What would make you write a comment in the highlight category? Construction workers from the railroad company hammering like crazy, you don’t need to hear the sound but you can feel it … Since it is around 3 o’clock in the morning you somehow try to ignore it … Won’t work. You just get out of bed, pick some clothing since it is raining hard outside, stepping out with the biggest umbrella you have. Walking out going to the underpass then going up the stairways to the platform - it is now 4 am and just as you turn around you see the workers are now at the end of the platform about 30 meters from you, and even though it is raining hard, it is smelly all over, they must have cut the old left over base of a mast that used to stay next to my shed, so there are several parts now lying on the ground and in the middle of it there is a new sign posted for the train drivers.
So after a few nights ago when I heard “What should I do there is a wall …” This is their solution …
Actually years ago we got told there will be a noise protection wall until this year …
LOL What will be their comment? What should I do there is a wall and a sign?
Well at least it is quiet now it’s 4.30 am and I don’t know if it is best to get some more sleep or to call it quits and to just get up.
I try to bring my blood pressure down, so I am thinking about 2 days ago, when I and my mom rescued 5 lizards, 3 with a construction of a thin bamboo stick in combination with a small plant pot, I would bring it in position 1 meter below ground where the rain water goes into the canal or kind of … So with a little persuasion the lizards took the “lizard lift” and got back safely into the sunlight. Later that day there was a huge spider ( okay not super big but not fotogenic ) I captured it and put it outside.
So yesterday I was outside in the late evening to take our organic waste in front of our gate. And there was some rustle going on under the rhododendron and surprise it was a hedgehog. I have not seen one around the house since the early 80’s. I got my mom and we watched it for a few minutes until we got back into the house. Wild animals are coming closer again, after the railroad company cleared a green strip of nearly 1 km.
Well the animals surely made my day and maybe now that it is 5 am in a bit I can take a little nap for another hour until my alarm rings.
Night …
Ich wollte dir eigentlich heute morgen schon was schreiben musste aber voll entsetzt feststellen, das ich zu spät dran bin und wäre fast zu spät gekommen
Sag mal, wie früh bauen die denn bei euch schon an Gleisen rum? Oder besser gesagt am Mast rum??? Ich fühle mit dir…
Wir haben Rehe im Garten, mitunter nur eins, aber manchmal sind sie zu dritt , letztes Jahr war ein Reh mit ihren Kids da einfach herrlich, das sind natürlich auch Highlights
Ich such mal, ich müsste da noch ein Bild haben, leider nicht von den Kids, doch mit Kids, aber ist schon länger her😊…
Ich komm anders nicht an die Bilder ran also Screenshot
Und meine andere Katze, die Maggie
@mirjam_465 @lutra ich flüsterte grade, weil ich sooo müde bin und da fange ich an quatschig zu werden, ich hab euch ja noch gar nicht die Maggie gezeigt, also mein drittes Highlight …
Ich musste nämlich feststellen, daß das mit Screenshot soo schön einfach ist
Sie sieht ganz zufrieden aus.
Haha, sieht aus als hätte Maggie auch ein Highlight gehabt.
Solche “Wartungsarbeiten” fallen immer zwischen die Fahrpläne, d.h. der letzte Zug hält bei uns um etwa Mitternacht und der erste Richtung halb 5 in der Früh. Und dann oft am Wochenende, weil da öfter der Güterverkehr etwas geringer ist. Bei größeren Baustellen findest du schon mal einen Flyer in deinem Briefkasten mit dem Maulwurf “Es könnte etwas lauter werden”. Oft an Wochenenden oder Feiertagen. Ich weiß nicht genau, was sie heute Morgen gemacht haben jedenfalls konnte man Metall “riechen”.
I live alone because my hubby passed last year and my son is working in Silicon Valley. One of the things I do early in the day is go online and practice/learn Korean for anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. On days where I need to do gardening, I’ll cut language practice short and work in the yard, weeding and watering, planting flowers, etc. Then general housework and after dinner I’ll binge watch kdramas on either Netflix of Viki. The hard part here is deciding which one I want to watch, there are so many on my watchlist.
The one thing that really sucks about this virus quarantine is that my husband’s memorial is supposed to be this Sunday. Usually it would be open to the whole extended family. (He has lot of relatives here.) Not sure how we will pull this off with this quarantine because we can’t reserve any gathering spaces.
added: We had his memorial a week later, just the immediate family - about 45 people. It was a nice day so most of the kids were running around outside.
Hier ist Lärmbelästigung verboten zwischen 22:00 und 7:00 Uhr. Tagsüber finde ich schlimm genug. In meiner Straße werden derzeit neue Häuser gebaut. Schrecklich!
I’m sorry for your loss and that your first memorial has to be in these hard times.
I don’t like the idea that someone is angry at me, and I can’t fix it I did apologize, but dont think that helped matters
Ja, die normalen Ruhezeiten gelten für die normalen Bürger, aber wir sprechen von der Deutschen Bahn und die muss ihre Gleisanlagen warten und Instandhalten. Es hat Vor- und Nachteil die Bahn als Nachbar zu haben.
(Sorry für die verspätete Reaktion irgendwie funktioniert das Infosystem vom Discussion nicht immer)
What happened?
I think you didn’t angry anyone!
I guess the words everyone does have their point of view. well, it seems like I made the person angry. so I am a person that takes things the wrong way too. so it kinda hurt it wasn’t my intention to make anyone angry
so on to something to make you (and me) laugh. we do depend on our computers, and such. after I did the apologize, logged out, my electricity went out! heard the big bang down the street, the wires in front of my home were moving a lot. 2 whole hours!! no tv no computer, wow! the highlight of my day today?? my electricity is back on and now get back to doing genealogy, read my emails and such. the two hours I spent catching up on the crocheting I put aside. so a good thing a highlight of my day, everything back on!! yeaaaa! and thanks piranna & lutra
I just may stay off for awhile
Manchmal habe ich die Befürchtung, das ich das was ich schreibe einfach missversteht oder auch gar nicht verstanden wird, dann versuche ich es so gut es eben geht, ins englische mit Maschine zu schreiben, manchmal bin ich aber auch so müde und dann verwirrt mich auch die Maschine, lachen muss ich echt, wenn ich sehe wie die Maschine noch versucht mein Deutsch, tatsächlich ins deutsche zu übersetzen…
Sometimes I am afraid that I will simply misunderstand what I write or that I will not understand it at all, then I will try to type in English as well as possible, but sometimes I am so tired and then confused me too, the machine, I really have to laugh when I see how the machine is still trying to translate my German into German
Ayaa… you’re so nice, it is impossible to be angry at you.
Mmm… I can ask!
thank you!! piranna
awwww how sweet! thank you!! now that made my day!
My highlight WEEKEND
I’m sleep out Tomorrow morning
Actually, Is it only a highlight tomorrow morning
I already know my highlight tomorrow…
I’m harmlessly crazy
I forgot My highlight from the heart
My horse ran freely with me yesterday on the meadow
And today, she waited, until I climbed over the fence, I have to say that there were about 600 m between us and she really waited… When I was over the fence, I waved again and she disappeared…
my highlight was my son came over and spent some time with me.