Want to subtitle? Let people know!

Buenas tardes, quisiera ayudar a traducir de Ingles a Español el drama coreano Monthly Magazine Home.

You should contact the spanish moderator.

Hi if someone is searching for an italian subtitler I’m available :blush:

Hello! Im starting here as a volunteer so Im looking for projects. I translate from English to Portuguese. I’m very excited to help!


Hola, you need to contact the Spanish Moderator of the drama “Monthly Magazine”! Buen suerte!

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bumping this thread, too many social treads are flooding this forum…
you can pin this thread so it stays on top of the page

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Pinning a topic doesn’t push it to the top for me. Does it work for you?

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hii people, i’m volunteering to subtitle English to French! French is my first language :smile:

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hi i’m interested!

I tried many times It won’t work for me either

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Indeed it only works briefly and then goes back down, but I can see the pin above the topic so how does it work, lol… I don’t know why?? :open_mouth::disappointed_relieved:

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Olá sou Sofis uma das moderadoras de “Love in time” Quem tiver interrese na tradução me mande mensagem são poucas vagas Observação importante: o projeto anterior de tradução desse drama não foi concluído, pois não houve conclusão de edição e revisão pela equipe de Língua Inglesa, na época em que foi lançado. Por esse motivo nosso CM (manganese) solicitou ao Viki que pudesse refazer o projeto, e agora estamos aqui! Estamos nos preparando para dar o restart muito em breve!
nesse drama temos apenas poucas vagas 7 ou 8 no máximo, então quem quiser me mande mensagem no privado!

link do meu perfil - https://www.viki.com/users/sofis_306/overview

Do contact the subbers directly, using a PM. The list of subbers for each month is just a bit up in this thread. Let’s leave this thread for subbers offering their services, as the title of the thread says.


¡Hola! Si hablas español y quieres comenzar a subtitular puedes leer este documento, que hice para principiantes, te enseña desde cómo conseguir un nuevo proyecto así que espero que te ayude mucho. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjiboSp0VMT9-EtEYakLYfa98YHJY_J8ax4XTORu8fE/edit?usp=sharing
Un abrazo enorme, y cualquier duda puedes escribirme.
Un abrazo.


Hola, te comparto esto, espero te sea de ayuda. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjiboSp0VMT9-EtEYakLYfa98YHJY_J8ax4XTORu8fE/edit?usp=sharing
Es un doc que explica cosas, incluso como solicitar para entrar en un equipo.
Está en español. Un abrazo.

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deleting this off topic

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if you are looking for someone to do subtitles from English to French, I’m available!

¡Muchas gracias!

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Bonjour, je suis disponible pour faire les sous-titres de l’anglais vers le français peu importe le style et la langue de la série. :le sourire:

Hi! I’m a newbie but I would like to also help with writing subtitles. :slight_smile: Someone needs an English-to-Polish translation???