The Perverts Club

Preena i"m dying… that was way to funny roflol

Isn’t it just THE BEST??? lol! ≈DDDDDDDD

Hello Miasama, Nice to see a new person here! Hurray!!! “Secret Big Bang” is the best little drama out there. <3<3 <3<3<3<3<3<3

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Hi Pree and the rest. HI Miasama:) Just like preena says, it is good to see someone new hanging out here.Feel free to join us :slight_smile:

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Preena you got that totally right. I do think of that when i hear the word “smell” and laugh :slight_smile:

I just woke up now and came here to have a look at what’s is going on. I would catch you all later but now adios!

Same for me, I’m off for job!!!

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I agree! those guys are too much!!

I have this visual image very time… It’s awesome :smiley:

I wish they do some more. :smiley:

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Kk I can’t get G-Dragon out of my head I’ve always thought he was cute and like his music now I’m like OMG he’s so frign adorable. These other guys are just so beautiful too I’m jealous!! Some women would freak out if their b/f or husband crossed dressed I on the other hand have discovered I would so be into that…wonders if hubby would let me throw him in a maid outfit

…yup it’s just going to be one of those days…

Woah… That’s a weird gif!!! He’s cute even as a girl, the picture is sweet but his face at the end is keeping troubling my mind… I like bad boys too much… Lolll :slight_smile:


AHHHH my eyes. I hate when men dress up as women. Take it away!!!
Some of them look like really pretty girls :open_mouth:


Do you have GD on your mind now? Yup he does that to me too. Hahahaha… “Why so serious?”

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Don’t they though!!! If I didn’t know who they were I would think they were women!!! They look better in a dress than I do!!! :’(

LOL…you give them too much credit. I am sure you look better than them in a dress XD

LOL yup…


OH GOODY!! the first picture from the Japanese drama,atanshi no danshi…i liked Seto Koji’s character …He was so adorable there…ah!..the good memories…the older he is, the hotter he got

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PICTURE 3: LMAO…look at his scrawny body…i can see his bones

Oh g-dragon,I LOVE YOU 2 BITS!!