[Viki Community Team] Applications Manager Announcement

But how should they know, that it’s just for that reason, they got rejected? Since they only get sent an automated message. We can’t even choose anything, what should be mentioned in the message like, no moderator yet, they don’t have a Viki Pass or just simply the team is already full.


Maybe there should be a box where you can write in the reason. Or, at the very least, a multiple choice.


This feature is only making the work more tiring. Without any notifications it’s really useless!!


Hi @manganese,
Thanks for your keen observation! :slightly_smiling_face:
Let me check and followup on this, but I believe that at the moment any CM should be able to use Application Manager to currently see applications from Segmenters for their channel just as they’re able to see ones from Subtitlers. That said, it’s true that Chief Segmenters were not added as Recruiters. This is because the team understands that segmenting is such a different skillset from subtitling and really needs its own workflow. Also that Project Finder may not be the best to accommodate segmenting needs and are looking at what alternatives could be more functional.
If it’s OK, I’d love to reach out directly and hear more about how Chief Segmenters are recruiting their teams the old-fashioned way. I’ll send a PM shortly! Thanks!


Thank you @brendas for the additional insight. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

While I’m certainly happy to pass on my thoughts, the very best person to contact regarding this would be @bjohnsonwong as she is highly active in running and managing the NSSA segmenting training and is also a prolific Segmenter and Chief Segmenter. She has great deal more years of experience than I do.


Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your comments. :palms_up_together: It’s really awesome to lean on your experience to get some honest & constructive feedback.

As a reminder - If you haven’t yet, please try out Application Manager and use the “Give Feedback” button (inside Application Manager) to share your thoughts with the team. The comments here are awesome and we are sharing them with the team but feedback through that button is what the team is looking at to primarily gage what kind of future improvements to explore. Thanks to everyone again for taking the time to comment and helping us understand what’s working and where the pain points are. :heart:


Hi @manganese !
Thank you for suggesting that @bjohnsonwong would be a great person to chat with. :+1: I think they were OOO when I chatted with another NSSA Sensei and look forward to connecting with them now. :grinning:
I wanted to circle back on your other question as well! I’ve gotten confirmation from Product that segmenting applications will actually not be routed through Application Manager and will continue to be accessible through inbox. Thank you for letting me rectify my first answer to you!


Thank you for taking the time to find out :slightly_smiling_face:


I checked the Applications Manager. It recruits only for shows where my teams are full, yet doesn’t recruit for shows which are coming soon. What an exercise in futility! :sweat:

Plus it still sends me applicants for Portuguese and Spanish! I told them what I think, where it says to give feedback on the Applications Manager. :eye_in_speech_bubble::speech_balloon: :thought_balloon:

I can’t hide my English Team until all episodes are full, but my English Team was full before any episodes loaded. If I didn’t recruit ahead of time, the episodes would load and I would be without team members! This is no help to my English Teams.

I feel bad to reject applicants and not give them a reason. It mainly is due to the lateness of the Project Finder. So I think it makes Viki seem more discourteous to rookies, and I don’t feel that’s a good thing.

A drama takes 1-2 months for my teams to finish, depending on the number of episodes. Yet we must constantly clean our Applications Manager until all the episodes are full. I know many moderators who will find this frustrating and simply give up going to clean the Applications Manager. It will just create more work for everyone.

Meanwhile, many people who offered will not get replies. I always reply to people who message me, even if it’s to say my team is full.

  1. If the Applications Manager doesn’t do shows which are coming soon, it is useless to our teams where recruitment is vital before the first episode loads.

  2. I test rookies in the origin language because I cannot blindly accept offers based on their claims, ever since we dealt with an abuser. There is no way to test the people who offer on Applications Manager, unless we already worked with them and know their skills.

  3. I cannot accept volunteers without knowing their skills. So I must message them myself rather than use the “Accept” button.

  4. Then it becomes too easy to reject new applicants without giving them a chance. This defeats the purpose of Project Finder for all the new hopefuls who applied.


Basic question. Like, very basic.
We had the “Hide team” on the Channel Manage Page. So why we must repeat the same work again on the Applications Manager page?
I saw, for the finished dramas where I was a moderator, that my languages were either hidden by me or by Viki (as the language was more than 95% complete). So why weren’t they already marked as “unavailable” on the Applications Manager page?
When the “hide team” feature was first announced, it said that when we hide our team, it’s no longer visible on Project Manager.
Yet we have to do this twice?
Shouldn’t it take into account what we have stated there and automatically close for applications the languages we have already hidden?
And if it does hide the project on the Project Manager for wannabe volunteers (I haven’t checked), why doesn’t it show as unavailable on the Applications Managing page?


Major downside:

Once you hide a language team from the project finder ALL applications (sent via the project finder) for said language disappear without a trace, so get ready to make screenshots, everyone!
I don’t know if they automatically got a rejection message, but I guess they should still be listed under “Application status: rejected” in that case (which they are not).

