels and used the towels again, then looked for screws and crannies. Then looked at the keyboard only some drips were to see ,so I lifted the buttons a bit got a dry paper towel and looked under every button, luckily there wasn’t much.
Finally, after cleaning put it back together again, pressed the start button.
And …
Hello world!
It worked no problems at all. You can’t imagine the load it took from my mind.
So the worst moment of this week turned into the best.


OMG! I once knocked over a cup of tea during an epileptic episode and that meant the end of my first laptop.


I thought it would be ruined, but was either fast enough or just lucky. I can relate though, my mind was already prepared buying a new one, even if my purse would be less prepared. I am just thankful it works without a problem, good thing it was a drink without sugar or acid, that would have maybe been more problematic.


The highlight of my day? Today I will meet my great grand niece born a month ago. Seeing my great grand nephew since February (his birthday) and cooking for them, and catching up with what we missed the most; phone calls or facetime are never the same.

Normalcy in life without fears or worries.

GOD bless America, my family, and all of us, our family, home, possessions, .friends and everyone all over the world.


I’m glad your laptop is okay. That’s always horrible when a laptop is broken.

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Yeah, I couldn’t have taken action at the right moment since I wasn’t mentally there at the moment. One moment I walked into the room with my cup of tea. The next I found myself on the couch. On the table where my laptop also stood was my tea cup. It stood right up, but half of the tea was missing and the tea bag was on the table. The table was wet. I had no idea what had happened (wasn’t diagnosed yet at that point).

Anyways, I’m glad your laptop survived! :slight_smile:


Well, in my case I was wet, but well what are washing machines there for?

Hope your health is better now.


Das ist schon Jahrzehnte her :grin:
Mitten in der Nacht, habe so schön tief geschlafen. WUMMS, und es hat so geplätschert
Ich bin hochgeschreckt, und dachte“ oh, toll Gewitter“ bis mir dämmerte, das das plätschern aber nicht vom Fenster kam, sondern vom Schrank, in dem der gute, alte Rechner drinnen stand… So schnell war ich noch nie ausm Bett und toll, :astonished:was ich entdecken musste…
Ne Colaflasche ist explodiert und tropfte schön den Rechner voll… Ein Glück haben es Gehäuse und Monitor überlebt, aber die Tastatur war natürlich Schrott :grin: war aber auch ein Schrecken, und ich war erstaunt, wie solche Flasche doch einfach explodiert :unamused:


the coke scene reminds me of lie to me.

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I suffered so much with the LIE TO ME spilled coke scene bc the thought of that stickiness all over their body and the clean house. It was hard for me to watch that scene, and I didn’t find it romantic at all but messy lol

I loved LIE TO ME and consider that actress a great actress but she’s rarely around but when she is, she does a great job!

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