Viki French Bot's unusual activity on the channel without notice

Qu’on l’accepte ou non, le AI bot est en train de copier nos capacités de traduction et d’interprétation. Nous sommes en train d’enseigner à une machine comment faire le même travail, mais plus vite. Bientôt, ils n’auront plus besoin de bénévoles, juste d’abonnés.


I just ask to be informed. If this is the end of the French subtitling community, let us know.
Some recent Korean dramas have been presubbed in French, I guess they’ve now chosen to use their bot on older dramas without even checking whether a team wasn’t already working on them.


If it’s the end, it would very sad that it finish like that without a word from Viki.


Hi Viki!
Thank you so much for messing with us!
Really, what a joke!

I’ve been watching Asian dramas for a long time now. And I had changed my streaming service EXACTLY because I COULDN’T stand all the mistakes I could see in the subtitles of the former one.
Then I started to like Viki very much because yours were better. Eventually, I wondered how these were made. When I understood the process, well, I thought, “Let’s try it!”
Wow! I literaly dove into it! Right away! I found a super extra modo, or shall I say, she found me. She explained everything step by step. And all the team were being very patient towards me.
Later on, I could have the NSSA training and I did a hard work in order to improve.

And one day, suddenly, I was told that hard work could just go to the bin! Because our work would now be done by a bot! And now our CM are not even told about it!

Wait! What? We’ve all been working so hard for months to learn all these rules about what we should do and what we mustn’t do! We’ve all been re-learning our own language and its subtilities. We’ve been learning contexts about this or that country. We’ve been searching, for hours sometimes, for this or that expression in this or that specific context! The CM have been recruiting modos. The modos have been recruiting editors and translators…

We’ve been enjoying so much. There is so much love for Asian dramas, film and culture in this community. There is so much respect for the actors, film directors and staff here. There is so much love for the good work and so much respect for the viewer. And all of this, we do it for free.

All these Asian videos spread hope all over the world. This community, in a way, helped get out of depression.

And you wanna replace us by bots, just like that? And you wanna threw out all this hard work!

This is outrageous!

I don’t even have the words. And when we see the subtitles made by the bots, it’s all out of context, there’s no distinction between formal relationship and informal relationship…

And why is that? Why is a bot replacing us? Oh, maybe because, as volunteers, we do our work so well that, right, we take the time to check the spelling mistakes, oh, so sorry! We take the time to check the punctuation, to add translation notes sometimes, really, we apologize! We have to verify where the scene takes place, the relationship between the characters, the historical background and so on and so forth, oh, what a shame!

So please, for the sake of the passionate viewers just like us, if not for ours, just let us go back to the way it was before the bot started running Viki. Please, please, please.


With love… and tears in our eyes :heart:


I’d also like to know what impact this will have on the NSSA (subbing divisions).


C’est tellement bien explique ! C’est exactement ce que tout le monde ressent en voyant notre travail, nos efforts, à essayer de s’améliorer, à chercher dans le dictionnaire, à supprimer et recommencer à traduction plusieurs fois afin d’etre le plus proche, tout ça gacher par un bot !


It’s true.


@deval_chloe mon dashboard a finalement évolué pour comptabiliser ces 2 épisodes “piqués”. Mardi c’était à 37/40 et ce matin c’est à 38/40. C’est à jour.

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Pour ma part, mon dashboard n’a pas changé, j’ai encore et toujours “My Mr. Mermaid” dedans alors qu’il ne devrait pas y être :sweat_smile:
Tant mieux pour toi que le tien soit à jour :slight_smile:

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Juste for the fun! - “It pisses me off”


:rofl: Merci Blueforest :heart:


Dear friends, dear CMs,
I was deeply shocked by what just happened on Viki this Wednesday, November 27, 2024, just before Thanksgiving weekend!
A bot translated the last episodes of the dramas we were moderating, without even warning us!
Several of us French moderators had this very unpleasant experience. I found this shocking and deeply disrespectful compared to the amount of work that French moderators/editors and ALL volunteer translators generously OFFER to Viki and its viewers.
Personally, I’m going to finish the two projects I’m moderating, as I’m committed to doing so.
To my dears CMs, but also to my WONDERFUL translators who give their all, as I’m annoyed and angry about this situation, I won’t be moderating any more in December 2024, January and February 2025.
After that, I’ll see. But maybe I’ll be totally disconnected from Viki.
With love and much affection :heart:
Blueforest (French moderator/editor/sensei in NSSA subbing)


My Blue !!! You offered me one of my very first project and what a one ! I’m sad still I totally understand you. Take care. :heart:


Thank you dear :heart: Don’t worry, I’ll stay here, but without French moderation for three months.
Viki hasn’t yet worked on moderator and editor bot. They could work on it if the moderators were away for a while.
And I don’t accept that Viki makes me feel so uncomfortable. Normally we’re here to have fun, no stress.
Dear French friends listen to some happy music to chase away all those negative emotions we’ve been storing up since Wednesday!
Jiayou! :laughing:


I understand all you so much. I am mad that Viki give priority to rapidity instead of quality. And now this !
My team and I change almost all the presub on a project. The French language is complex, and the translation, sometimes are wrong, we have language levels that are not respected (Tu/Vous) and they are so many mistake. And now on current projects, putting these ultra-bad presubs in the place of the work we give so much energy to? There’s good reason to be disappointed and a lot of us are disappointed. I’m terribly sorry for all of us, and very angry at Viki for choosing the worst possible solution.


Je vais répondre en français, @vikicommunity me traduira avec un bot ou ils demanderont à notre cher Romnel_machinchouette.

Te voir partir chère Blue, c’est l’âme de la communauté française qui pleure. C’est en grande partie grâce à toi que je suis maintenant modératrice. J’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à traduire et éditer à tes côtés, mais tout a changé. J’ai la chance de modérer 3 superbes séries qui sont charcutées par les traductions Viki. La motivation des équipes n’y est plus, ce n’est pas la même chose de traduire à partir de l’anglais que de corriger un français approximatif.

Viki nous a permis d’entrer en contact avec des gens de partout qui sont liés par l’amour du français et des séries asiatiques. J’aurai de la peine de partir, mais j’ai bien peur que la communauté française tire à sa fin. Les CM commencent à nous dire qu’on n’a pas besoin d’équipe puisque c’est déjà sous-titré, on fonce droit dans le mur. Ils trouveront des modératrices qui accepteront de tout faire seul et ça deviendra la norme.

Je suis triste.

P.S. @romnel_bunoan_941 Now it’s time to translate.



I just wanted to offer my support to the French community, although it may not mean much.

Obviously not only the translation, but also the choice of projects was done automatically, unselectively and therefore insensitively to the hard-working community of translators.

At least the programmers of the Viki bot could have had the decency to limit the bot to projects which had been on a standstill for a month or two - those which may have actually needed some help.

Furthermore, if Viki believes that a bot has to be employed, my opinion is that those translations should be created in its own subtitle language category - for example, French (auto-translation).

Automatic translations should never be mixed with human translations since they are sub-par in every way but speed.


Thanks @myBlue
Pour ces quelques minutes de fun !
Il y en a bien besoin, ma belle <3


Jiayou ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: