The Perverts Club

I am not watching GOM but I do know what you are talking abt. Sweety you forget all Asian cultures are very similar to each other so I know all about that will be like I am not taking this shit!!! lol! :smiley:

Mellieā€¦your username reminds me so much of Miliefleurieā€¦they almost sound similar too

When we were first dating online for 2years I thought yeah heā€™s the one but I didnā€™t know for sure if there was no physical chemistry than we would just be best friends for life. I was diagnose with a tumor/cyst the size of my fist by my ovary that they werenā€™t sure what it was so while I was waiting to have my surgery which they found it in July didnā€™t get in to see a specialist til Sept and surgery booked for the END of Jan I was freaking out and decide I want to met in RL to find out since life is too shortā€¦turns out he was indeed my soulmate <3

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hahaā€¦I seriously cannot imagine myself married into a family where I have to ā€œbehaveā€ all the timeā€¦i would go INSANE!!..but of course not all are like thatā€¦my friend who is asian = A WILD KIDā€¦LOLā€¦She sure as hell CANNOT BE TAMED

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We are in the process of spousal sponsorship it is a very longgggggggggggggggggggg process we started back in Oct of last year and are still waiting. I honestly thought I could adjust but seriously I almost died over there I was so sick I dropped down to 116 ponds Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€¦

I want to spend my life with my boyfriend but sometimes heā€™s so slow (to do things) that I may really have to wait an entire life if I want to marry him. Or maybe 2 lifesā€¦

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Yeah I have heard about the long process. I donā€™t blame you. It is not easy at all. I cannot imagine me living in the South and I am Indian!!!

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Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus sheā€™s Millie Iā€™m Mellie!!!:smiley: Iā€™ve actually had that nickname since high school!!! :smiley:

I know but the name just makes me think of her when I talk to you.

Good for you. That is great, at least you know he is the oneā€¦one thing i know for sure. My current Boyfriend is NOT my life partner( yeah I am terrible for saying this) but O wellā€¦LOL

It was a very different experience for me opened my eyes up to ALOT of things I took for granted but yeah having been there 3 times now there no way Iā€™d want to live there permanently visit family yes since I adore them but not stay for more than a few weeksā€¦

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Itā€™s kinda neat my one brother is married to a girl originally from China the other a girl from England and my hubby is Indian!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Awwā€¦I hope the whole process gets completed soon. You both deserve it :frowning:

Side note: Greatest love is partially a gigantic ad for Vitamin Water.

Second side noteā€¦ I enjoy watching advertising dollars at work in dramasā€¦ and when they donā€™t get advertising monies and they have to put a piece of black electrical tape over the brand.

Yeah! Thatā€™s how it should be!! lol! :smiley:

Oh those are so pretty! I love muffins.

LMAO!! I laugh when I see tape over a brand but can still guess what brand it is !!

kk back to Masterā€™s Sun :smiley:

ROFLā€¦yes it is!!! Okay hesto have you finished TGL yet??? :smiley:
Yeah the brands are so obvious especially if it clothing ROFL

LMAO!! that is how i feel when i watch it