Viki French Bot's unusual activity on the channel without notice

The same problem in ‘The Investiture of the Gods’. All the episodes have been translated in french today by the “bot”, but the English edition hadn’t been done after episode 32 and I was just finishing translating episode 31.
I think I’m going to add myself and all my translators as a translation editor to correct these horrors with two points.


:laughing: crab apple has been translated word by word ‘pomme crabe’ instead of "pommier pauvage’
(the female lead do love crab apple blosssoms)


I’m fed up ! :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::angry::triumph:


Avec un tel pseudo, tu ne peux pas ! mdr :slight_smile:
With this name, you don’t ! :slight_smile:


Hey, I noticed it on Fateful Love, too. We were translating it quickly, and here came the bot translating nonsense! From “She had talent and skill” to “Elle avait du talent et du talent.” I love it, really (it’s sarcasm, just in case). You make things insufferable.


Please see the new thread: Viki Spanish Bot’s unusual activity on the channel without notice
The same thing happened on Fugitive from Joseon – viki is NOT keeping the written promise to mark every single machine-translated line with “Auto-Sub” above it! The poor viewer who is familiar with high quality human created subs is in for a very rude surprise.


I wrote on every episode that they are translated by the bot viki. I don’t want viewers believe that is our work.


Stop it with your bots, please, you’re breaking the authenticity of the dramas! What makes these dramas interesting is that they are translated by passionate people who love translating. We don’t want to become robot proofreaders. We want to correct real persons!

You’re imposing bots on us without even warning us or asking our opinion on the usefulness of this extra help. You could at least have left a message for your FR volunteers to warn them of the intention to… the slower among us would have speeded up their work and the others would have helped these people.

I understand that viewers want faster subtitles, but bots leave a lot of mistakes in dramas so FR teams still have to review them days later, and how does that improve the viewer experience?

I don’t know how things will work out, but VIKI isn’t losing its trademark “passionate about dramas, translated by passionate persons for passionate persons”. Bots aren’t passionate about anything…


Has anyone else noticed that the bot learns from our translation ? On Brewing Love that comes out 2 episodes every week, I saw that on the second week, the bot started using our vocabulary for example, The Only Brewery was “la seule brasserie” on the first 2 episodes became L’Unique brasserie (the name that our team has chosen), the next weeks. Same thing with the ost, they changed many lines to match ours. If Viki has such a high opinion of our translations, why do they insist on bot translating. Viki’s so called translating is awful. All kinds of mistake, on gender, familiarity levels (tu/vous), expressions, verbs, even the names change from one episode to another. For your information @vikicommunity we need as many translators for a presub project, we just call them editors, but it break their motivation and it’s harder to recrute.


That’s the thing! I’ve notice the same too just in correcting directly on the segment before saving it. The bot, after a refresh, changed its translation to take mine! It’s not a bug. We are its teachers!


As a segmenter, I think that not all subtitles are created by bots. There must be real people involved in some shows. How can I tell?!?! When I combine or split segments and look directly at the subtitles to transfer them into the segments, the Spanish, French and Portuguese subtitles are sometimes more “complete” than the English subtitles. The BOT takes the English subtitles as a reference, doesn’t it? How can it provide the “more complete” translation if a human has not translated it from the original language?

I noticed this extremely with Pit Babe. Something seemed to be missing from an English subtitle. During QC, I looked directly in the presubs to see if the segger had forgotten to combine something during segmentation or if it had accidentally not been saved. The English subtitles were incomplete from the beginning, while the French subtitles were complete (Spanish and Portuguese were also incomplete)

I don’t want to gloss over the whole thing, I think that Viki is making a big mistake with the BOTS (and also with the paid subbers) and should stop this as soon as possible before all the good volunteers are gone.
I’m only writing this because people are wondering whether the BOTS are learning from us. I rather think that the people who translate are guided by the existing translations.


J’adore cette réponse !! J’ai eu la même, sur un projet de 60 épisodes, il a fait 35 épisodes… ça va être très pénible de tout arranger.


A ta place je ne remplacerais rien. Moi, on a mangé 2 épisodes alors qu’il en reste juste 4 à traduire sur la série. Et bien qu’ils gardent le crédit de ce travail. J’ai précisé que ces 2 épisodes n’avaient pas été traduits par l’équipe et qu’ils ne seront pas édités. Nous ne somme pas là pour faire du training de “subber” ou de “bot” (peu importe qui a fait ce travail).


J’aurai tendance si les épisodes sont traduits à ne rien toucher et à lui octroyer le crédit, après tout c’est lui qui a bossé :slight_smile: Laissons-le avoir les félicitations du jury.
I would tend if the episodes are translated, to touch nothing and give him credit, after all he is who worked:) Let him have the congratulations of the jury.


Et pourquoi ne pas juste demander à la manager de ton drama d’effacer les sous-titres des épisodes touchés et de les refaire, puisque il ne te restait plus grand-chose à traduire ?
Je suis d’accord que corriger ça n’est pas normal. Mais effacer, comme on faisait avant, lorsque quelqu’un qui n’était pas de l’équipe passait traduire n’importe quoi sur un épisode.


Tu as raison, c’est “plus facile” et si les téléspectateurs se plaignent alors peut-être que viki se réveillera, on est humain et commencer un projet en traduction et le terminé en édition est assez agaçant, pas pour moi et mon éditrice car ça revient au même travail, mais surtout pour mes traductrices.
Je vais quand même en parler à mon équipe!


Oui c’est ça ahah, que des jolis compliments de ces belles traductions !! Je pense faire ça aussi


Je suis en attente de sa réponse justement. Mais je sais que certains CM de personnes touchées n’ont pas voulu les effacer et suggèrent de plutôt éditer cela.


je ne pense pas avoir le courage d’éditer plus de 30 épisodes d’Investiture of the gods, alors que l’édition anglaise n’a pas encore été faite. Je pense que ça restera comme ça pour l’instant.


Oui, ça c’est une autre chose qui ne va pas dans le système. Les présubs sont faits avant toute édition en anglais ce qui donne des horreurs.

The fact that the presubs are done before any english edition is a problem. We have to change almost everything. I think that the CMs are not allowed by Viki to undo the presubs. If they could, at least, erase them one episode at the time, just before we start translating an episode…