The Perverts Club

Thanks Pree but I am not gonna read today…i guess I would do that 2morrow. I am just gonna sleep. Night Night dear ^ ^

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I am off from here as well…Good night chingu’s
Now where’s ma teddy bear!!! <3


Still watching ep 1

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Interesting got a little less creepy!!! :smiley: Going to try to sleep no nn sweet dreams

I’m not sure… photographing people while they are sleeping is a little creepy. Also he’s wearing too many clothes… he won’t have a restful night.


It could be winter time and he may not have heating!!! lol! ;D

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Don’t talk about winter time… It’s so cold today, one of the automn day… 13 degrees, rainy, grey… A day we want to sleep!!!

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Really? Already…it is hot hot hot here :frowning: I do not like summer! lol!

I prefer cold to hot, but I prefer sun to cloud!!!

Well i am fond of rain either :frowning:

You KIDDING it was one of the hottest days here of all of summer I thought I was going to DIE in my car no A/C!!! :frowning:

Sooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!! How is everyone today??

Campaign continues for the banning of towels…Anyone know who this fine gentleman is??

Best guess : Siwon in king of dramas.


It’s the guy from Super Junior, in King of dramas
Si Mon or… hum I have hard time with names…

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Choi Si Won

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You beat me!!! lollll

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Hey Girl I am here now…I see the focused has moved! lol! :smiley:

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Yup that’s Choi Si Won…Oh Milie already said it!!! :smiley:

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MEOW!!! =^o.-^=