[Viki Community Team] Badge Quest 2024!

Hi everyone,

We’re excited to introduce a brand new event called Badge Quest!

Badge Quest will take place over the first 3 weeks of December, and will have additional point levels based on your feedback.

There are four (4) ways you can earn badges during Badge Quest. Whether you try for one, or for them all, we hope you’ll have some fun while supporting your fellow Contributors on their own quests for a badge. :heart:

Here are the badges you can earn:

Badge 1: Participation Badge

Receive a participation badge by making at least 100 contribution points at any time during Badge Quest, from December 1 @ 12:00 AM UTC to December 21 @ 11:59 PM UTC.

Badge 2: Journey Badge [NEW!]

Receive a journey badge for every week of Badge Quest by making at least 100 contribution points per week. The journey badges will take you from the forests (Week 1) through the meadows and rivers (Week 2) until you reach the castle (Week 3)! NOTE: Please check the weekly schedule under “General Guidelines” below to make sure you understand the start and end dates & times for every week.

Option 3: Event Badge

Receive an event badge based on your total contribution points earned throughout the duration of Badge Quest. You must reach the minimum number of contribution points to reach any of these point levels: 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000 or 15000. You will be awarded the highest level event badge you are eligible for, and all the event badges leading up to it.

Option 4: Top 100 Contributors Badge

Aim to earn a Top 100 Contributors badge by making the most contribution points during Badge Quest! The Top 100 Contributors will be proportionate to the % of Segmenters and Subtitlers participating in the event.

We will also have a weekly Discussion post where you may share which badge you’re going after while spreading good vibes and cheer to your fellow Contributors!

Full details are available below.

How to participate:

  • Earn a badge by meeting any of the following badge criteria:
    • At least 100 contribution points at any time during Badge Quest to earn a participation badge
    • At least 100 contribution points during any of the assigned weeks of Badge Quest to earn a journey badge
    • Reach a minimum contribution point level by the end of Badge Quest to earn an event badge:
      • Point levels: 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, 15000
    • Be one of the Top 100 Contributors by the end of Badge Quest to earn a Top Contributor badge
  • Share the badge(s) you’re pursuing in the dedicated Discussions thread each week, and encourage 2 others by clicking the heart to “like” their post! (optional)
    • Weekly Badge Quest Discussion threads can be found here

General guidelines:

  • Badge Quest runs from December 1, 2024 00:00 UTC – December 21, 2024 23:59 UTC. Convert your local time zone to UTC here.
  • Each week starts at Sunday 00:00 and ends Saturday 23:59, in UTC time.
  • Contributions can be segments, subtitles or both.
  • Badges will be awarded 7 – 10 days after Badge Quest ends on December 21, 2024
  • RSVP here!

Check out the FAQ page, starting November 26, 2024 (PST), for suggested shows if you’re looking for a new project to contribute on. New titles will be added to the FAQ page throughout Badge Quest so keep checking back!


Very nice to have a new event but there is still no official position of you regarding the fact that right now you reward your subbing contributors in two different ways: 1 point and 2 points. I thought that maybe you would accept the mistake you made, and you would fix things before an event to have it fair for everyone (side fact: I think that until now we have ~4 people hiding from the leaderboard after the hot discussions we had here about the false need of the OL TE role rewarded with 2 points).

At this moment I stopped being bothered by the new OL TE role but I still can’t agree with having it rewarded with 2 points. And since you keep a total silence about it I guess I will have to use it starting with this event… and the reason it’s very clear…

Anyway, thank you for this new event.


and what does that change? The best they’re going to get is a picture! A little badge that doesn’t do anything more than a picture to stick in an album, what’s wrong with that?


I don’t know at all what you mean by “hiding from the leaderboard”, but I fully agree that two OL editor roles is a false need, and the double contribution point is an extremely bad idea.

That’s why I’ve created a poll. Let’s see how many of us will support the existing system (even with badge quests and subathlons luring them to use it to cheat) and how many would want to go back to the more fair “one point for each contribution” system we had before. Let our voices be heard.


In past there was a link to sign up, is it this time NOT necessary to sign up, please advise, thanks.


Just check your messages, there is a link to the form. Or here Badge Quest 2024 – RSVP


I believe it was missing, therefore I wrote it…

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@vikicommunity, I really want to know how you’re going to distribute the Top 100 badges. And what do you mean by

The Top 100 Contributors will be proportionate to the % of Segmenters and Subtitlers participating in the event.

Right now, the leaderboard is very flawed, as you can see in this image:

Two different ranks for the same amount of contributions by one single person. Which one is real?

Another question:

As you can see in this image, with a difference of 1 subtitle, a volunteer has a very huge difference in their rank:

So if, say, 99 people make 12,000 contributions over the course of Badge Quest, will they all receive the Top 100 badge and their rank will be counted as 1, then another 99 will receive the Top 100 badge?
These 99 will receive the Top 100 badge and 1 more person will receive the Top 100 badge? In essence, how many people will receive the Top 100 badge? If two people make the same amount of contributions, will there be 101 receivers?

Good luck to anyone participating!


I thought the difference was because some people don’t want their names shown on the list. The real position would then be the one under the list.

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As we are coming to an end with the Badge Quest I want to use this chance to not only say THANK YOU to our amazing OL-Mods that have put in the work to allow us to reach our Badge Goals but to share an Idea that might not be the worst one I had yet. :sweat_smile:

As I am a subber in the German Community I am eternally grateful for every single Moderator I worked with. All of them put in the effort of watching the shows beforehand and most of the ones that I know even prepare a detailed Document with guidance and German-Specific tips (as we do have the informal and formal speech too, etc.).

Those Mods put in so much effort and work - yet they have barely the chance to get Badges as they could, when they would “only do Subtitling/Segmenting” because the preparing is already time consuming and eats up the sparse time we have besides family, work and other hobbies (I heard some people really do stuff * outside * of Viki :wink: :joy:).

My idea at this point (maybe for the next Badge Quest): How about a Badge for the Mods?
The Mods, who can not Subtitle or Segment because they need to prepare the projects and the episodes.
The Mods, who communicate daily, almost hourly, with their teams to make sure that we can work.
The Mods, who are an integral part of this community as the connector between the Channel Manager and the Subtitler/Segmenter.

I am sorry, that kind of got out of hand in its length - and as the Badge Quest is still going I should probably head back to my projects. :joy:

But I hope I could convey the message and maybe, maybe, someone from Viki will read it and award our amazing Mods with the Badge that they deserve.

Happy Holidays :heart_decoration:

Disclaimer: I am not this experienced within this Community as I am mostly only reading so please forgive me if I excluded a group or some people, that was not my intention! I am merely writing out of my own perspective as a 100% subber in my community.


I hope everyone had a sattifying badge quest. Happy holidays! :snowman_with_snow: