The Perverts Club

LOL!!!That is too funny!!!

Kk since I’m going to desperately need one of these soon seeing as I did absolutely nothing today…Topic up for discussion which one would you choose as a tutor???

Seriously there is just something about HOT guys with glasses they seem so innocent…

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oh lala! Preena has got to see this, she would be sweating all over! this is a tough choice( excluding jang geun suk)… NO MIN WO for sure. All the way. I would go like “PLEASE TEACHER, TEACH ME MORE!!.”


:stuck_out_tongue: yeah NMW would be my 1st choice I’d learn absolutely nothing just staring at him in a daze…thinking of ways to corrupt the poor man…

LMAO!!!..but i would really love my tutors to be :

Oh that episode was really sad. I cried all the way. So heart breaking…Master’s Sun has a good balance in the areas of comedy and emotional stuff that touches the heart

I see my very favorite in the upper left Swoon!


I LOVE IT!!! LOL I would like to sign up for a lifetime membership!!:stuck_out_tongue:


nn guys I blame you all you my new obsession I just finished ep 11…must sleeeeeeeeeeep


ROFL…HAHAHA you thought about ME? Yup, I am AWAKE now…Just the prize I needed for having to wake up at 6 AM :smiley:

Even though YSY is in that pic…it is NMV NMV NMV all the way! Funny I am heading for the internship (work D*: ) right now and can’t help feeling how robbed I am that my supervisor is not as HOT as one of these guys. I would not have minded working so hard then! TEAR… T_T LOL! ^^

Top and LMH…Now here’s another good option! LMAOOOO… ;D

HAHAHAHAHA… Private (not really) club? This is awesome. So how do we go about getting a membership? Or are we like Honorary Members already??? Mile you should make a logo or something…hehehehehe…This is a good start to the day! LOL!

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Holy Smokes!!! WOW…You are welcome!!! Looks like you did a marathon yesterday!!! Good Morning Friend!!! :smiley:

Good morning everyone…I am so screwed I have to do the reading and prep for class still but I just woke up and I need a bath …I would classify myself as a bit of a Switch Girl though not quite that extreme but CLOSE,

I should have just about enough time to get the “ON” mode than haul ass to class… T_T

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LMAO!!! pree I swear your comments are gold. I laughed so hard on this particular comment, Your poor supervisor, his looks cannot compete with the likes of No Min Wo and the rest of our K hotties XD

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SWITCH GIRL!!! Yay. i love that drama . so hilarious and I am actually in class now so I would have to leave this chat too

She actually beat me to the 11th episode.I couldn’t get myself to finish it b4 the sleep bug attacked me