Dear xylune,
You know, I was addressing a very specific situation about someone who worked as subber on my teams and was very responsible, abiding by the rules and always improving. One day, that person (let’s name him/her Kate) was selected as an OL Mod. and, suddenly, she wrote me (very sad and hurt) informing me she was stripped of her position due a flood of messages to the CM claiming she was an abuser in the past.
I was taken aback and too shocked with those news. That wasn’t Entirely the person I knew, so I fully believed it was pure slander out of unfair competition.
Every time Kate goes to a team, CMs receive a flood of messages trying to scare them about her just to have her removed from the team.
Time has proven and I am witness that person has not been abusing. (Personal issues aside, I must be fair.)
Those people who repeteadly report her are clever, so they also must have noticed that person has completed projects succesfully and it’s not abusing, plus I believe they must have heard how much her teams love her.
If Kate was really an abuser, her projects wouldn’t have been completed and that would have been proven by now. No one would have dared to work with her anymore because her very CMs would have reported her to the other CMs.
By the way, those CMs who worked with her have my Utmost respect for believing in what they saw and not in what people said, as it should be in a healthy community.
Time has proven those claims really lack substance.
Nobody here is Mod. out of pity, I guess.
So, what about the reason regarding this flood of messages to the CMs? Why does it happen? That lead us directly to the field of personal values.
Before I go on further: I fully respect the way we were all raised and what we value. It’s quite personal, no one have a say on that. Absolute respect.
Now, I’ll proceed:
Since I was a little kid my parents, my family, my teachers and the people around me (those amazing beings), taught me that everyone who had made mistakes, as long as they mend their ways, have the right of a second chance. Therefore, they must be helped to stand up once again.
I fully believe all of us are light and shadows and that all of us have made mistakes.
Most of the people who dislike me it’s precisely of a certain community because I dared to tell exactly, on a group message, what I though about those who seem to be delighted in cutting off other’s peoples wings instead of guiding and helping, giving second chances because none of us is perfect.
Those who never did mistakes, please, feel free to throw the first stone.
Did you know what? The most important part is precisely too ironic: None of us here in Viki have real concrete evidence that person was an abuser in the past.
Why flooding CM’s with such scaring messages about that person specially when (if it was an abuser in the past) has already mended his/her ways and changed, then?
Does it make sense? Not for me.
At this point, everything is up about what we value as individuals regarding other human beings.
Regarding those cases you pointed out as examples that should be reported, just dialogue with Viki. They already said it:
Work together, the way I see it, since they already changed the rules about our oldies CMs. it’s that we together must cooperate and give feeedback in order to have a better Viki for all of us.
I think, according to what I see through their words and actions, they are open to improvements, so why do not gather more people concerned about such specific situations and let Viki know about the need of some changes regarding this guideline/rule?
Obviously, reports must be really narrowed down to plain and objective evidence to build a better Viki for each and everyone of us, from A to Z. What you have showed us in your post can be proved plainly, so I do not see any obstacle for achieving those things if you talk to Viki.
They are open for further improvements, they already showed that. Why not try? Just do what you, guys, think it’s best
Thank you for reading me!^^