1 : You MUSt be a part of a team before this will work.
2: To get into the subtitle section of a movie, go to the movie’s page and click the PLAY button
OR… To get to an episode of a tv show, click the episode link
Once you are in the edit screen…
3: The parts are listed at the bottom. Each part is roughly 10 minutes long.
4: Click SUBTITLE EDITOR at the top left.
5: Select ‘I would like to Subtitle’ button in the upper right and select whichever language you are working in.
6: To see previous edits of the segment you are working in, click the BLUE number at the bottom. (+3)
That is exactly the case. You need to contact someone who has CM or moderator status and in that way the ability to unlock subtitles.
It depends on them to let you work on the subtitles, if the subtitles are really done, some other editor took care, or if they only locked it for safety measures.
Anyway, if you found mistakes, you need to contact them, there is no other way.
Thank you so much for your help and other options.
I am the CM. Misswillow… You are not locked out of the subtitle section of the MOVIE. Man in Love is a MOVIE not a series. There are no episodes.
You are mistakenly clicking on the trailer. DO NOT CLICK THE TRAILER. The trailer IS locked because the English subs are complete already.
Click the PLAY button to get to the movie’s subtitles.
But I think you are too late now to do much with the English subs on this movie. I will send you a different opportunity via PM. Please take your time looking at it. There is no rush for that one. It is an on-going show.