The highlight of your day

2022 is going to be AWESOME. All my favourite actors are having comebacks— Lee Joon Gi, So Ji Sub, and Yoo Seung Ho!


My highlight:
After days of crying, stomping my feet, banging all the Viki doors, screaming, dancing with frustration, sleepless nights, and plaguing the request form with petition after petition, A GENTLEMAN AND A YOUNG LADY IS IN MY REGION!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: YAYYYYYYY this is the best thing ever!


It’s available now in my region too!!! Add-free watching, hurray!


and bet no one caught that… you so funny


I was fortunate to attend an event with a motivational speaker. A Swiss Olympic gold medalist of triathlon (swimming, biking and running). Nicola Spirig is also a six times European Champion, a mother of 3 and trained by her dad. - Her story, discipline and motivation was really interesting. I think this lady doesn’t have an ounce of fat, just muscles!! Such a trained body! She was a very warm person.

Followed by an aperitif and tasty appetizers with wine and more, meeting new people (attendance of about 150 people), this was surely a memorable event; without masks breathing freely but Covid certificate was required.
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Thanks. I see your a writer.

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I love when wildlife shows up in the yard!!!

Brown Hawk - he was after lizards I think it was!



Fall is here!:leaves:


You must be closer to the equator than me, you still have leafs on the trees. :smiley:


My highlight today is that I got my Viki Pass!!! Now the dilemma is what do I watch first?!? So many of my absolute faves have been locked behind this door for a while, and they are all right there in front of me now, not to mention all the ones I haven’t seen yet. I’m paralyzed by indecision on which one I want/need to see first!!! Don’t laugh at me, the struggle is real. :blush::rofl:


:joy::heart: I just HAVE to laugh! I remember how I felt like a kid in a candy store when I first got my pass… now I kinda take it for granted :sweat_smile:

I really can’t reccomend anything… all the absolute CLASSICS have been slapped with the Viki Pass label and every one of them is a gem! Watch Flower of Evil!


I think I need a healthy dose of BongBong and MinMin first - I have been suffering withdrawals from them for so long. After that, I will begin the impossible task of deciding which new one to start with.


Kyaaaa… So awesome! :heart: :eagle:

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No piece of gold shinier or crispier than these super delicious onion rings. I have to thank my gifted mother for making them. :onion: :heart:



Coincidentally, that was the first show I watched once I received my Viki pass! I didnt reccomend it because people have been fighting over it’d political correctness lately :roll_eyes: but I enjoyed that drama to the fullest. MinMin and BongBong remain one of the cutest, most memorable couples in Dramaland, to me! The series’ subtle messages were also really nicely woven in

Really? No matter, it’s at or near the top of my all-time faves and nothing and no one can change my mind about that. I’m only 10 minutes in, and I didn’t realize just how much I had missed CEO Ahn Min Hyuk.

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I remember dejectedly looking at its place at fourth on my all-time favorites list, after reading through a whole battle where people pointed out all the drama’s flaws. I thoight of lowering it’s ranking to seventh or eighth… and then I watched it again. And, as usual, Prince MinMin stole my heart back almost immediately, with his undying, absolute ADORABLE-ness! Very few dramas have had me unable to restrain myself from laughing and squealing like a little piglet from start to end :joy: There’s a hidden message about strength hidden “between the lines”, if you will, that really touched my heart and made me think. It’s not an ordinary, shallow superwoman story. it’s so much more, and a few annoying arcs can’t change my mind about it.

You make me want to watch it again!! It’s my most-rewatched drama ever, and I might actually pick it up for the seventh or eighth time! :see_no_evil:


It was definitely my most-re-watched drama before it was locked behind the ‘pass required’ door. No drama is perfect, and this one has its flaws, but I just nicely skip over those and get back to the adorable MinMin and all the moments that either warm my heart or make me laugh out loud. It’s so good to have them back in my life. I keep telling myself to purchase my own hard copy so it can never be taken from me again. :grin:



Wow the Sunset!!!


yummy. Now Iwant some.

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