Happened to me twice already – the first time I was receiving subtitler applications for multiple languages as the CM. Since the show came pre-subbed in four languages, the moderators hid their teams and I was unable to get back to the subbers (refer them to the moderator for their language or their language community).
The second time happened when I became the German moderator for a show. I had enough subbers, so I wanted to hide the team there as well (but forgot what happened last time :sweat_smile:), so if I hadn’t checked their profile prior to that, I wouldn’t even be able to look for them in my search history.


I’ve received some applications in Project Finder from subtitlers with 0 contributions. I don’t have a mod for their language, and I don’t know what to do. Reject them without a word of explanation is not a nice thing to do. Write to them to tell them why I have rejected them? It’s a lot of work…It will be easier and nicer if we could write to them, explaining our reasons, directly from Project Finder. (@brendas)


Hi @isabellaeldanna ! Forgive my tardy reply! :pray:
Thank you for reaching out! I love that that you’re keeping every applicant’s feelings in mind and wanting to offer a personal explanation as to why you are having to reject their application. Please stay tuned on this!
Every bit of feedback that has come through Application Manager is being reviewed, evaluated, and prioritized by the team and over the past few weeks updates have been made to address the biggest concerns. More is to come! Thanks!


Hi @irmar - Just wanted to circle back to thank you for bringing up these questions! I know the team reached out to you via Zendesk but I thought it might be helpful to also share the response with everyone here as well as I know the response also helped me. The key was understanding that Applications Manager is meant to show you all the channels that you are a part of. So if a channel appears in Application Manager it does not mean that the channel - or the language team that you’re a part of that channel - is still open. And if you’ve already hidden your team through Manage Channel, you don’t have to hide your team again in Application Manager. Think of the “hide a team” button in Application Manager as shortcut to access the “Manage Channel”/ ”Team Settings” of each channel that you are part of vs. a sign that you need to hide that team. We’re going to update our Help Articles to help explain this better. The team is also looking to see if there’s more feedback on this confusion. Thank you!

If this is so, why not show it as already hidden?
I would like to suggest that for those that are already hidden do not appear in the same way as others.
It’s all right to show all of our projects, but there should be a visual indicator of which we have already hidden the team on. Because sometimes we may not be sure, wonder, did we or didn’t we already? and try to hide them.
When we do, I would like an indication that “the team is already hidden, so don’t bother to do this!”
For all of the channels there is the dropdown menu to choose “open for recruitment” or “not recruiting”. Maybe put a little check on “not recruiting” (a check which you cannot uncheck unless you go to the Channel manage page. And that automatically goes away if the percentage goes down, as happens when the English team add songs or other segments or if a special episode is uploaded etc).
Thus we would immediately know which ones need our attention!


Hi, Brendas!

I have a suggestion regarding that. Being a part of too many shows, and having too many shows on Application Manager sometimes becomes confusing – I can’t probably remember where the team recruitment status is open, and where it is closed.

If the purpose behind AM was to show which projects we are part of as manager and/or moderator, then one helpful thing Viki can do is to add a filter. Through that filter, users can select which shows to show on AM – shows that are recruiting, shows that are not recruiting, or both.

This way, we moderators will find using AM less confusing, and Viki will be able to retain the original purpose of AM. A win-win situation for both. Also, if possible, please add a notification feature, I do not have enough time to check each channel and see where I have new applications. Otherwise, the entire existence of AM is pointless. You might have already seen this topic, right?


Which is redundant. We already have our profile page, the Contributions tag, which lists our projects, and we can sort them by channel role. We don’t need another list of all our projects.
Only those which aren’t complete and that are in need of contributors are eligible to be on the Project Finder.


Hi @irmar - Thanks for the response and explaining a bit more on how you’re viewing / interpreting this button. :pray: If you haven’t already, definitely also share these thoughts & recommendations through that more formal Feedback link within Application Manager. Thanks again!

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Hi @shraddhasingh ! Thank you for joining the conversation and sharing your perspective. :pray: If you’re able, please do submit these thoughts (suggestions & asks!) through that Feedback link in Application Manager if you haven’t already done so. It’s so important that the team hears from as many of our Contributors as possible. Thank you!

How about we had a little combo Applications Manager, where we could also see for which channels we applied to be a Channel Manager? Say there would be a separate section for managing our own CM applications. It would be great to see a list of channels one has applied for, and also to have an option to withdraw such an application. Some dramas/movies are “coming soon” for ages, and we never know in some cases when a given channel is going to be on air, so people apply right away, but after months of waiting, one may simply forget what channels they have applied for – believe it or not :face_with_hand_over_mouth: And sometimes circumstances may change, so after 6 weeks or 6 months of waiting for a show one may want to withdraw their CM application, as they are no longer available/interested, but we don’t have such an option now. I think this would be helpful for Viki Staff as well, as it’s better to choose from those actually and currently interested and available. We have a view of projects we are already part of (e.g. on our profile page), but not of those that we applied to be the CM of, so this would be useful, I think.