Want to subtitle? Let people know!

Thats great, did you receive a diploma or badge?

I only completed the training videos. I’m still on the waiting list.

Hi Everyone!
I want to subtitle English to Turkish if you know a project or want me to subtitle your project please let me know. ^^ :grinning:

Any link to your Viki profile?..

Hello, I am new to the subbing experience and hope to help out as a part-time chinese-english subber.
ć€§ćź¶ć„œïŒŒæˆ‘æ˜Żæ–°æ„çš„çż»èŻ‘è€…ă€‚ćžŒæœ›èƒœć€ŸćŠ ć…„äž€äžȘć›ąé˜Ÿćšć…ŒèŒçš„çż»èŻ‘ă€‚:grinning:

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(I’m sorry, I only know a few words, here’s my try):

Nin hao ma, nin neng gei For_rmcer fa youjian, ta shi hen shanliang (ke shi ta hen meng :slight_smile:) Xie Xie Nin! Zhu nin hao yun!

Hey there !
Je suis volontaire pour aider dans les traductions en anglais-français.
N’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  me contacter :slight_smile:

@piranna bonjour, est-ce que t’aie besoin quelqu’un?

cc: @simi11

Bonjour !

Il y a beaucoup de modératrices françaises qui recrutent des traducteurs français sur les nouveaux dramas de Viki :grinning:

1/ Tu peux visiter les profils des modératrices françaises et contacter par exemple :
https://www.viki.com/users/justine_desmoulins/about et https://www.viki.com/users/anna79_9/about

Il y a aussi d’autres modĂ©ratrices françaises sur Viki, n’hĂ©site pas Ă  visiter leur profil et voir les dramas qu’elles traduisent en ce moment !

2/ L’autre mĂ©thode, c’est de chercher un drama en cours qui te plait (les derniĂšres nouveautĂ©s et Ă©pisodes en cours sont sur la page d’accueil de Viki).
Sur la page de prĂ©sentation française du drama qui t’intĂ©resse, regarde si la modĂ©ratrice française recrute et contacte-la si c’est le cas :slight_smile:

En espĂ©rant que tu t’amuseras dans la traduction et que tu feras de belles rencontres :slight_smile:

@simi11 Thank you, Simi!! So kind :slight_smile:

I only have 2 channels right now in French moderation that are in need of French subs (others are subbed and need editing):

1/ one is a “created” content but we’re not a lot, around 1-2 subbers come (thank you to them!). And honestly, I try to avoid vloggers right now, the more I watch them, the more I kinda feel they become narcissist in such a way that the vlog becomes less interesting (maybe that’s just in my head

2/ one is an old long drama with less visibility than new ones and is already half subbed. She won’t have super good looking males as in Kdramas nowadays and the female lead is a victim. I’m alone, couldn’t find anyone.

Not sure all these facts will motivate some subbers compared to new dramas: just being realist.

=> With these very few and uncommon channels, I don’t think I’m the right person to call when it comes to French moderation :slight_smile:
When there are friends who are ready to be moderators and editors, why not taking the luxury of subbing instead! That’s what has me hooked in the first place on Viki: subbing = return to the source.
I like reading stories and hearing stories. Compared to everything a volunteer can do on Viki, subbing is for me the closest thing to that, you’re a tale-teller. Something like ingenuity. Like when you create something, when you paint, when you bake, when you write

Yes, there are always some rules (the language is itself a rule), but there’s always some space for creative power and when you sub or segment or edit or paint or bake or write, you just feel it :blush:

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Merci beaucoup pour tes conseils ! J’irai jeter un coup d’oeil à tout ça :slight_smile:

Hello, I would like to help with subtitles. I can translate from English to Spanish. Thank you <3

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Hello, I can help with subtitles into Spanish. I’m fluent in English and I am intermediate level in French. Thanks! :3

hey! if you need a translator from spanish to portuguese, i can help!!!

Native Finnish speaker looking for Korean/ Japanese/ Chinese dramas to translate into Finnish over here! I’m studying the English language and translation at a Finnish university atm, I’m very interested in Asian drama and would like to practice my future profession. Send me a PM if you need a Finnish translator.


HELLO! i would like to help to subtitle,i can subtitle from english to portuguese <3

Hello, I am available to translate subtitles from English to Italian! Feel free to DM me with projects :slight_smile: :cherry_blossom:

Hi, I can subtitle from English to Hungarian. :slight_smile:

Hello, I am available to translate from english to french and looking for projects.

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Hello, I would love to help as an English-German translator. I already have some experience, so if you need someone, message me. Thank you :smile:

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Hello, I can translate English to Portuguese and IÂŽm looking for a project to contribute. Please contact me.