The Perverts Club

What? only 5? apparently I have like 17. I did not know I had 17 till my amazing Milie (the other milie on here) made this awesome collage for me :smiley:
Here take a look…ROFL!!! BTW I am thinking how much NMW I wanna share with you!!! XDDDD

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haha… for me it’s more like. I sit down at the computer to look something up… and 2 hours I look up “Oh yeah, that’s right, I came in here to look something up…what was it?”

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Okay that was sad but it get’s better. I am on # 9 now…

Post it too!

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OMG!!! Yup we have similar tastes I recognize quite a few of those ones!!! :smiley: Awwww that was super sweet Millie :slight_smile:

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It’s GOTTA be out there blushes so far of the 12 eps that’s my favorite scene to date LOL

AAAHAH I haven’t watched it yet! Don’t tell me! I am saving it for tonight! (Please hold out internet PLEAAASSEE!)

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Jiro …yeah coughs I’ll admit it I would sooooooooooooooooooo order it too… O_O not sure what the hubby might think of that though… *mind wanders8…

It’s only up to ep 12 there are going to be 20 eps I think?? They usually post the raw version on Friday I usually wait til it’s 100% subbed cuz what I’m thinking they are saying is sooooo off the wall …well at times entertaining but…

kk I’ll be back gotta do some housework…


Hahahaha I’m like that every single day!!!
The most embarrassing is when I’m talking and suddenly, I forget what I’m saying. For real. Really embarrassing!!!

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You are gonna kill me…I am in LOVE…HELP HELP!!! :smiley:

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LOL…this should be my slogan

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haha I’ve done that too… “Nevermind, I forgot my point.”

HAHAHA I came across this:


O_O I just got whole new motivation to try and watch Midas…

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Lol…true. Can you imagine working at viki…that would be so cool

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Well in that case…I guess we should be getting our Gold Card membership to Pervertville any day now…

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Nah when I figured the drama was about business competition, I gave up

I want to check it out someday only for the simple fact NMW is in it but I know he dies so IDK though I bet he does an amazing job…and sometimes I’m surprised at what dramas I turn out liking…